

词汇 bring


  • brings
  • bringing
  • brought
  • brought


  • ① 拿来;取来;带来(人或物)
    • She brought me the book.=She brought the book to me.她给我带来那本书。
    • Bring me one.=Bring one for me.给我带一个来。
    • He brought his son to Taipei.他带他儿子到台北。
    • Bring your wife here with you.把你太太一同带来。
    • The accused was brought before the judge.被告被带到法官面前(★被动式:The book was brought (to) me. I was brought a book.)。
  • ② 引起;使来;招致
    • Spring brings warm weather.春天带来暖和的天气。
    • This will bring good luck to you.这将给你带来好运气。
    • The sad story brought tears to her eyes.那悲惨的故事使她流泪。
    • The wine has brought color into her cheeks.那葡萄酒使她的面颊泛红。
    • His wealth brought him no happiness.他的财富没有给他带来幸福。
  • ③ 使(某人)至(某处)
    • What brings you here?什么事使你到这里来?
    • A day's journey brought us to our destination.一天的旅程使我们到达目的地。
    • The letter brought him hurrying home.那封信使他匆匆赶回家。
  • ④ 1使至(某种状态)2说服;诱致
    • He brought his car to a stop.他使他的车子停止。
    • It is a good thing to bring the party to an end at the time arranged.在预定的时刻结束聚会是一件好事情。
    • Don't bring him into the matter.不要使他介入这件事情。
    • We should bring management and labor into a harmonious relationship.我们应该使资方与劳方之间关系融洽。
    • She wondered what brought him to do it.她想知道是什么使他去做那件事。
    • I could not bring myself to love him.我无法使自己去爱他。
  • ⑤ 提起(诉讼)
    • The company brought a charge against him.该公司提起诉讼控告他。
    • He brought a legal action against me.他对我提起诉讼。
  • ⑥ 能以(某价)出售;能卖(多少钱)
    • Meat is bringing a high price this week.本周肉类的售价很高。
    • His tutoring brings him about NT$10,000 a month.他的家教工作使他每月赚一万元新台币。


bring: 是将某人或某物携带到(说话者所在的)某地

I brought some cake home with me.

take: 相反地指将某人或某物携带至他处

I will take the umbrella to the office.

fetch: 是往某处去将某人或某物携带过来

Please fetch me my hat.


  • bring about
    • ① 引起;导致;致使
    • Technological development has brought about a revolution in the present-day world.科技发展导致今日世界的革新。
  • bring around
    • ① 使复苏,使恢复生气
    • ② 说服<to>
    • ③ 带(某人、某物)来 <to>
  • bring back
    • ① 归还;使记起,使忆及;使恢复
    • I'll bring you back the CD tomorrow.=I'll bring the CD back to you tomorrow.我明天会把这张雷射唱片还给你。
    • The class reunion brought back a lot of memories.那次同学会令人忆起许多往事。
    • The change of air brought her back to health.易地疗养使她恢复健康。
  • bring down
    • ① 卸下(货物);使(物价)下跌;使落[倒]下
    • ② 使(纪录)延续(到)
    • ③ 使(怒气、处罚等)落(于…)<on, upon>
    • He brought down his anger on his wife's head.他把怒气发泄到他太太头上。
  • bring down the house
    • ① 【口】(演戏、表演)博得满堂彩;引起哄堂大笑
    • The principal's story was funny, so it brought down the house.校长说的故事滑稽有趣,结果引起哄堂大笑。
  • bring forth
    • ① 【文】生产(幼儿);使萌芽[结果];引起;带来
    • The Prime Minister's remark brought forth protests.首相的谈论引起了抗议。
    • April showers bring forth May flowers.【谚】四月的骤雨带来了五月的花。
  • bring forward
    • ① 提出
    • ② (将日期)提前
    • ③ 【簿】转记于下页,结转
  • bring in
    • ① 持入;提倡(新式样);引进
    • ② (资金等)生(息);产生(利益);使赚入
    • ③ (陪审团)宣判
    • The jury took 18 hours to bring in its verdict.陪审团花了十八小时去做宣判。
  • bring off
    • ① 拯救(遇难船客等)
    • ② (经营)成功(=carry out);圆满地了结,完成
    • He has brought off a big business deal.他完成了一笔大生意。
  • bring on
    • ① 引起;促成;促成发展[进步、成长等]
    • Damp weather brings on her rheumatism.潮湿的天气引起她的风湿症。
  • bring out
    • ① 带出来
    • ② 使显现(颜色、性质等);阐释,说明
    • ③ 使(女儿)出来参加社交活动
    • ④ 出版(书籍等)
    • ⑤ 制造或出售(新产品等)
    • ⑥ 使(工人)罢工
  • bring over
    • ① 使改变思想[主义];说服
    • bring a person over to a movement说服某人使参加某种社会运动
  • bring round
    • ① 使复苏,使恢复生气
    • ② 说服<to>
    • ③ 带(某人、某物)来<to>
  • bring through
    • ① 使(某人)度过(困难等);救助(病人)
    • Perseverance brought them through the adversity.坚忍使他们度过困境。
    • She was brought through by her aunt's careful nursing.她的命被挽救回来是靠姑妈的细心照顾。
  • bring to
    • ①[to为副]使复苏,使苏醒
    • ②[to为副]【海】(使)停止航行
  • bring together
    • ① 撮合;使结合;使和好
    • Love brought them together.爱使他们结合在一起。
  • bring under
    • ①[under为副]镇压,制服(=subdue)
    • ②[under为介]归纳入(某一范畴);使处于(某状态之下)
    • His ideas can be brought under six headings.他的理念可归纳为六项。
    • The land was soon brought under cultivation.那块土地不久即被耕作。
  • bring up
    • ① 养育,抚养;教养(★常用被动式)
    • ② 提出(问题)
    • ③ 【英】呕吐(=throw up)
    • ④ (使)突然停止或停顿(★通常用被动式)
    • ⑤ 准许(议员)发言
    • ⑥ 将(帐目、计算)转载次页,结转,滚入(计算)


  • delivervt.带来
  • advert
  • argue into
  • bear
  • birth
  • bring about
  • bring around
  • bring on
  • broach
  • carry
  • carry out
  • carry through
  • cause
  • clear
  • convey
  • convince
  • cut down
  • deck
  • down
  • draw
  • drop
  • earn
  • effect
  • effectuate
  • execute
  • fell
  • fetch
  • flatten
  • floor
  • gain
  • generate
  • get
  • gross
  • ground
  • have
  • induce
  • ingenerate
  • introduce
  • issue
  • knock down
  • lead to
  • level
  • make
  • mention
  • moot
  • net
  • occasion
  • overthrow
  • overturn
  • pay
  • persuade
  • point
  • point out
  • prevail on
  • produce
  • prostrate
  • publish
  • put forth
  • put out
  • put through
  • raise
  • realize
  • rear
  • refer
  • repay
  • restore
  • result in
  • resuscitate
  • return
  • revive
  • revivify
  • secure
  • sell
  • sell for
  • set off
  • stir
  • strike down
  • subvert
  • swing
  • take
  • talk into
  • throw
  • topple
  • touch
  • touch off
  • transport
  • trigger
  • tumble
  • unhorse
  • yield
  • add
  • bestow
  • bring in
  • contribute
  • impart
  • institute
  • land
  • lend
  • make for
  • play
  • work
  • wreak


  • take away


  • change hands
  • change owners
  • come
  • come up




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