

词汇 at


/ət], strong form [æt//ət/


  • ① 1[指地点或位置;→by¹; in]在…,于…2[指入口或出口处]由3[指到达某地]4[指在场、出席]在,出席,在场
    • at a point于一点
    • at the center在中央
    • at a distance在相隔一段距离处
    • at the foot [top] of a hill在小山之麓[顶]
    • Open your book at [【美】to] page 50.把书翻到第五十页。
    • She bought it at the store over there.她在那边的是那家商店买的。
    • He was educated at Oxford.他是在牛津(大学)受教育的。
    • She is a student at Harvard.她是哈佛(大学)的学生。
    • He lives at 23 Green Street.他住在绿街二十三号。
    • He entered [went in] at the front door and came out at the back.他从前车进去,从后门出来。
    • She looked out at the window.她由窗口往外看。
    • We finally arrived at our destination.我们终于到达目的地。
    • at a meeting在会上(在场与会)
    • at the theater在戏院(在场观剧)
    • at a wedding在婚礼
    • He was at university [【美】in college] from 1983 to 1987.他从1983年到1987年是大学生。
  • ② 1[指时刻或时节]2[指年龄]3[指一次同时地、一口气地]4[指次数多寡]5[指顺序]
    • Come at 6 p.m.下午六点来吧。
    • School begins at eight and ends at four.学校八点开始,四点结束。
    • at 5 o'clock在五点钟
    • at noon在中午
    • at dinner time在晚餐[主餐]时间
    • at present现在
    • at that time当时
    • at the beginning [end] of the month在月初[月底]
    • at the same time在同日时刻
    • at this time of (the) year在一年的这个时候
    • at Christmas在耶诞节
    • at the weekend在周末
    • at (the age of) sixteen在十六岁的时候
    • You can retire at 65.你可以在六十五岁的时候退休。
    • One thing at a time.一次只能做一件事,一时一事(一心不能两用)。
    • at a gallop以奔驰的步子
    • finish something at a sitting一口气做完某事
    • at times有时候
    • at all times无论何时;总是
    • at first [last]首先,起初[最后,终于]
    • at the third attempt在第三次尝试时
  • ③ 1[指活动状况]在从事…中2[指从事的对象]3[指擅长、拙劣](参照in)
    • at breakfast在用早餐
    • at church在(教堂)做礼拜
    • at school在(学校)上课
    • He is at work [plat].他在工作[游戏]。
    • What are you at now?你现在做什么?
    • work at math(s)研究数学
    • knock at the door叩门,敲门
    • He is good [poor] at writing.他擅长[拙于]写作。
    • They are quick [slow] at learning.他们敏[钝]于学习。
    • He is a genius at mathematics.他是个数学天才。
    • He excels at sport.他擅长运动。
  • ④[指状态、情况]1[与表最高级之词连用,表示极致之意]2[指所处状态]3[指困境]4[指停止、休止状态]5[指自由、任意的状态]6[指条件]
    • He is at his best after a good nap.好好小睡之后,他(身心)处于最佳状况。
    • The garden is at its most beautiful in spring.这花园在春天时最美。
    • The snowstorm was at its worst.暴风雪正值最猛烈之时。
    • at peace在平时
    • The two nations have been at war for six weeks.那两国已交战六星期。
    • at leisure在闲暇时
    • He was at a loss.他茫然无措。
    • at a standstill在停滞状态
    • at anchor在停泊中
    • at rest在休息
    • at one's disposal随某人任意支配[使用]
    • at will任意地,随意地
    • at one's own risk由自己负责
  • ⑤[指方向、目标、目的]
    • He looked [stared] at her.他看[瞪]着她。
    • What is he aiming at?他的目的[用意]何在?
    • Don't throw stones at the dog.不要向那条狗丢石头。
    • She laughed at him.她(嘲)笑他。
    • He shouted at her.他对她喊叫。
    • At him!冲向他!
    • His first attempts at a solution were not successful.他头几次响试解决没有成功。
  • ⑥[指感情的原因]因(听到、见到、想到,手触到…而觉得)
    • I was surprised at his stupidity.我对他的愚蠢感到惊讶。
    • He was pleased [delighted] at the result.他对结果感到高兴(★【英】以with代at)。
    • He didn't know whether to feel glad or sorry at his dismissal.他不知道对自己的被解职是要感到高兴还是难过。
  • ⑦[指度数、比率]
    • Water boils at 100℃。水在摄氏一百度时沸腾
    • They were traveling at 100 km an hour.他们以每小时一百公里的速度旅行。
    • He is driving at full speed.他正以全速开车。
  • ⑧[指数量、价值、费用]以…(价钱买或卖);(估计约)达…
    • He sold his house at a good price.他以好的价钱卖掉他的房子。
    • He was employed at a high salary.他以高薪受雇。
    • buy [sell, be sold] at $1,000以一千美元买入[卖出、出售]
    • He estimated the audience at 5,000.他估计观众有五千人。
  • ⑨[指音乐或收音机等]音量的大小
    • She had the radio playing at full volume.她将收音机音量开到最大。
  • ⑩[指受命令或受邀请]
    • At the director's command, the thirty or forty people left.在主任的一声令下,那三四十人都离开了。
    • He attended the party at her invitation.他应她的邀请参加了那次聚会。



(2)原则上at用于表示空间或时间主观上的「一点」之意; in则用于表示「包含于…之中」之意。

指国家或大城市时用in: in America, in New York;指小地方时用at: at Bath。


I usually change at Taipei.


Does this train stop at Taoyuan?



There are several restaurants in Tanshui.



  • at about ...
    • ① 大约在…(参照about)
    • They came at about three o'clock [the same time].他们大约在三点钟[同一时刻]来到。
    • They ran at about the same speed.他们以大约相同的速度奔跑。
  • at age ...
    • ① 在…岁时
    • At age 6 he could recite the entire Gettysburg Address.六岁的时候他会把(林肯总统)盖茨堡演说词从头尾背诵出来。
  • at it
    • ① 正从事于(工作、运动、争斗等)
    • They are at it again.他们又吵起来了。
    • She is hard at it.她正在努力工作。
    • while we are at it我们正在工作时
  • be at ...
    • ① 【口】(吵着)请求(丈夫等)
    • ② 【口】攻击
    • ③ 【口】摸弄
    • He's been at my computer.他摸弄了我的电脑。


  • At
  • astatine
  • atomic number 85


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • matter
  • substance
  • chemical element
  • element
  • astatine
  • At
  • atomic number 85


  • Laotian monetary unit
  • chemical element
  • element
  • halogen




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