

词汇 bomb


  • bomb
  • bombs
  • bombs
  • bombing
  • bombed
  • bombed


  • ① 1炸弹2[the bomb]原子弹,氢弹,核子武器
    • A bomber dropped bombs on the city.一架轰炸机将炸弹投掷于该市。
    • A bomb exploded [went off] in the railway station.一颗炸弹在火车站爆炸。
    • Terrorists placed [planted] a bomb in the post office.恐怖分子在邮局安置了一颗炸弹。
    • The building was hit by a bomb.那栋建筑物被一颗炸弹击中。
    • Ban the bomb!禁止核子武器!
    • It is believed that Israel has got the bomb.据相信,以色列已获得核子武器。
    • the threat of the bomb核子武器的威胁
  • ② 1(装有压缩气体的)容器2(杀虫剂、涂料等的)喷雾罐[器]3(装放射性物质)的铅制容器
  • ③[通常用单数形]1惊人之事或人,突发事件2【美口】(演剧等的)大失败(=fiasco)
    • His recent play was a bomb.他最近的那出戏是一项大失败。
  • ④[通常用单数形]【俚】大笔钱
    • make [earn] a bomb赚大钱
    • That car must have cost him a bomb.那部汽车一定花了他一大笔钱。
    • She spent a bomb on clothes.她在衣服上花大钱。


  • ① 轰炸;爆破
    • The city was heavily bombed during the war.在战争期间,该市受到严重的轰炸。
    • Terrorists bombed the airport.恐怖分子炸毁了机场。
  • ② 【运动】使(某人)全败


  • ① 投炸弹
  • ② 【美口】大失败


  • bombern.轰炸机
  • bombingn.轰炸;以炸弹攻击


  • bomb out
    • ① 完全炸毁;藉轰炸(自建筑物等中)逐出
    • Their factories were bombed out.他们的工厂完全被炸毁了。
    • These were people bombed out by the Allies.这些是被盟军轰炸跑出建筑物的人。
  • bomb up
    • ① 装载炸弹于(飞机)中
  • go like a bomb
    • ① 【英口】(车子)以高速行走,疾驰
    • ② 【英口】大成功;大轰动
    • The movie went like a bomb.那部电影非常成功。
  • put a bomb under a person
    • ① 【口】催促某人


  • ammunitionn.炸弹
  • bombardvt.轰炸
  • dynamiten.炸弹
  • bust
  • choke
  • dud
  • fail
  • failure
  • fall down
  • fall through
  • fiasco
  • flop
  • lemon
  • loser
  • washout
  • bomb calorimeter
  • flunk
  • flush it
  • turkey


  • pass


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • instrumentality
  • instrumentation
  • device
  • explosive device
  • bomb


  • arms
  • bust
  • calorimeter
  • explosive device
  • fizzle
  • flop
  • implements of war
  • munition
  • weaponry
  • weapons system


  • A-bomb
  • E-bomb
  • Fugo
  • GP bomb
  • H-bomb
  • aerosol bomb
  • anti-personnel bomb
  • antipersonnel bomb
  • atom bomb
  • atomic bomb
  • balloon bomb
  • bomblet
  • bombshell
  • briefcase bomb
  • car bomb
  • chemical bomb
  • cluster bomb
  • cluster bomblet
  • cruise missile
  • daisy cutter
  • depth bomb
  • depth charge
  • dumb bomb
  • firebomb
  • fission bomb
  • fragmentation bomb
  • fuel-air bomb
  • fusion bomb
  • gas bomb
  • gas shell
  • general-purpose bomb
  • gravity bomb
  • grenade
  • hydrogen bomb
  • incendiary
  • incendiary bomb
  • infernal machine
  • letter bomb
  • megaton bomb
  • microwave bomb
  • package bomb
  • parcel bomb
  • penetration bomb
  • pipe bomb
  • plastic bomb
  • plutonium bomb
  • remote-control bomb
  • smart bomb
  • smoke bomb
  • smoke grenade
  • stench bomb
  • stink bomb
  • thermobaric bomb
  • thermonuclear bomb
  • time bomb
  • vacuum bomb
  • volume-detonation bomb




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