

词汇 disease


  • disease
  • diseases


  • ① (人、动植物的)病,疾病
    • The disease is spread by mosquitoes.该病由蚊子传播。
    • the rapid spread of disease in Africa该病在非洲的迅速传播
    • She has a rare eye disease.她患有一种罕见的眼疾。
    • catch [suffer from] a disease罹病,患病
    • a hereditary disease遗传病
    • an incurable disease不治之症,绝症
    • a serious disease重病
  • ② (社会等的)不健全,弊病,弊害
    • Poverty is a social disease.贫穷是社会的弊病。


  • contagionn.传染病
  • infectionn.感染
  • plaguen.瘟疫
  • ailment
  • complaint
  • disorder
  • ill
  • illness
  • infirmity
  • malady
  • sickness


  • healthn.健康


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • condition
  • status
  • physical condition
  • physiological state
  • physiological condition
  • pathological state
  • ill health
  • unhealthiness
  • health problem
  • illness
  • unwellness
  • malady
  • sickness
  • disease


  • illness
  • malady
  • sickness
  • unwellness


  • Indian tick fever
  • Kawasaki disease
  • Kenya fever
  • Marseilles fever
  • Meniere's disease
  • animal disease
  • anthrax
  • aspergillosis
  • autoimmune disease
  • autoimmune disorder
  • blackwater
  • boutonneuse fever
  • cat scratch disease
  • communicable disease
  • complication
  • congenital disease
  • crud
  • cystic breast disease
  • cystic mastitis
  • deficiency disease
  • disease of the neuromuscular junction
  • disease of the skin
  • endemic
  • endemic disease
  • enteropathy
  • exanthema subitum
  • eye disease
  • fibrocystic breast disease
  • fibrocystic disease of the breast
  • filariasis
  • genetic abnormality
  • genetic defect
  • genetic disease
  • genetic disorder
  • goiter
  • goitre
  • hereditary condition
  • hereditary disease
  • incompetence
  • industrial disease
  • inflammatory disease
  • inherited disease
  • inherited disorder
  • liver disease
  • malignance
  • malignancy
  • milk sickness
  • mimesis
  • mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
  • occupational disease
  • onychosis
  • ozaena
  • ozena
  • pappataci fever
  • periarteritis nodosa
  • periodontal disease
  • periodontitis
  • phlebotomus
  • plant disease
  • polyarteritis nodosa
  • pseudorubella
  • pycnosis
  • pyknosis
  • respiratory disease
  • respiratory disorder
  • respiratory illness
  • rheumatism
  • roseola infantilis
  • roseola infantum
  • sandfly fever
  • skin disease
  • skin disorder
  • struma
  • thyromegaly




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