

词汇 distinguish


  • distinguishes
  • distinguishing
  • distinguished
  • distinguished


  • ① 分辨;区别
    • Can you distinguish these two plants?你能分辨这两种植物吗?
    • Some animals cannot distinguish colors.有些动物不能区别颜色。
    • It is difficult to distinguish her from her twin sister.要分辨她跟她的孪生姊妹是很难的。
  • ② (特征等)使有别于;为…的特性
    • His accent distinguishes him.他的口音是他的特征。
    • Speech distinguishes man from the animals.言语使人类与动物有别。
  • ③[distinguish one self]使(自己)扬名;使出名<by, for, in>(★或以过去分词当形容用;→distinguished)
    • He distinguished himself in the test.他的测验成绩出众。
    • She distinguished herself by winning the Nobel Prize for literature.她以赢得诺贝尔文学奖而扬名。
    • He distinguished himself as a poet.他以诗人知名。


  • ① 辨别,区别
    • The color-blind cannot distinguish between colors.色盲的人不能辨别颜色。
    • He can distinguish between right and wrong.他能辨别是非。


distinguish: 指认明某物的特色、特性,以便跟他物有所区别

distinguish gold from brass

discriminate: 指辨别类似物之间的细小或微小或微妙的差异

discriminate between synonyms

differentiate: 指仔细地比较和检讨同类东西中容易混淆的特性、特色

differentiate natural pearls from artificial ones


discern: 指以眼睛看出某件东西,有时候是辨别

discern the figure of a man in the fog

perceive: 指以五官领会,强调在观察时运用心智,往往表示敏锐的理解力

He quickly perceived the meaning.

distinguish: 是用眼睛或耳朵来区别或认出

distinguish the sound of a piano in an orchestra

notice, observe: 都含有注意的意思,平常是用视觉,但也可用其他的感官; observe是比较正式的用语

He noticed her new dress.

observe a parade


  • differentiatev.分辨
  • discriminatev.分辨
  • make famousv.使扬名
  • make knownv.成名
  • characterize
  • descry
  • detect
  • discern
  • elevate
  • ennoble
  • exalt
  • honor
  • individualize
  • know
  • make out
  • mark
  • mind
  • note
  • notice
  • observe
  • pick out
  • remark
  • see
  • separate
  • set apart
  • signalize
  • singularize
  • spot
  • tell
  • describe
  • discover
  • identify
  • key
  • key out
  • name
  • recognise
  • recognize
  • secern
  • secernate
  • severalise
  • severalize
  • signalise
  • tell apart


  • assort
  • class
  • classify
  • compare
  • comprehend
  • perceive
  • separate
  • sort
  • sort out




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