

词汇 go through

go through


  • ① 穿过;耗尽
    • He went through the doorway into the living room.他穿过门口,进入起居室。
    • The bullet went through his chest.那颗子弹穿过他的胸部。
    • The hole went through the wall.那个洞穿过了墙。
  • ② 做完(工作等)
    • go through an operation完成手术
  • ③ 经历
    • go through hardship经历艰难
  • ④ 修毕(学业);举行(仪式等)
    • go through college念完大学
  • ⑤ 通过
    • A shiver went through her.一阵颤栗传遍她的全身。
  • ⑥ 细查
    • He went through the files again.他把那些文件再仔细检查一遍。
    • We will go through the problem carefully.我们将慎重地检讨这个问题。
  • ⑦ 受(苦)
    • True poets will go through the indifference of the world to produce a good poem.真正的诗人,为了写出一首好诗,愿意忍受世人的冷漠。
  • ⑧ (书刊)卖完(几版)
    • The book has gone through ten editions.这本书已卖完十版。
  • ⑨ (交易等)完成;(议案等)通过
    • Your application has to go through the proper channels.你的申请必须通过适当的管道。
    • The bill went through yesterday.该议案昨天获得通过。
  • ⑩ (疾病、谣言等)传播
    • Flu went through the entire school.流行性感冒传遍全校。


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