

词汇 course


  • course
  • courses
  • courses
  • coursing
  • coursed
  • coursed


  • ①[通常作the course](时间或空间的)进行,前进
    • the course of history历史的进程
    • the course of life人生的旅程
  • ② 所经之路(如道路、航线等)或进行方向
    • If you follow the course of the river, you'll get to the sea.如果你顺着河道走,你会到大海。
    • The Yangtze takes its course to the east.长江向东流。
    • a ship's course船的航线
    • The plane was on course.那架飞机照航线航行。
    • The aircraft was many miles off course.该飞机偏离航线很多英里。
  • ③ (事情的)过程,进行,经过或发展情形
    • The course of the argument suddenly changes.辩论的过程[方向]突然改变了。
    • in the course of nature=in the ordinary course of things [events]依照自然[正常]发展的情形
    • You had better allow events to follow their course.你最好让事件自行发展。
  • ④ (行动)方针
    • hold to a middle course固守中道
    • hold [change] one's course保持[改变]自己的方针
    • take one's own course采取自己的方针;做自己喜欢做的事
    • The company has a choice of three courses of action.该公司有三个行动方案可供选择。
  • ⑤ 连续,一连串(谈话、治疗等);(通常指中学以上的)课程
    • a course of lectures一连串(有连续系统)的演讲
    • a course of medical treatment一系列的治疗
    • a course of study一门课程;学习指导要领
    • an art [a chemistry] course一门艺术[化学]课程
    • a summer course夏季讲座[讲习]
    • take a course in business administration选读一门工商管理的课程
    • How many courses are you taking this semester?这学期你选几门课程?
  • ⑥ 一道菜(★dinner时依序所出的每一种食物,通常依soup, fish, meat, dessert, coffee的顺序)
    • the first course第一道菜
    • a fish course鱼(一道菜)
    • the main course主菜
    • a three-course dinner三道菜的正餐或晚餐
  • ⑦ 1(赛跑或竞赛的)场地2赛马场
    • a golf course高尔夫球场
    • walk over the course(马因未遇劲敌而)轻易得胜
  • ⑧ 【建】(建筑物中,以砖、石等连续砌成的)横层


  • ① (用猎犬)狩猎
  • ② (血液)流动,流过;(眼泪、泪水等)奔流
    • The blood courses through the veins.血液在血管中流动。
    • Tears coursed down her cheeks.眼泪经她的双颊流下。


  • ① 用猎犬追猎(野兔等)
  • ② (液体)奔流过
    • Tears coursed her cheeks.泪水流下她的双颊(★"Tears coursed down her cheeks.眼泪经她的双颊流下。"的说法较常用)。


  • in course of time
    • ① 终于,最后,总有一天(=finally)
    • The truth will be known in course of time.真相终会为人知晓。
  • in due course
    • ① 照自然[正常]的发展顺序;到适当的时候;不久终将
    • I'll tell you the truth in due course.在适当的时候,我会告诉你真相。
  • in the course of ...
    • ① 在…当中(=during)
    • In the course of the day, he gave several speeches.在那一天当中,他发表了几篇演讲。
    • In the course of our conversation, her name was never mentioned.在我们交谈当中,她的名字从未被提起。
  • of course
    • ① 当然(=certainly; naturally)
    • Of course I'll help you.当然我会帮助你。
    • "Do you love her?"-"Of course I do."「你爱她吗?」「我当然爱她。」
    • "May I use your phone?"-"Of course."「我可以借用你的电话吗?」「当然可以。」
    • "Are you angry?"-"Of course not!"「你生气吗?」「当然没生气。」
    • "I hope I've not spoiled things."-"Of course not, Jean."「我希望我没有将事情弄糟。」「当然没有,珍。」
    • Of course she is well qualified as a nurse, but she has little experience.她当然很有资格当护士,但她没什么经验。
    • "Today is Sunday; all the stores are closed."-"Oh, Of course!"「今天是礼拜天;商店都关门。」「啊,当然!」
  • run [take] its [their] course
    • ① 顺其自然发展;自然消灭
    • You had better let your disease run its course.你最好让你的病(完全发作后)自然痊愈。
    • Justice must take its course.正义一定要伸张。
    • Let matters run [take] their course.任事情顺其自然发展下去吧。
  • stay the course
    • ① (赛跑时)跑到终点
    • ② 奋斗[坚持]到底


  • actionn.作为
  • classn.课程
  • conductn.做法
  • developmentn.发展
  • lecturen.讲课
  • progressionn.进行
  • routen.路线




  • ① =of course¹(★亦作'course)




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