

词汇 charge


  • charge
  • charges
  • charges
  • charging
  • charged
  • charged


  • ① 充电;(发一弹或爆炸一次所用的)弹药;(镕矿炉中)一次所装的原矿
  • ② 责任;委托;照顾或保护的责任
  • ③ 托付某人照料的事务或人;交与某人的工作责任
  • ④ 命令;指示;训令
  • ⑤ 指控;控告
    • She may face criminal charges.她可能受到刑事的指控。
    • bring [place] a charge of murder against a person指控某人谋杀
    • acquit a person of the charge of taking a bribe对于某人被控受贿一事告无罪
  • ⑥ 索取的价钱[货价];代价;(因服务而索取的)费用
    • at one's own charge以自费
    • free of charge=without charge免费(★无冠词)
    • make a charge索价;索费
    • No charge for admission.免费入场
    • at a charge of ...以…的价钱[费用]
    • charges forward [paid]费用先付[已付]
  • ⑦ (应该的)负担;应付的税捐<on>
  • ⑧ 【足球】阻止进攻;【军】突袭,进攻;冲锋号,冲锋的鼓声


  • ① 1装弹于(枪砲);充电于(蓄电池);装填2使充满(★通常以过去分词当形容词用)
    • charge a pipe给烟斗塞烟草
    • charge a camera给照相机装软片
    • charge a gun给大砲装弹药
    • He used solar panels to charge the batteries.他用太阳板给那些蓄电池充电。
    • He charged his pipe with tobacco.他给他的烟斗塞烟草。
    • He charged the gun with powder.他给大砲装弹药。
    • The air is charged with moisture.空气充满了湿气。
    • The auditorium was charged with excitement.礼堂充满了兴奋。
    • He is charged with strength and power.他精力充沛。
  • ② 使负(义务、责任等)
    • We charge the police with keeping law and order.我们使警察负维持法纪与秩序之责。
    • He was charged with an important mission.他负起[接受]了一份重任。
  • ③ 命令
    • I charge you to be quiet.我命令你肃静。
  • ④ 指控,控告;归罪
    • He was charged with theft.他被控偷窃。
    • Don't charge the fault on [upon] me.不要将过错加罪于我。
    • He charged the failure to his own carelessness.他将失败归罪于自己的粗心。
    • He charged that they had violated their contract.他指控他们违约。
  • ⑤ 索价,要价
    • How much do you charge for a dozen?一打要多少钱?
    • He always charges me too much for his service.他经常向我索取太高的服务费。
    • She was charged $500.她被索价五百美元。
  • ⑥ 赊购;(卖东西)记(某人的)欠帐
    • We can charge the goods at this supermarket.我们可以在这家超市赊购货品。
    • Please charge the bill to my account [up to me].请把费用记在我的帐上。
  • ⑦ 突袭,猛攻,冲锋,攻击
    • They charged the enemy.他们进攻敌人。
  • ⑧ 装上(武器)
    • Charge bayonets!上刺刀(于枪)!


  • ① 突袭;进攻(★可用被动式)
    • The wild animal suddenly charged at me.那只野器突然向我进攻。
  • ② 索价(★可用被动式)
    • He charges too high (for his services).他(对于所作的服务)索价太高。
    • The store does not charge for delivery.该店不收运送货。
  • ③ 可充电
    • This battery charges easily.这电池容易充电。



charge: 可用以指因小过错所受的责难,如违反规则等;但普通多指违法等严重的罪过,并依法正式提出的控告

She was charged with tax evasion.

accuse: 是当面指控某人的罪过,但未必诉诸有关当局

He accused me of cowardice.


price: 指出售商品的价格,尤其是卖主所定的

the price of a camera

charge: 指所索取的费用,尤其是通信、公用事业等的费用

the charge for admission [telephone call]

fare: 主要指搭乘交通工具所付的费用

a taxi fare

cost: 指付给货物或服务、劳力等的金额

the cost of the new building


order: 指命令他人,为意义最广的用语

The teacher ordered the pupils to be silent.

command: 指具有权力或权威者正式下命令,其前提为服从

The captain commanded the men to fight.

direct: 与order或command相比,其命令的意味较弱,指给与监督指示(但期望对方服从)

The policeman directed the driver to stop.


instruct a person to make a plan

enjoin: 指以强烈的警告或训诫去命令或要求,或以法律禁止

The doctor enjoined a strict diet.

charge: 指把某件工作当做义务或责任加在某人身上

He charged us to fulfil the duty.


  • charge off
    • ① 视作亏损而减除
    • ② 将(过失等)归(给…)或记下当做(…的一部分)<to>
    • A bad mistake must be charged off to experience.严重的过错必须当做经验记下来(以资警惕)。
  • give ... in charge to a person
    • ① 将(某物)托某人照顾或保管
  • give [take] ... in charge
    • ① 将(盗贼等)交付警方(看管)
    • The burglar was caught and given in charge.小偷已被逮补交付警方。
  • have charge of ...
    • ① 负责保管或照顾
  • in charge
    • ① 负责照料
    • ② 由…负责照料
    • the teacher [doctor] in charge负照料之责的教师[医师]
    • the patient in (the) charge of the nurse由这位护士照料的病人
    • The baby was left in the charge of the neighbor.该婴儿被留给邻居照料(★(2)的用法应在charge之前加the为佳)。
  • lay ... to a person's charge
    • ① 将…归某人负责
    • The rebellion in school is laid to the charge of Wilson.学校的捣乱归罪于威尔逊。
  • make a charge against ...
    • ① 指控(某人之罪)
  • on charge of ...
    • ① 被控以(某罪名)
  • on charges of ...
    • ① 被控以(某罪名)
    • He was arrested on charges of murder.他被指控谋杀而遭到逮捕。
  • on the charge of ...
    • ① 被控以(某罪名)
  • put ... under a person's charge
    • ① 将…托某人保管或照料
  • return to the charge
    • ① 再开始冲锋;还击,回击
  • take charge
    • ① 负责管理[照料];担任;【口】(某物)不胜负担;(车子)不胜驾驭
    • take charge of an office负管理办公室之责
    • The anchor chain took charge and ran out.锚链不胜负荷而滑出来。
  • take charge of ...
    • ① 负责管理;承办
    • I took charge of the group.我负责管理该组。


  • accusationn.指控
  • allegationn.控诉
  • controln.控制
  • expensen.花费
  • feen.费用
  • accredit
  • accuse
  • arraign
  • ascribe
  • assign
  • attribute
  • behest
  • bid
  • bidding
  • bind
  • blitzkrieg
  • burden
  • care
  • command
  • commandment
  • commit
  • commitment
  • confinement
  • cost
  • credit
  • cumber
  • custody
  • denounce
  • denouncement
  • denunciation
  • dependent
  • detention
  • dictate
  • direct
  • direction
  • directive
  • duty
  • encumber
  • enjoin
  • entrust
  • exaction
  • fill
  • freight
  • guardianship
  • heap
  • imbue
  • imperative
  • impregnate
  • imputation
  • impute
  • incriminate
  • incrimination
  • indict
  • indictment
  • injunction
  • instruct
  • instruction
  • keeping
  • lade
  • lay
  • load
  • mandate
  • must
  • need
  • obligate
  • obligation
  • order
  • pack
  • permeate
  • pervade
  • pile
  • pledge
  • price
  • refer
  • responsibility
  • rush
  • saddle
  • saturate
  • suffuse
  • superintendence
  • supervision
  • tab
  • tax
  • tell
  • toll
  • transfuse
  • trust
  • ward
  • weight
  • word
  • agitate
  • appoint
  • armorial bearing
  • bang
  • bear down
  • bearing
  • bill
  • billing
  • blame
  • boot
  • buck
  • burster
  • bursting charge
  • cathexis
  • charge up
  • commission
  • commove
  • complaint
  • consign
  • electric charge
  • excite
  • explosive charge
  • file
  • flush
  • heraldic bearing
  • institutionalise
  • institutionalize
  • kick
  • level
  • lodge
  • mission
  • point
  • rouse
  • send
  • shoot
  • shoot down
  • tear
  • thrill
  • turn on
  • tutelage


  • calm
  • discharge
  • pay cash


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • operation
  • military operation
  • attack
  • onslaught
  • onset
  • onrush
  • charge


  • asking
  • assertion
  • asseveration
  • assignment
  • attack
  • averment
  • bid
  • bidding
  • command
  • cost
  • dependant
  • dependent
  • dictation
  • duty assignment
  • electrical phenomenon
  • excitement
  • exhilaration
  • explosive
  • heraldry
  • liabilities
  • libidinal energy
  • onrush
  • onset
  • onslaught
  • pleading
  • protection
  • request


  • accusal
  • accusation
  • agio
  • agiotage
  • annulet
  • assessment
  • carrying charge
  • charge per unit
  • chevron
  • countercharge
  • demurrage
  • depreciation charge
  • due care
  • electrostatic charge
  • encumbrance
  • exchange premium
  • fare
  • fixed charge
  • fixed cost
  • fixed costs
  • fleur-de-lis
  • fleur-de-lys
  • fool's errand
  • foster care
  • great care
  • incumbrance
  • installation charge
  • levy
  • martyr operation
  • misdirection
  • mission impossible
  • negative charge
  • ordinary
  • ordinary care
  • overcharge
  • porterage
  • positive charge
  • postage
  • poundage
  • premium
  • presentment
  • providence
  • rate
  • reasonable care
  • rocket fuel
  • rocket propellant
  • rocket propellent
  • roundel
  • sacrifice operation
  • service charge
  • service fee
  • shot
  • slight care
  • stowage
  • suicide mission
  • surcharge
  • tankage
  • transportation
  • undercharge
  • water-rate




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