

词汇 concern


  • concern
  • concerns
  • concerns
  • concerning
  • concerned
  • concerned


  • ① 1关心[有关]的事,重要之事2关系;(共同出资者等的)利害关系
    • Our chief [main] concern at the moment is the soaring prices.此刻我们主要关心的是飞涨的物价。
    • It's no concern of mine.那不关我的事。
    • She has a concern in the business.她与事业有利害关系(如系合伙人之一)。
    • They have no concern with the scandal.他们与该丑闻无关。
  • ②[或作a concern]关怀,忧虑;担心
    • There is no cause for concern.不用担心。
    • with [without] concern担心[不担心]地
    • a matter of concern所关切的事
    • You need feel no concern about the political situation.你不用为政治情势担心。
    • She has a deep concern for the safety of the children.她深切地挂念那些孩子的安全。
    • His concern over the crisis kept him awake all night.他对那项危机的担心使他整夜不眠。
  • ③[通常作of concern]重要性
    • It's a matter of utmost [no] concern.那是极其[毫不]重要的事。
  • ④ 营业;事业;企业;公司;商行;财团
    • a playing concern赚钱的事业
    • the headquarters of an insurance concern保险公司总部
  • ⑤ 【口】(不重要或难言状的)事、物、玩意儿
    • worldly concerns俗事
    • everyday concerns日常事务


  • ① 与…有关,关系到,对…有重要性[利害关系](★或以过去分词当形容词用)
    • The story concerns an evil witch.那篇故事有关一个邪恶的女巫。
    • That doesn't concern me.那与我无关。
    • You'd better not concern yourself in this matter.你最好不要牵涉到这件事。
    • I shall not concern myself with this matter.我将不与这件事发生关连。
  • ② 关心,关切,使担心(=worry)(★或以过去分词当形容词用)
    • His health is beginning to concern me.他的健康开始使我担心。
    • Don't concern yourself about me.别为我操心。


care: 指由于责任、恐惧等所引起的内心的重荷、忧虑或烦恼

The care of living has aged her.

concern: 指对心爱或关怀的事物所感到的不安或操心

He showed concern over my success.

worry: 指对于某事所感到的往往是徒然的困扰或烦恼

Worry kept me awake.

anxiety: 指对于将来的不幸、灾难等所感到的模糊的不安

He saw the game of his team with anxiety.


  • as concerns ...
    • ①[当介词用]【文】关于(=concerning)
  • To whom it may concern.
    • ① 敬致关系当事人(写于证明文档起首做为一般称呼,有如中文的敬启者)。


  • be relevant tov.相干
  • caren.忧虑
  • companyn.公司
  • dutyn.责任
  • firmn.公司
  • interestn.利害关系
  • jobn.工作
  • mattern.事情
  • relate tov.有关
  • touchv.影响
  • affair
  • ail
  • angst
  • anxiety
  • anxiousness
  • appertain
  • apply
  • attentiveness
  • bear on
  • business
  • cark
  • concernment
  • consequence
  • consideration
  • contraption
  • contrivance
  • corporation
  • disquiet
  • disquietude
  • distress
  • doodad
  • doohickey
  • enterprise
  • establishment
  • gadget
  • gimmick
  • gizmo
  • house
  • import
  • importance
  • interestedness
  • jigger
  • lookout
  • moment
  • nervousness
  • outfit
  • pertain
  • refer
  • regard
  • relate
  • significance
  • significancy
  • solicitude
  • thing
  • thoughtfulness
  • trouble
  • unease
  • uneasiness
  • weight
  • weightiness
  • widget
  • worry
  • business concern
  • business organisation
  • business organization
  • come to
  • fear
  • have-to doe with
  • headache
  • occupy
  • touch on
  • vexation


  • unconcern


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • condition
  • status
  • psychological state
  • psychological condition
  • mental state
  • mental condition
  • cognitive state
  • state of mind
  • curiosity
  • wonder
  • interest
  • involvement
  • concern


  • anxiety
  • enterprise
  • fellow feeling
  • interest
  • involvement
  • negative stimulus
  • sympathy


  • affair
  • affairs
  • agency
  • brokerage
  • bugaboo
  • burden
  • business
  • business firm
  • carrier
  • chain
  • common carrier
  • dealership
  • earth
  • earthly concern
  • encumbrance
  • firm
  • franchise
  • house
  • incumbrance
  • load
  • maker
  • manufacturer
  • manufacturing business
  • matter
  • onus
  • part
  • partnership
  • personal business
  • personal matters
  • point of honor
  • processor
  • shipbuilder
  • softheartedness
  • solicitousness
  • solicitude
  • tenderness
  • thing
  • underperformer
  • world
  • worldly concern




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