

词汇 again


/əˈɡen], [əˈɡeɪn//əˈɡen/


  • ① 再一次,又一次
    • never again绝不再,永远不再
    • once again再一次
    • Do it again.再做一次。
    • Don't do that again.别再做那件事。
    • Try again.再试一次。
    • See you again.再见,再会。
    • What's his name again?请再告诉我他的名字。
  • ② 再一倍,加一倍,多一倍
    • as large [many, much, old] again (as ...)(相当于…的)两倍的大小[数、量、年龄](的)
    • half as large [many, much, old] again (as ...)(相当于…的)一倍半的大小[数、量、年龄](的)
    • My bedroom is large, but his is as large again (as mine).我的卧房大,但他的有(我的)两倍大。
  • ③ 返回;恢复原状
    • I'm glad to be home again.我很高兴又回到家。
    • back again返回原处或恢复原状
    • come [go] back again再来[去]
    • come to life again苏醒过来
    • You'll soon be well again.你很快就会康复。
    • get well again病愈康复
    • He is himself [his old self] again.他恢复正常了(★可指身体或精神)。
  • ④ 回答、回复;回响
    • answer a person again回嘴,还口
    • echo again回响
    • He shouted till the valley rang again.他一直叫喊到山谷回声荡漾。
  • ⑤ 再者,此外;而且(=besides)
    • And, again, it is not strictly legal.再者,这并不是完全合法的。
  • ⑥[通常用在and, and then, but then之后]在另一方面(=on the other hand)
    • It might snow, and again it might not.也许会下雪,也可能不会。
    • This is better, and [but] then again it costs more.这(固然)较好,但在另一方面,价钱却更高。


  • again and again
    • ① 再三地,一再地
    • I have warned him again and again.我已一再警告他。
  • now and again
    • ① 有时;时时
    • The two brothers quarreled now and again.那两兄弟时时吵嘴。
  • once and again
    • ① 一再地
  • time and again
    • ① 屡次地;频频
    • I've told you time and (time) again we'll not go there.我已一再告诉你我们不要到那里去。


  • afresh
  • anew
  • once again
  • once more
  • over again




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