

词汇 account


  • account
  • accounts
  • accounts
  • accounting
  • accounted
  • accounted


  • ① 帐;帐目
    • balance accounts (with ...)(与某人)结清帐目
    • cast accounts算帐
    • send (in) an account送上帐单(请求未付之款)
  • ② 帐户,户头
    • a current accountaccount【商】活期存款;往来帐户
    • Please charge it to my account.请把它记在我的帐上。
    • close an account with ...与(某人或银行)结帐清目停止往来
    • have an account with ...与(某人)有帐目往来;在(某银行)开有户头
    • open [start] and account with ...与(某人)开始帐目往来;在(某银行)开户头
    • She has never opened a bank account.她从未在银行开户。
    • Short accounts make long friends.【谚】少挂帐才有长久的友谊。
  • ③ 报告;说明;(有关金钱、责任等处理上的)答辩
  • ④ 叙述,记述(=narrative)
    • Accounts differ叙述因人而异
  • ⑤ 理由;原因
  • ⑥ 估计;考虑;价值;重要性
  • ⑦ 利益


  • ① (就他人托付或给予的钱)报帐
    • I have to account to my father for my monthly allowance.我得向父亲说明我每个月零用钱的使用情形。
  • ② 解释;对…负责
    • Please account for your conduct.请你解释你的行为(说明何以如此)。
  • ③ 说明;足以说明
    • His illness accounts for his absence.他的病说明了他何以缺席。
    • There is no accounting for tastes.【谚】人的好恶是无法解释的。
    • The situation is quite easy to account for.那个情况很容易说明。
  • ④ 1(狩猎)打死,射死2(竞赛)得分
    • The terrier accounted for two of them.那条梗(犬)追杀了其中的两只猎物。
  • ⑤ 成为…的(唯一主要的)原因;占(相当的)部分
    • The region accounts for a large part of usable timber.该地区生产可用木材的大部分。


  • ① 视为;认为(=consider)
    • She accounted herself happy [well paid].她自认为幸福[待遇好]。
    • In English law [By law] a man is accounted (to be) innocent until he is proved guilty.按英国法律[在法律上]一个人未被证实有罪之前,仍被认为是清白的。


  • ask [demand] an account
    • ① 要求算帐;要求说明
  • be much [little] accounted of
    • ① 很受[不受]重视
  • bring [call] a person to account
    • ① 责问某人;质问某人;要求某人解释其行为
  • by [from] all accounts
    • ① 大家这么说,据说
    • By all accounts she is very rich.据说她很富有。
  • find one's [no] account in
    • ① 对…能[不能]有所利用;发觉…有益[无益]
  • for account of
    • ① 为某人的利益
  • give a bad [poor] account of
    • ① 贬抑…
  • give a good account of
    • ① 褒扬…;击败或打垮(对手、敌方)
  • give a good account of oneself
    • ① 【口】(在竞技等)大显身手
    • Our team gave a good account of themselves to win the match.我队大显身手,以赢取那场比赛。
  • give an account of
    • ① 叙述[说明](某事的经过)
    • Please give an account of your trip.请叙述你旅行的经过。
  • go to one's account
    • ① 与世长辞,死
  • hand in one's accounts
    • ① 【美】与世长辞,死
  • hold in great account
    • ① 非常重视…
  • hold in no account
    • ① 不加重视…
    • They held his advice in no account.他们没有重视他的忠告。
  • in account with
    • ① 与…(有帐目)往来
  • keep accounts
    • ① 记帐;管帐;做会计员
  • lay one's account with
    • ① 期待…;期盼…
  • leave out of account
    • ① 不理睬…;忽视…
    • Leave their criticism out of account.别理会他们的批评。
  • make much [little, no] account of
    • ① 很重视[不重视]…
  • money of account
    • ① 计算货币;虚位通货(guinea, pence, mill等不再发行而只用于计算的抽象货币单位,指钱数而不指钱币)
  • not ... on any account
    • ① 切莫,绝不(=by no means)
    • You must not tell him on any account.你切莫告诉他。
    • Don't open this box on any account.无论如何不可打开这个箱子。
  • of great [much] account
    • ① 很重要的
    • He was a man of much account.他是一位很重要的人物。
  • of no account
    • ① 不重要的
  • on a person's account
    • ① 记某人的帐;为某人的缘故
    • I did it on your account.我为你做了那件事。
  • on account
    • ① 做为部分;(分期)付款
    • money paid on account先付款;暂付款;部分付款
  • on account of
    • ① 为(某种)理由;因…(=because of);为(某人)的缘故
    • She was absent from school on account of illness.她因病缺课。
  • on all accounts
    • ① 无论如何;务必(=by all means)
  • on no account
    • ① 切莫,绝不(=by no means=not ... on any account)
    • On no account should you leave here.你切莫离开此地。
  • on one's own account
    • ① 自行…;自行负责;为自己的利益打算起见
  • on that [this] account
    • ① 为那[这]个理由
  • put out of account
    • ① 对…不加考虑或注意,忽视
  • put to a person's account
    • ① 将…记在某人的帐上
  • render an account of
    • ① 提出…的结算报告;提出答辩[说明理由];担负…之责
  • settle [square] an account with
    • ① 结清与…的帐目;与…算帐;向…复仇
    • I have an account to settle with you for calling me a liar.你称我为说谎者,我要跟你算帐。
    • He was determined to settle an account with the rascal.他决心要向那流氓报仇。
  • take account of
    • ① 对…加以考虑或注意;斟酌
  • take into account
    • ① 对…加以考虑或注意;斟酌(=take account of)
    • You must take into account the girl's long illness.你必须考虑到这女孩的久病。
  • the great [last] account
    • ① 【宗】最后的审判(日)(=the Last Judgment)
  • turn [put] to account
    • ① 利用…,使…变成有益或有利
    • He became rich by turning his money to account.他利用自己的金钱而致富。


  • believevt.认为
  • deemvt.视为
  • regardvt.认为
  • thinkvt.以为
  • admiration
  • advantage
  • appreciation
  • avail
  • benefit
  • bill
  • check
  • chronicle
  • consider
  • consideration
  • description
  • esteem
  • estimation
  • explain
  • explanation
  • favor
  • history
  • honor
  • invoice
  • justification
  • justify
  • narration
  • narrative
  • profit
  • rationale
  • rationalization
  • rationalize
  • reason
  • reckon
  • reckoning
  • report
  • respect
  • see
  • statement
  • story
  • tab
  • use
  • usefulness
  • utility
  • valuation
  • value
  • version
  • view
  • worth
  • account statement
  • accounting
  • answer for
  • business relationship
  • calculate
  • describe
  • news report
  • score
  • write up


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • indication
  • indicant
  • evidence
  • record
  • history
  • account
  • chronicle
  • story


  • financial statement
  • gain
  • ground
  • importance
  • informing
  • making known
  • news
  • profit
  • reason
  • record
  • relationship
  • statement


  • accounting
  • ancient history
  • anecdote
  • annals
  • bank account
  • biography
  • brokerage account
  • bulletin
  • capital account
  • case history
  • check
  • chit
  • chronological record
  • comment
  • communique
  • debriefing
  • definition
  • derivation
  • deriving
  • despatch
  • direct discourse
  • direct quotation
  • dispatch
  • doctor's bill
  • electric bill
  • etymologizing
  • etymology
  • exclusive
  • expense account
  • explication
  • exposition
  • gloss
  • gossip
  • historical document
  • historical paper
  • historical record
  • hotel bill
  • indirect discourse
  • interpretation
  • justification
  • life
  • life history
  • life story
  • medical bill
  • megillah
  • narration
  • newsletter
  • newssheet
  • phone bill
  • profit and loss
  • profit and loss account
  • reason
  • recital
  • reckoning
  • rubric
  • scoop
  • scuttlebutt
  • short account
  • simplification
  • summarisation
  • summarization
  • suspense account
  • tab
  • tally
  • tax bill
  • telephone bill
  • travel and entertainment account
  • urban legend
  • walk-through
  • yarn




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