

词汇 berth


  • berth
  • berths
  • berths
  • berthing
  • berthed
  • berthed


  • ① 【海】(码头边供船只)碇泊的地方;(可以有余地供船回转的)碇泊处;安全的距离或间隔
    • a foul berth不当的停泊处(有相撞的危险)
    • a safe berth安全的停泊处
    • a ship on the berth停泊中的船只
    • take up a berth停泊
  • ② (火车、船或飞机上的)舖位,卧舖
    • She was curled up in her berth.她蜷伏在她的舖位上。
  • ③ 【口】差事,职位(=job; position)
    • He has found a snug [cosy] berth.他找到了一个舒适的差事。


  • ① 停泊(船只)于港口或码头
  • ② 供以舖位或舱位
    • Eight passengers can be berthed amidships.船的中部可住八名旅客。


  • ① 碇泊
    • The ship berthed at midnight.那艘船午夜停泊。
  • ② 住宿


  • give a person a wide berth
    • ① 避开某人;远避某人(=give a wide berth to a person=keep a wide berth of a person)
  • give a wide berth to a person
    • ① 避开某人;远避某人


  • dockn.码头
  • piern.码头
  • sleeping placen.卧舖
  • accommodate
  • appointment
  • bed
  • bestow
  • billet
  • board
  • bunk
  • domicile
  • gig
  • harbor
  • house
  • job
  • lodge
  • office
  • place
  • position
  • put up
  • quarter
  • room
  • situation
  • slot
  • spot
  • built in bed
  • moor
  • moorage
  • mooring
  • post
  • slip
  • tie up
  • wharf


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • occupation
  • business
  • job
  • line of work
  • line
  • position
  • post
  • berth
  • office
  • spot
  • billet
  • place
  • situation


  • anchorage
  • anchorage ground
  • bed
  • business
  • job
  • line
  • line of work
  • occupation


  • academicianship
  • accountantship
  • admiralty
  • ambassadorship
  • apostleship
  • apprenticeship
  • associateship
  • attorneyship
  • bailiffship
  • baronetage
  • bishopry
  • cadetship
  • caliphate
  • captaincy
  • captainship
  • cardinalship
  • chair
  • chairmanship
  • chancellorship
  • chaplaincy
  • chaplainship
  • chieftaincy
  • chieftainship
  • clerkship
  • commandership
  • commandery
  • comptrollership
  • consulship
  • controllership
  • councillorship
  • councilorship
  • counsellorship
  • counselorship
  • curacy
  • curatorship
  • custodianship
  • deanery
  • deanship
  • directorship
  • discipleship
  • editorship
  • eldership
  • emirate
  • episcopate
  • fatherhood
  • feudal lordship
  • foremanship
  • generalcy
  • generalship
  • governorship
  • headship
  • hot seat
  • incumbency
  • inspectorship
  • instructorship
  • internship
  • judgeship
  • judicature
  • khanate
  • lectureship
  • legateship
  • legation
  • legislatorship
  • librarianship
  • lieutenancy
  • lower
  • lower berth
  • magistracy
  • magistrature
  • managership
  • manhood
  • marshalship
  • mastership
  • mayoralty
  • messiahship
  • moderatorship
  • overlordship
  • pastorate
  • pastorship
  • peasanthood
  • plum
  • praetorship
  • precentorship
  • preceptorship
  • prefecture
  • prelacy
  • prelature
  • premiership
  • presidency
  • presidentship
  • primateship
  • principalship
  • priorship
  • proconsulate
  • proconsulship
  • proctorship
  • professorship
  • protectorship
  • public office
  • rabbinate
  • receivership
  • rectorate
  • rectorship
  • regency
  • residency
  • rulership
  • sainthood
  • secretaryship
  • seigneury
  • seigniory
  • senatorship
  • sinecure
  • solicitorship
  • speakership
  • stewardship
  • studentship
  • teachership
  • thaneship
  • throne
  • treasurership
  • tribuneship
  • trusteeship
  • upper
  • upper berth
  • vice-presidency
  • viceroyship
  • viziership
  • wardenship
  • wardership
  • womanhood




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