

词汇 attention


  • attention
  • attentions


  • ① 1注意,注意力2照料;关照;处理
    • May I have your attention, please?我可以请你注意吗?
    • Don't let your attention wander.别让你的注意力分散。
    • He tried to catch [attract] her attention.他意图引起她的注意。
    • This book is attracting a lot of attention.这本书正在吸引很多人的注意。
    • May I call your attention to the regulations?我可以请你注意这些规则吗?
    • She tried to draw his attention to her new hat.她试图引他注意她的新帽子。
    • You must give you full attention to your work.你必须全神贯注于你的工作。
    • He devoted [directed] his attention to his research.他专心致力于他的研究。
    • He turned his attention to a new problem.他将注意力转到一个新的问题。
    • You must bring this matter to his attention.你必须提请他注意这件事。
    • Much attention will be focused on this problem.很多注意力将集中在这个问题上。
    • Our attention was held throughout her long speech.我们的注意力从头到尾被她的长篇演说吸引住。
    • The wedding has attracted a great deal of media attention.那项婚礼引起了媒体很大的注意[兴趣]。
    • The boy seldom got his mother's undivided attention.那个男孩很少得到他母亲的专心注意。
    • Pay more attention to your work.要更注意你的工作。
    • No attention was paid to his advice.他的忠告没有获得注意。
    • The noise distracted his attention from his book.噪音分散了他对书本的注意。
    • He was all attention.他全神贯注(凝听)。
    • The refugees needed medical attention.那些难民需要医疗。
    • Individual attention is given to each orphan.每个孤儿都获得个别的照料。
    • This matter needs urgent attention.这件事需要紧急处理。
    • The patient has received immediate attention.那个病人受到立即的照料。
    • The roof needs attention.这屋顶需要修理。
  • ②[Attention!]【号令】立正!(略作'Shun !)
    • come to attention采取立正姿势
    • stand at attention以立正姿势直立不动(←→stand at ease)
  • ③[或用复数形]【罕】亲切、慇懃的学措[行为];(尤指求婚者对女方的)慇懃,礼遇,厚待
    • pay (one's) attentions to a lady向某女士献慇懃


  • Attention, please!
    • ① (有事奉告)请各位注意(播音员等的用语)


  • caren.照料
  • concentrationn.专心
  • heedn.注意
  • noticen.注意
  • regardn.注意
  • attentiveness
  • cognizance
  • consideration
  • espial
  • heedfulness
  • mark
  • note
  • observance
  • observation
  • regardfulness
  • remark
  • aid
  • attending
  • tending


  • inattention


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • process
  • cognitive process
  • mental process
  • operation
  • cognitive operation
  • basic cognitive process
  • attention
  • attending


  • attracter
  • attraction
  • attractive feature
  • attractor
  • basic cognitive process
  • courtesy
  • faculty
  • magnet
  • mental faculty
  • module
  • stance
  • work


  • TLC
  • absorption
  • alertness
  • attentiveness
  • baby sitting
  • babysitting
  • clock-watching
  • concentration
  • dental care
  • ear
  • engrossment
  • enhancer
  • eye
  • faith cure
  • faith healing
  • first aid
  • foil
  • hair care
  • haircare
  • hairdressing
  • health care
  • healthcare
  • heed
  • immersion
  • incubation
  • intervention
  • livery
  • manicure
  • maternalism
  • mental note
  • notice
  • nourishment
  • nursing
  • nurturance
  • observance
  • observation
  • paying attention
  • pedicure
  • personal care
  • pet sitting
  • regard
  • skin care
  • skincare
  • tender loving care
  • treatment
  • tree surgery
  • vigilance
  • wakefulness
  • watchfulness




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