

词汇 cloud


  • cloud
  • clouds
  • clouds
  • clouding
  • clouded
  • clouded


  • ① 云
    • There isn't a cloud in the sky.天空无云。
    • There are white clouds high in the blue sky.在蓝天高处有白云。
    • The top of the mountain was covered in cloud.山顶覆盖着云。
    • a dark [black] cloud暗[乌]云
    • a sea of clouds云海
    • Every cloud has a silver lining.【谚】每一团乌云都有银白的衬里(喻祸中有福,否极泰来)。
  • ② 飞扬于空中的一团烟云、尘埃等;一大群密集(似云)的飞鸟[虫]、人群等
    • a cloud of dust一股尘埃
    • Clouds of smoke rose from the burning ship.阵阵浓烟从那艘燃烧的船升起来。
    • a cloud of locusts一大群蝗虫
    • a cloud of witnesses【圣】众多的证人
  • ③ (透明之物、镜子等表面的)朦胧,污斑;(浮在脸上、额头的)阴影;(疑惑、不满、悲哀等的)暗影;(遮盖)使阴暗之物;乌云
    • The news cast a cloud (of gloom) over [on] the family.那消息使那个家庭蒙上一层阴影。


  • ① 1以云等笼罩(天空、山顶等)2使模糊;使暗淡
    • Smoke clouded the mountaintops.烟笼罩着山顶。
    • Steam clouded the mirror.蒸汽使那面镜子模糊。
  • ② 1(不安、烦恼等)使(脸、心等)黯然(★常用被动式,介词用with)2投以愁云[忧色]
    • Her brow is clouded with worry.她的额头因忧虑而黯然。
    • The failure clouded her happiness.那项失败使她的幸福蒙上愁云。
  • ③ 玷污(名声等)
    • cloud one's reputation玷污名声
  • ④ 使(问题等)含糊;使(视力、判断等)不清楚
    • Her explanations clouded this issue.她的解释使那个问题模糊。
    • Age has clouded her memory.老年使得她的记忆模糊。
    • Tears clouded her eyes [vision].泪水使她的眼睛[视线]模糊。


  • ① 1(天空)起云2(窗等)变朦胧
    • It [The sky] is beginning to cloud (over).天空开始布满云了。
  • ② (脸因痛苦或忧虑而)变得黯然
    • His face clouded over (with sadness).他满脸愁云。


  • blow a cloud
    • ① 吞云吐雾(抽烟)
  • drop from the clouds
    • ① (人)突然出现
  • in the clouds
    • ① 心不在焉;沉入冥想,幻想而超然地
    • He has his head in the clouds.他在遐想[幻想]。
  • kick the clouds
    • ① 受绞刑,被吊死
  • on a cloud
    • ① 【口】(人)极幸福[幸运]的,飘飘然的
  • under a cloud
    • ① 【口】受到怀疑;失宠;失体面
    • Jane has been under a cloud since her roommate's bracelet disappeared.自从珍的室友的手镯不翼而飞后,珍一直受到猜疑。
  • under cloud of night
    • ① 趁暗夜(参照under the cloak of)


  • mistn.
  • obscurev.遮盖
  • swarmn.一大群
  • army
  • becloud
  • bedim
  • befog
  • befoul
  • besmear
  • besmirch
  • bespatter
  • blacken
  • blear
  • blur
  • crowd
  • denigrate
  • dim
  • dirty
  • drove
  • dull
  • eclipse
  • flock
  • fog
  • gloom
  • horde
  • host
  • legion
  • mass
  • mob
  • multitude
  • obfuscate
  • overcast
  • overshadow
  • ruck
  • score
  • shadow
  • smear
  • smudge
  • smut
  • soil
  • spatter
  • stain
  • sully
  • taint
  • tarnish
  • throng
  • corrupt
  • dapple
  • defile
  • haze over
  • mottle
  • obnubilate


  • clear up


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • process
  • physical process
  • phenomenon
  • natural phenomenon
  • physical phenomenon
  • cloud


  • atmospheric phenomenon
  • gloom
  • gloominess
  • glumness
  • group
  • grouping
  • irreality
  • physical phenomenon
  • suspicion
  • unreality


  • aerosol
  • cirrocumulus
  • cirrocumulus cloud
  • cirrostratus
  • cirrostratus cloud
  • cirrus
  • cirrus cloud
  • cloud bank
  • coma
  • condensation trail
  • contrail
  • cosmic dust
  • cumulonimbus
  • cumulonimbus cloud
  • cumulus
  • cumulus cloud
  • dust cloud
  • infestation
  • mother-of-pearl cloud
  • mushroom
  • mushroom-shaped cloud
  • mushroom cloud
  • nacreous cloud
  • nebula
  • nebule
  • nimbus
  • nimbus cloud
  • plague
  • rain cloud
  • storm cloud
  • stratus
  • stratus cloud
  • thundercloud




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