

词汇 attack


  • attack
  • attacks
  • attacks
  • attacking
  • attacked
  • attacked


  • ① 攻击,进攻,攻打;侵袭;抨击(←→defense)
    • Attack is the best (form of) defense.攻击乃最佳的防御。
    • Our troops are now on the attack.我们的部队现在在进攻。
    • They were under attack from all sides.他们从四面八方受到攻击。
    • They made [delivered] an attack on the authorities.他们抨击当局。
  • ② (工作的)着手,开始
    • You had better make an attack on the task.你最好着手这件工作。
  • ③ (疾病的)发作
    • a heart attack心脏病的发作
    • He had an attack of flu.他患了流行性感冒。
  • ④ 【乐】起唱(立即正确地唱某乐句乐节)法


  • ① (以武力)攻打,进攻,攻击,袭击;(以语言文本)攻击,抨击(←→defend)
    • We attacked the enemy [the fortress] at night.我们在夜间攻打敌人[要塞]。
  • ② 着手,从事,开始(某工作)
    • They attacked the food at once.他们立刻开始吃食物。
  • ③ (疾病)侵袭(某人)
    • She was attacked by fever.她发烧了。


  • ① 攻击
    • They decided to attack at night.他们决定在夜里攻击。


  • ① 攻击用的
    • an attack missile攻击用的飞弹。


attack: 为表示攻击之意的最普通的字

attack a fortress

assail: 指连续猛烈地加以攻击、打击

assail a person with groundless gossip

assault: 指突然以暴力袭击或加害对方

a gentleman assaulted by gangsters

beset: 指由四面包围并加以攻击

beset a castle


  • assaultn.攻击
  • censuren.责难
  • chargen.进攻
  • criticismn.批评
  • offensen.进攻
  • stroken.发作
  • access
  • aggress
  • aggression
  • approach
  • assail
  • assailment
  • attempt
  • beset
  • course
  • fall on
  • fit
  • go at
  • have at
  • light into
  • line
  • modus operandi
  • offensive
  • onrush
  • onset
  • onslaught
  • pitch into
  • plan
  • procedure
  • sail in
  • sail into
  • seizure
  • spell
  • storm
  • strike
  • tack
  • tackle
  • technique
  • wade in
  • blast
  • fire
  • flack
  • flak
  • lash out
  • plan of attack
  • round
  • set on
  • snipe
  • tone-beginning


  • defensen.防御
  • retreatn.撤退
  • withdrawaln.撤退
  • defend


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • operation
  • military operation
  • attack
  • onslaught
  • onset
  • onrush


  • affliction
  • beginning
  • commencement
  • conceptualisation
  • conceptualization
  • crime
  • criminal offence
  • criminal offense
  • criticism
  • degeneration
  • devolution
  • formulation
  • law-breaking
  • military operation
  • offence
  • offense
  • operation
  • play
  • start
  • turn
  • unfavorable judgment


  • CVA
  • anxiety attack
  • apoplexy
  • aspersion
  • assault
  • avenue
  • banzai attack
  • banzai charge
  • blitz
  • blitzkrieg
  • bombardment
  • bombing
  • calumny
  • cerebrovascular accident
  • charge
  • convulsion
  • counterattack
  • countermove
  • counterplay
  • coup de main
  • defamation
  • denigration
  • diversion
  • diversionary attack
  • fire
  • firing
  • fit
  • flare
  • ground attack
  • heart attack
  • hysterics
  • ictus
  • incursion
  • occlusion
  • paroxysm
  • penetration
  • raptus
  • seizure
  • slander
  • spot
  • strafe
  • strike
  • stroke
  • surprise attack
  • touch




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