

词汇 conceive


  • conceives
  • conceiving
  • conceived
  • conceived


  • ① 1想像;认为,料想2心中怀[存]有(某种念头、意见、恨意等);想出(主意、计划等);构思,构想
    • I conceived that there must be some mistake.我料想必定有某种错误。
    • I cannot conceive how he made it.我无法想像[想不出]他是如何做成的。
    • It was difficult for me to conceive how to solve the problem.我难于想像如何去解决那个问题。
    • Whatever may occur, do what you conceive to be right.无论发生何事,做你认为对的事。
    • He conceived a great [deep] love for Alice.他对爱丽丝起了很大[很深]的爱意。
    • A new policy was boldly conceived.一项新政策被大胆地构想出来。
    • He conceived the idea while he was on vacation.他在度假时想出了那个主意。
  • ② 用言词表明;表达(★常用被动式)
    • The letter was conceived in plain terms.那封信是用简明的言词表达出来的。
  • ③ 怀(孕),怀(胎)
    • conceive a child [baby]怀胎


  • ① 1[通常用于否定句]想像2认为(★可用被动式)
    • I cannot conceive of such a thing happening.我无法想像会发生这种事。
    • He used to conceive of the world as a paradise.他从前认为世界是一个乐园。
    • In ancient times the world was conceived of as (being) flat.古时地球被认为是平的。
  • ② 怀孕
    • This method has enabled many childless women to conceive.这种方法已使许多没有孩子的妇女得以怀孕。


  • conceivableadj.可想像到的
  • conceptn.概念
  • conceptionn.构思,构想


  • devisevt.想出
  • framev.想出
  • imaginevt.想像
  • inventvt.构思
  • mastermindvt.计划
  • originatev.构思
  • accept
  • apprehend
  • blueprint
  • cast
  • catch
  • chart
  • compass
  • comprehend
  • contrive
  • design
  • dig
  • dope out
  • envisage
  • envision
  • fancy
  • fantasize
  • fathom
  • feature
  • follow
  • formulate
  • get
  • grasp
  • image
  • ken
  • lay
  • make out
  • picture
  • plan
  • project
  • read
  • savvy
  • scheme
  • see
  • sense
  • strategize
  • take
  • take in
  • think
  • twig
  • understand
  • vision
  • visualize
  • work out
  • believe
  • conceptualise
  • conceptualize
  • consider
  • gestate


  • copulate
  • couple
  • mate
  • pair




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