

词汇 channel


  • channel
  • channels
  • channels
  • channeling/channelling
  • channeled/channelled
  • channeled/channelled


  • ① 河床;水道的较深处
  • ② 水道;沟渠;航道;海峡(比strait大些)
    • the (English) Channel英吉利海峡
  • ③ 槽,沟
  • ④ 1(思想、行动等的)方向,方针;(活动的)领域2[用复数形]途径;管道
    • channels of trade贸易路线
    • We have secret channels of information.我们有秘密的信息管道。
    • I notified them through official [diplomatic, the normal, the proper] channels.我通过官[外交、正常、适当]的管道通知他们。
  • ⑤ 1【通信】波段;频道2【电算】电波道;通信路
    • She switched to another channel.她转到另一个频道。
    • There is a current affairs program on this channel.在这个频道有一个时事节目。


  • ① 形成水道或沟渠;凿渠;冲出(一条水道)
    • channel the street挖沟渠于街旁
    • The river channeled a new bed during the recent flood.那条河在最近的洪水期间冲出了新的河床。
    • The river channels its way through a plain into the sea.那条河流贯平原,注入大海。
  • ② 引导;疏导
    • He channeled his efforts into a new novel.他将他的努力用到一本新小说。
    • Water is channeled into the farm.水被引入农场。


  • guttern.水渠
  • leadv.导向
  • routen.路线
  • carry
  • center
  • concentrate
  • conduct
  • converge
  • convey
  • focalize
  • focus
  • transmit
  • TV channel
  • canal
  • canalise
  • canalize
  • channelise
  • channelize
  • communication channel
  • distribution channel
  • duct
  • epithelial duct
  • groove
  • impart
  • line
  • television channel
  • transfer
  • transmission channel
  • transport


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • communication
  • communicating
  • transmission
  • channel
  • transmission channel


  • TV station
  • body of water
  • communicating
  • communication
  • depression
  • impression
  • imprint
  • marketing
  • passage
  • passageway
  • television station
  • transmission
  • water


  • GI tract
  • Haversian canal
  • Schlemm's canal
  • Sylvian aqueduct
  • alimentary canal
  • alimentary tract
  • aqueductus cerebri
  • back channel
  • bile duct
  • bronchiole
  • canal
  • canal of Schlemm
  • canaliculus
  • canalis cervicis uteri
  • canalis inguinalis
  • canalis vertebralis
  • cartilaginous tube
  • cerebral aqueduct
  • cervical canal
  • common bile duct
  • contact
  • dado
  • digestive tract
  • digestive tube
  • ductule
  • ductulus
  • ductus deferens
  • ejaculatory duct
  • epididymis
  • flute
  • fluting
  • gastrointestinal tract
  • gut
  • gutter
  • hepatic duct
  • inguinal canal
  • inter-group communication
  • lachrymal duct
  • lacrimal duct
  • lactiferous duct
  • lens
  • liaison
  • limbers
  • line of gab
  • link
  • lymph vessel
  • lymphatic vessel
  • nasolacrimal duct
  • pancreatic duct
  • patter
  • pore
  • quirk
  • rabbet
  • rebate
  • rill
  • rut
  • salivary duct
  • seminal duct
  • sinus
  • sinus venosus sclerae
  • sound
  • spiel
  • spinal canal
  • strait
  • stria
  • striation
  • tear duct
  • tideway
  • track
  • trough
  • umbilical
  • umbilical cord
  • ureter
  • urethra
  • vagina
  • vas deferens
  • venous sinus
  • vertebral canal
  • washout
  • watercourse




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