

词汇 chance


  • chance
  • chances
  • chances
  • chancing
  • chanced
  • chanced


  • ① 机会,良机
    • This is your big chance!这是你的大好机会!
    • Now is your chance.现在是你的机会啦。
    • Give her another [a second] chance.再给她一个机会吧。
    • During the summer vacation I had a chance to travel to Switzerland.暑假期间我得到机会到瑞士旅行。
    • It is a good chance for you to see her.这是你见她的良机。
    • I never miss a chance of playing tennis.我从不错过打网球的机会。
  • ② 可能性;[用复数形](做事成功的)希望
    • He has an even [a fifty-fifty, a fifty-percent] chance of success.他有成败参半的可能性。
    • They have no [not much] chance of winning.他们没有[无多大]获胜的希望。
    • Is there any chance for him to win?他有没有获胜的可能性?
    • There is little chances that the boy will make progress.这男孩进步的可能性不大。
    • There is every chance that he will succeed.他很可能成功。
    • The chances are against it.形势不利(没有成功的可能性)。
    • The chances that he will succeed are remote [slim].他成功的希望很渺茫。
  • ③ 1偶然;机遇;侥幸;运气2偶然的事件
    • leave ... to chance听凭机遇,任其自然,随凭运气
    • Chance governs all.运气支配一切。
    • If chance will have me king ...要是我有机会当上国王,…
    • It was a mere chance that I saw her.我见到了她只是一件偶然的事情。
    • run a chance of failure冒失败之险
  • ④ 危险;冒险


  • ①[以it为主词]偶然发生;恰巧
    • It chanced that I was there that day.那天恰巧我在那里。
  • ② 适巧,碰巧
    • I chanced to be there.我碰巧在那里。
  • ③ 偶然遇到或发现
    • I chanced on Mary in the library yesterday.我昨天在图书馆里偶然遇到玛丽。
    • There he chanced on [upon] a real treasure-a first edition.他在那儿偶然发现真正的宝物-一本初版书。


  • ① 偶然的
    • a chance hit偶然击中
    • I had a chance encounter [meeting] with her today.今天我与她偶然相遇[邂逅]。
    • a chance customer偶然的顾客
    • a chance occurrence偶然发生的事


  • ① 【口】冒险
    • I don't know if I can make it, but I'll chance it.我不知道会不会成功,但我要冒险一试。
    • chance one's arm【英口】冒(损失、失败之)险一试


happen: 为表某事发生之意的最普通用语,包括有明确的原因、意图之事,而尤其常用于偶然发生的事情

What happened?

occur: 为文言味较重的用语,平常指某特定事情的发生

The accident occurred at seven.

chance: 大致与happen同义,指偶然发生


opportunity: 指给人行动,以达到目的、希望等的合适机会,不含「偶然」之意

Children of the poor should have equal opportunity for education.

chance: 与opportunity同义,但主要指「偶然」出现的好机会

There was no chance of his success.

occasion: 指使某项行动有机会实现的时刻

We had few occasions to mention it.


random: 指没有深思或确定的目的、计划、选择而做出或发生的

a random examination

haphazard: 指事先全考虑其结果或其他事情的关系而说出或做出的;强调其偶然性

a haphazard selection of dresses

casual: 指事情的发生纯属偶然,并不含有意志或目的,并暗示不关心和冷淡

a casual roommate

desultory: 表示随便的、任性的态度与作风;做事缺少有规则、有组织的方法

desultory reading

chance: 指毫无准备或计划的;偶然的

a chance occurrence


  • against all chances
    • ① 以为毫无希望[胜算],(却…)
    • Against all chances he passed the test.以为毫无希望,他却通过了测验。
  • as chance would have it
    • ① 碰巧,偶然地
    • As chance would have it she was going to Taipei as well and was able to give me a lift.碰巧她也要到台北,因此可以让我搭个便车。
  • by chance
    • ① 偶然地(←→on purpose)
    • by any chance万一
    • by some chance (or other)凭着某种机会
    • by the merest chance仅凭些微的机会
    • I found the book by chance.我偶然找到那本书。
  • have no chance with ...
    • ① 对…全无获胜[成功]的可能性
  • on the chance
    • ① 也许有可能(参照on the off chance)
  • on the chance of [that] ...
    • ① 希望有可能;指望
    • I went to the library on the chance of seeing Mary there.我到图书馆去,为的是希望在那里见到玛丽。
    • He waited on the chance that she would come back.他指望她可能回来而等待。
  • stand a chance
    • ① 有机会;(很)(有…的)希望<of>
    • stand a good [fair] chance很有(成功等的)希望;很有可能性
    • stand a poor chance of succeeding [success]无多大成功的希望;没什么成功的可能性
    • Do you think I stand a (good [fair]) chance of winning first place?你认为我(很)有得第一的希望吗?
    • Everyone stands a chance of catching the disease.每个人都有染上该病的机会。
  • stand no chance against ...
    • ① 对…全无获胜[成功]的可能性
  • take a chance [chances]
    • ① 冒险一试;碰运气
    • Come on, take a chance. You may lose, but it's worth it.来,冒险一试,也许你会失败,但会是值得的。
  • take no chances
    • ① 不冒险,慎重
  • take the [one's] chance
    • ① 成败唯凭机会(去尝试)
    • ② 抓着(…的)机会(一试)
  • The chances are ...
    • ① 很可能…。
    • The chances are (a hundred to one)(that) he will succeed.他可能(百分之九十九)会成功。
  • the main chance
    • ① 绝好的机会;赚钱的机会
    • have an eye to [on] the main chance注视着赚钱的机会;图谋私利


  • fortunen.运气
  • hazardn.冒险
  • occasionn.机会
  • accident
  • accidental
  • adventure
  • alight on
  • befall
  • break
  • bump into
  • casual
  • come across
  • come on
  • contingent
  • desultory
  • find
  • fluke
  • fluky
  • fortuitous
  • fortuitousness
  • fortuity
  • gamble
  • hap
  • haphazard
  • happen
  • happen on
  • happenchance
  • happenstance
  • hit-or-miss
  • inadvertent
  • indiscriminate
  • light on
  • likelihood
  • luck
  • odd
  • odds
  • opening
  • opportunity
  • possibility
  • probability
  • prospect
  • random
  • risk
  • run across
  • run into
  • shot
  • spot
  • stumble on
  • tumble on
  • unplanned
  • venture
  • bump
  • encounter
  • run a risk
  • take a chance
  • take chances


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • being
  • beingness
  • existence
  • possibility
  • possibleness
  • opportunity
  • chance


  • amount
  • danger
  • measure
  • peril
  • phenomenon
  • possibility
  • possibleness
  • potency
  • potential
  • potentiality
  • quantity
  • risk


  • audience
  • bad luck
  • brass ring
  • clean slate
  • conditional probability
  • contingent probability
  • crack
  • cross section
  • day
  • even chance
  • exceedance
  • fair chance
  • fat chance
  • fresh start
  • hearing
  • hunting ground
  • joint probability
  • mischance
  • mishap
  • occasion
  • opening
  • risk
  • risk of exposure
  • risk of infection
  • room
  • say
  • shot
  • slim chance
  • sporting chance
  • street
  • tabula rasa
  • throw
  • toss-up
  • tossup




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