

词汇 against


/əˈɡenst], [əˈɡeɪnst//əˈɡenst/


  • ① 逆…(表示相反、违反、反对、冲突、碰撞之意)(←→for; in favor of;参照with)
    • We'll fight against the enemy.我们将对敌作战。
    • They sailed against the wind.他们逆风航行。
    • I like to swim against the current.我喜欢逆流游泳。
    • against one's will [conscience]违背自己的意志[良心]
    • Are you for it or against it?你赞成还是反对此事?
    • I'm against your going abroad.我反对你出国。
    • There is nothing against him.他无往不利,没有什么对他不利的事。
    • She voted against him.她投给他反对票(即投票反对他)。
  • ② 向着;倚,靠
    • He threw the ball against the wall.他将球投向墙壁。
    • She leaned against a tree.她倚靠着一棵树。
    • He stood his umbrella against the door.他把他的伞靠门放着。
    • Please push the chairs against the wall.请把这些椅子推靠墙壁。
  • ③ 衬托;相映;对照;对比
    • against the evening sky在傍晚的天空映照下;以晚空为背景
    • The white sail stands out against the dark sky.在黑暗的天空衬托下白帆显得很突出。
    • by a [the] majority of 50 against 20以 50 票对 20 票的多数
  • ④ 防备;预防
    • You should take medicine against the disease.你应该服药预防该病。
    • Passengers are warned against pickpockets.[告示]旅客慎防扒手。


  • as against ...
    • ① 与…成对比
    • reason as against emotion与感情相对的理性
  • close against ...
    • ① 紧靠着…
  • over against ...
    • ① 与…相对,面对着
    • ② 与…对比,对照着
    • the rich over against the poor富人与穷人的对比


  • forprep.向…(表示赞成;支持)
  • in favor ofprep.赞成…;支持…




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