

词汇 color


  • color
  • colors
  • colors
  • coloring
  • colored
  • colored


  • ① 1颜色,色彩2色调;(光线、画等的)明暗3(绘画等的)着色;彩色4[通常用复数形]颜料
    • "What color is her dress? [What is the color of her dress?]"- "It's red."「她的衣服是什么颜色?」「是红的。」
    • Diana's hair is yellowish in color.黛安娜的头发颜色略黄。
    • the colors of the rainbow虹的七色
    • an ice cream in three colors三色冰淇淋
    • Alice's hair is (of) a chestnut color.爱丽丝的头发是栗色的。
    • complementary colors补色
    • a movie [film] in color彩色视频
  • ② 1[或作a color]面色,血色2(脸)红
    • She has a high color.她的气色很好。
    • She has little [no] color.她气色不好[几无血色]。
    • Those words brought the color to her face.那些话使她的脸泛红。
  • ③ (有色人种的)肤色;[集合用法]有色人种;(尤指)黑人
    • I don't care what color he is.我不在乎他什么肤色。
    • people of color有色人;黑人
  • ④ 1[或作a color]外表,外貌;(事件、描写等的)真实的成分2借口,托辞
    • Her story has some color of truth.她的故事有几分[某些]真实性。
    • give (a) false color to one's statement [conduct]曲解或歪曲某人的陈述[行为]
    • give [lend] color to one's account将某人的话加以渲染,使有某种迹象或似有可能
    • have the color of ...似有某种可能或迹象。
    • He did it under the color of doing a good deed.他在行善的借口下做了那件事。
  • ⑤ (文学作品等的)特色,韵味;(音乐的)音质,音色;表现法的变化
    • His description is full of color.他的描写充满了韵味。
    • His writing lacks color.他的文章缺乏特色。
  • ⑥[用复数形]徽章;有颜色的丝带或制服;(代表赛马马主的)色彩标帜
    • They were dressed in colors.他们穿有颜色的制服。
    • get [win] one's colors【英】(依竞赛组别或当选手)获得徽章,当上(某校队的)运动员
  • ⑦[通常用复数形]军旗;队旗;舰旗;船旗;国旗
    • the King's [Queen's] color英国国旗
    • They raised their country's colors.他们升起他们的国旗。
    • they saluted the colors.他们向军旗[国旗]敬礼。
    • They captured the enemy's colors.他们虏获敌人的军旗。
  • ⑧[通常用复数形]本性;真相
    • His behavior last night revealed [showed] his true colors.他昨天晚上的行为露出他的本性。
    • He failed to see things in their true colors.他未能看到事物的真相。
    • come out in one's true colors表现出本性


  • ① 着色;涂颜色于;染色
    • The girl is coloring the picture.那个女孩正在给那张图染色。
    • cloth colored with a blue dye被蓝色染料所染的布
    • She colored her hair red.她把头发染红。
  • ② 渲染;歪曲,曲解
    • an account colored by prejudice受偏见所渲染的报导
    • Anger colored his judgment.愤怒扭曲了他的判断力。
  • ③ 使具有显著特色
    • Love of nature colored most of Wang Wei's poems.对大自然的爱好使大部分王维的诗带有显著特色。


  • ① 颜色的;彩色的
  • ② 肤色的;黑人的;有色人种的
    • color prejudice对黑人[有色人种]的偏见


  • ① (树叶、果实等)变为有色,变色;(脸色)变红(=blush)
    • She colored (up) when he spoke to her.当他跟她说话时,她脸红了。


color: 指一般颜色,为最常用的字

shade: 表示颜色浓淡、明暗、深浅的程度

a light shade of blue

hue: 与color同义,但非指原色,而指相调配的色彩、色度

orange of a yellowish hue

tint: 指颜色的浓淡程度,尤指淡色

pastel tints

tinge: 是全面微染的颜色

white with bluish tinge


  • change color
    • ① 脸变色(变苍白或红)
    • She changed color when she saw him.她看到他脸色就变了。
  • join [follow] the colors
    • ① 从军入营
  • lay on the colors too thickly
    • ① 过分夸张地叙述
  • lose color
    • ① 脸色变苍白;失色
    • She lost color when she heard that.她听到那件事面容就失色。
  • lower one's colors
    • ① 放弃立场或要求;投降;让步
  • nail one's colors to the mast
    • ① 固守不屈;绝不投降
  • off color
    • ① 颜色不佳;气色不好
    • ② 下流,淫秽(参照off-color)
    • Tom told an off color joke that embarrassed everyone.汤姆讲了个黄色笑话,使大家尴尬不已。
  • paint ... in glowing [bright] colors
    • ① 激赏…;乐观地描述…
  • raise color
    • ① 染上颜色
  • sail under false colors
    • ① (船)挂着假国旗航行;挂着假招牌行骗
  • see the color of a person's money
    • ① 【口】让某人(代为)付钱
    • Don't let them see the color of your money.别让他们叫你付钱。
  • serve the colors
    • ① 服兵役
  • stand [stick] to one's colors
    • ① 坚持己见,坚定立场;矢志不贰;忠贞不渝
  • take one's color from ...
    • ① 模倣,倣照
  • under the color of ...
    • ① 假藉…的名义,以…为借口


  • blushv.脸红
  • distortv.扭曲
  • influencev.影响
  • paintv.上色
  • prejudicev.使存偏见
  • banderole
  • banner
  • banneret
  • belie
  • believability
  • bloom
  • cloak
  • colorant
  • coloring
  • complexion
  • cover
  • credibility
  • credibleness
  • creditability
  • creditableness
  • crimson
  • dip
  • disguise
  • disguisement
  • dye
  • dyestuff
  • ensign
  • faade
  • face
  • false colors
  • falsify
  • flag
  • flush
  • front
  • gild
  • gloss
  • glow
  • gloze
  • guise
  • hue
  • jack
  • load
  • mantle
  • mask
  • masquerade
  • misrepresent
  • misstate
  • oriflamme
  • pennant
  • pennon
  • pervert
  • pigment
  • plausibility
  • plausibleness
  • pretense
  • pretext
  • put-on
  • redden
  • semblance
  • shade
  • show
  • stain
  • standard
  • streamer
  • sugarcoat
  • tincture
  • tint
  • tone
  • twist
  • varnish
  • veil
  • veneer
  • verisimilitude
  • warp
  • whitewash
  • window-dressing
  • wrench
  • wrest
  • color in
  • coloration
  • coloring material
  • colorise
  • colorize
  • colour
  • colour in
  • colouration
  • colouring
  • colouring material
  • colourise
  • colourize
  • discolor
  • discolour
  • emblazon
  • people of color
  • people of colour
  • tinge
  • vividness


  • black-and-white
  • colorlessness
  • discolor


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • property
  • visual property
  • color
  • colour
  • coloring
  • colouring


  • appearance
  • form
  • interest
  • interestingness
  • kind
  • material
  • quality
  • race
  • sort
  • stuff
  • timber
  • timbre
  • tone
  • variety
  • visual aspect
  • visual property


  • achromatic color
  • achromatic colour
  • camouflage
  • chromatic color
  • chromatic colour
  • color of law
  • coloration
  • colour of law
  • colouration
  • complexion
  • disguise
  • dithered color
  • dithered colour
  • dye
  • dyestuff
  • face value
  • guise
  • heather
  • heather mixture
  • hematochrome
  • indicator
  • mordant
  • mottle
  • nonsolid color
  • nonsolid colour
  • paint
  • pigment
  • pretence
  • pretense
  • pretext
  • primary color
  • primary colour
  • shade
  • simulacrum
  • skin color
  • skin colour
  • spectral color
  • spectral colour
  • stain
  • tincture
  • tint
  • tone
  • verisimilitude




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