

词汇 contain


  • contains
  • containing
  • contained
  • contained


  • ① 包含,含有(★不可用进行式)
    • What does that chest contain?那个大箱装了什么?
    • This box contains twenty books.这个箱子装了二十本书。
    • This book contains all the information I need.这本书包含我所需要的全部信息。
  • ② 可盛[装];能容纳;等于(★一般用hold)
    • This jar contains enough wine for all of us.这个瓮装有足够我们大家喝的葡萄酒。
    • A pound contains 16 ounces.一磅等十六盎斯。
  • ③[通常用于否定句][亦作contain oneself]控制(情绪等);容忍
    • He could hardly contain his anger.他几乎无法忍住怒气。
    • He was so furious [excited] he couldn't contain himself.他激怒[兴奋]得无法控制自己。
  • ④ 【几何】构成(图形)的边界;围[夹]成(角度)
    • a contained angle夹角
  • ⑤ 【数】可被…除尽,可整除
    • 12 contains both 3 and 4.12可被3和4除尽。
  • ⑥ 【军】围堵[牵制](敌军等)
    • a containing attack [force]牵制攻击[部队]


contain: 表示其中包含有某成分或部分

The building contains two restaurants and twenty offices.

hold: 指能够容纳、盛、装,或有足够的容量;常可与contain互用

This elevator holds nine persons.

accommodate: 指建筑物、设施等舒适地容纳

The hotel accommodates sixty people.


include: 指将部分[要素]包含于全体之中

The area includes many big cities.

contain: 指作为内容物而加以包含

comprehend: 指将无形或抽象的东西包含于某物的范围或界限之中,为正式的用语

His lecture comprehended all the major issues on modern physics.

embrace: 尤其强调所包含事物的多样性或范围之广

This rule embraces every possibility.

involve: 指因果之类的包含关系

The job involves lots of hardship.


  • accommodatevt.容纳
  • controlvt.控制
  • holdvt.容纳
  • hold backvt.压抑
  • restrainvt.抑制
  • collect
  • compose
  • comprehend
  • comprise
  • cool
  • embody
  • embrace
  • encompass
  • have
  • include
  • involve
  • simmer down
  • subsume
  • take in
  • arrest
  • bear
  • carry
  • check
  • curb
  • hold in
  • incorporate
  • moderate
  • stop
  • take
  • turn back




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