

词汇 delivery


  • delivery
  • deliveries


  • ① 递送;交货;交付
    • All goods must be paid for before delivery.所有的货品在交货之前必须付款。
    • express delivery【英】=【美】special delivery快递,限时专送
    • make a delivery of letters投递信件
    • I got a delivery of apples this morning.我今天早上收到送来的一批苹果。
    • We have two postal deliveries every day.我们每天有两次的邮递。
    • Your letter arrived by the first delivery.你的信是由第一邮班送到的。
    • When can you take delivery of the goods?你们什么时候能取货?
    • the delivery of their town to the enemy他们的市镇之拱手让给敌人
  • ②[或作a delivery]说话方式;演讲;陈述
    • The speech was good but his delivery was poor.那篇演说不错,但他的演说技巧差。
    • He has a good [poor] delivery.他演说的技巧好[差]。
  • ③ 放出;发射;【球赛】投球(法)
  • ④ 分娩,生产
    • an easy delivery顺利分娩
    • her first delivery她头产
    • a full-term delivery足月分娩
    • a painless delivery无痛分娩


  • on delivery
    • ① 送达时;货到时


  • birthn.分娩
  • accouchement
  • birthing
  • childbearing
  • childbirth
  • deliverance
  • labor
  • lying-in
  • parturition
  • rescue
  • salvage
  • salvation
  • surrender
  • transfer
  • travail
  • bringing
  • legal transfer
  • livery
  • manner of speaking
  • obstetrical delivery
  • pitch
  • saving
  • speech


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • action
  • change
  • movement
  • transportation
  • transport
  • transfer
  • transferral
  • conveyance
  • delivery
  • bringing


  • act
  • birth
  • conveyance
  • conveyance of title
  • conveyancing
  • conveying
  • deed
  • expressive style
  • human action
  • human activity
  • nascence
  • nascency
  • nativity
  • recovery
  • retrieval
  • style
  • throw
  • transfer
  • transferral
  • transport
  • transportation


  • C-section
  • abdominal delivery
  • address
  • airdrop
  • bailment
  • balk
  • ball
  • beanball
  • beaner
  • bender
  • breaking ball
  • breech birth
  • breech delivery
  • breech presentation
  • bullet
  • caesarean
  • caesarean delivery
  • caesarean section
  • caesarian
  • caesarian delivery
  • caesarian section
  • catch
  • cesarean
  • cesarean delivery
  • cesarean section
  • cesarian
  • cesarian section
  • change-of-pace
  • change-of-pace ball
  • change-up
  • consignment
  • curve
  • curve ball
  • duster
  • elocution
  • fastball
  • forceps delivery
  • handing over
  • heater
  • hummer
  • inflection
  • knuckleball
  • knuckler
  • lifesaving
  • midwifery
  • modulation
  • off-speed pitch
  • overhand pitch
  • passage
  • passed ball
  • post
  • prosody
  • reclamation
  • redemption
  • reformation
  • salvage
  • salvation
  • screwball
  • search and rescue mission
  • service
  • service of process
  • serving
  • shibboleth
  • sinker
  • smoke
  • spitball
  • spitter
  • strike
  • submarine ball
  • submarine pitch
  • surrender
  • tone
  • tone of voice
  • tongue
  • wild pitch




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