

词汇 cast


  • cast
  • casts
  • casts
  • casting
  • cast
  • cast


  • ① 抛;投(票);掷(骰子);撒(鱼网);抛(锚)
    • He cast the dice.他掷下骰子。
    • He cast a stone against the window.他向窗子抛石头。
    • cast a fishing line投[垂]钓线
    • He cast his vote for [in favor of] the Republican candidate.他投票给共和党的候选人。
    • The fisherman cast the net into the lake.那名渔夫把网撒到湖里。
    • His body was cast ashore.他的尸体被抛到岸上来。
  • ② 脱(衣服);(蛇)蜕(皮);(鸟)落(毛);(鹿)脱落(角);(马)掉落(蹄铁)
    • The snake casts its skin.蛇蜕皮。
    • A deer casts its horn in autumn.鹿在秋天落角。
  • ③ (兽类)早产(幼兽);(树木)未待成熟而掉落(果实)
  • ④ 解聘;解雇;放(马);弃(马);(法庭)判…败诉;(对手)使…败诉
  • ⑤ 投射(光线、视线、影子等)
    • He cast a quick [furtive] glance [look] at Mary.他很快地[偷偷地]了玛丽一眼。
    • She cast her eyes down (at the floor).她俯视(地板)。
    • He cast his eyes aside.他把目光转到一边。
    • I cast my eyes up to him.我抬眼看他。
    • That will cast a new light on the subject.那会使人对这问题得到新的认识。
    • The light cast the shadow of a tree on the wall.灯光把一棵树的影子投在墙上。
    • The tragedy cast a gloom over their lives.那场悲剧给他们的生活投下了一片阴影。
    • He cast her a glance.他瞥了她一眼。
  • ⑥ 计算;加起(数字)
    • cast up a column of figures加起一栏数字
  • ⑦ 浇(液化金属)于模中;铸造(铜像等)
    • The silver is first melted and then cast.银先被镕解,再加以铸造。
    • a statue cast in bronze用青铜铸成的像
  • ⑧ 派(演员)担任戏中角色,派定扮演人员
    • The film was well cast.那部电影角色分配得很好。
    • She was cast for the part of Cinderella.她被派担任[扮演]灰姑娘的角色。
    • He was cast as the husband [in the part of Hamlet].他被派扮演丈夫[哈姆雷特的角色]。
  • ⑨ (为观测星运)画出[造出](天宫图)
    • cast a horoscope [a person's nativity](为某人)算命


  • ① 1投掷2撒网;投钓线
  • ②[与样态副词连用](金属)被铸造


  • ① 投,掷,抛(石头、渔网、钓丝、骰子等)
    • have a cast of lots抽签,拈阄
    • the last cast最后一次碰运气
  • ② 丢[抛、舍]弃物;(蛇、虫等的)蜕壳
  • ③ 铸造物,模造物;(铸造或压制用的)模子,模型→plaster cast
  • ④[集合用法]【戏剧】(一出戏的)演员阵容,演员角色分配,卡司
    • an all-star cast全部名角的演出阵容
  • ⑤ (面容、性情等的)类型或特质
    • a cast of features [mind]面貌[性情、脾气]
  • ⑥ 略微的色调或气味;轻微的倾向
    • a yellowish cast略带淡黄色
  • ⑦[通常用单数形]【罕】(轻微的)斜视
    • She has a cast in her left eye.她的左眼有轻微斜视。
  • ⑧ 浅淡的颜色
    • The diamond has a yellowish cast.这颗钻石带有淡黄。
  • ⑨ (尤指猎犬)四处寻找(猎物)
    • The setter made a wide cast for the scent.长毛猎狗四处寻找猎物的遗臭[兽迹]。


throw: 为表使用手与腕投掷的最普通用语

Don't throw stones.

fling: 指用力粗暴地投

He flung his coat off.

toss: 指向上方轻轻地随意抛掷

He tossed a coin.

hurl: 指相当强力地投至远处

He hurled stones at the dog.

pitch: 指向某目标投掷

A pitcher pitches a ball.

cast: 为表投下轻物之意的正式用语

He cast a net.


  • cast about [around]
    • ① 寻求;计划;盘算
    • He cast about [around] for some place to hide.他寻找一个躲藏的地方。
  • cast aside
    • ① 舍弃,弃却
    • I cast aside my old overcoat.我把我的旧外套舍弃了。
  • cast away
    • ① 摒除;丢弃
    • ② (人)(因船难而)漂流(★常用被动式)
    • He was cast away on a desert island.他漂流到一个荒岛上。
  • cast back
    • ① 回顾;忆及往事;复归原态
  • cast down
    • ① 掷倒;毁掉
    • ② 【文】使沮丧[失望](★通常用被动式)
    • She was cast down by her husband's death.她因丈夫死亡而沮丧。
  • cast off
    • ① 放弃;抛弃;丢弃(衣服);【海】解(缆);放(船);[编织]收针;预估(原稿)所占篇幅
    • He cast off his old clothes [old friends].他抛弃了他的旧衣服[老朋友]。
    • They fail to cast off the old and embrace new technologies.他们未能扬弃古老的技术而采用新式的技术。
  • cast on
    • ① 迅速穿上(衣服);[编织]起针
  • cast oneself upon [on] ...
    • ① 依赖;仰仗;委身于
  • cast out
    • ① 赶出,逐出,放逐
  • cast up
    • ① 将(土)堆起;冲浮上来;抬起(头或视线);加起(数字)(★现在通常用add up)
    • His body was cast up onto the shore.他的尸体被冲上了岸。


  • actorn.演员
  • flingv.
  • formv.做成
  • hurlv.投掷
  • moldv.铸造
  • performern.演员
  • shapev.塑造
  • tossn.
  • add
  • aim
  • aspect
  • banish
  • bent
  • bias
  • blueprint
  • breed
  • calculate
  • chart
  • cipher
  • compute
  • conceive
  • configuration
  • contrive
  • countenance
  • dart
  • dash
  • description
  • design
  • devise
  • direct
  • dismiss
  • dispel
  • disposition
  • dope out
  • emit
  • expression
  • face
  • feather
  • figure
  • fire
  • foot
  • formulate
  • frame
  • head
  • heave
  • hue
  • hunt
  • hurtle
  • ilk
  • irradiate
  • kind
  • launch
  • lay
  • leaning
  • level
  • look
  • lot
  • manner
  • matrix
  • nature
  • order
  • partiality
  • pattern
  • penchant
  • persuasion
  • pitch
  • plan
  • point
  • predilection
  • predisposition
  • proclivity
  • project
  • proneness
  • propensity
  • quest
  • radiate
  • reckon
  • scheme
  • search
  • seek
  • set
  • shed
  • shoot
  • shut out
  • shy
  • sling
  • sort
  • species
  • squint
  • stamp
  • strategize
  • stripe
  • sum
  • tendency
  • throw
  • tinge
  • tint
  • tone
  • tot
  • total
  • totalize
  • train
  • trend
  • turn
  • type
  • variety
  • visage
  • work out
  • zero in
  • barf
  • be sick
  • cast of characters
  • cast off
  • casting
  • cat
  • chuck
  • couch
  • disgorge
  • dramatis personae
  • draw
  • drift
  • drop
  • honk
  • mould
  • plaster bandage
  • plaster cast
  • puke
  • purge
  • put
  • ramble
  • range
  • redact
  • regorge
  • regurgitate
  • retch
  • roam
  • roll
  • rove
  • shake off
  • sick
  • spew
  • spue
  • stray
  • swan
  • throw away
  • throw off
  • throw up
  • tramp
  • upchuck
  • vagabond
  • vomit
  • vomit up
  • wander


  • keep down


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • gathering
  • assemblage
  • cast
  • cast of characters
  • dramatis personae


  • appearance
  • assemblage
  • bandage
  • container
  • copy
  • fishing
  • gathering
  • patch
  • solid
  • sportfishing
  • throw
  • visual aspect


  • bait casting
  • block
  • cylinder block
  • death mask
  • engine block
  • ensemble
  • fly casting
  • form
  • life mask
  • matrix
  • natural
  • overcast
  • pig
  • pig bed
  • sandbox
  • supporting players
  • surf casting
  • surf fishing


  • do
  • execute
  • film
  • perform
  • present
  • represent
  • stage




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