

词汇 fern


  • fern
  • ferns


  • ① 【植】羊齿植物
    • The hillside was covered with ferns.山坡上长满羊齿植物。


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • living thing
  • animate thing
  • organism
  • being
  • plant
  • flora
  • plant life
  • vascular plant
  • tracheophyte
  • pteridophyte
  • nonflowering plant
  • fern


  • nonflowering plant
  • pteridophyte


  • Acrostichum aureum
  • Aglaomorpha meyeniana
  • Anemia adiantifolia
  • Anogramma leptophylla
  • Asplenium ceterach
  • Asplenium nidus
  • Asplenium nigripes
  • Asplenium scolopendrium
  • Athyrium filix-femina
  • Athyrium pycnocarpon
  • Athyrium thelypteroides
  • Ceterach officinarum
  • Cheilanthes gracillima
  • Christmas fern
  • Coniogramme japonica
  • Culcita dubia
  • Cyclophorus lingua
  • Cyrtomium aculeatum
  • Dennstaedtia punctilobula
  • Deparia acrostichoides
  • Diplazium pycnocarpon
  • Diplopterygium longissimum
  • Doryopteris pedata
  • Drynaria rigidula
  • Dryopteris noveboracensis
  • Dryopteris oreopteris
  • Dryopteris thelypteris
  • Gleichenia flabellata
  • Gymnocarpium dryopteris
  • Gymnocarpium robertianum
  • Helminthostachys zeylanica
  • Indian button fern
  • Jersey fern
  • Leptopteris superba
  • Marattia salicina
  • Massachusetts fern
  • Matteuccia struthiopteris
  • Microgramma-piloselloides
  • Microsorium punctatum
  • Mohria caffrorum
  • New York fern
  • Oleandra mollis
  • Oleandra neriiformis
  • Olfersia cervina
  • Onoclea sensibilis
  • Onoclea struthiopteris
  • Oreopteris limbosperma
  • Parathelypteris novae-boracensis
  • Parathelypteris simulata
  • Pellaea rotundifolia
  • Phlebodium aureum
  • Phyllitis scolopendrium
  • Pityrogramma argentea
  • Pityrogramma calomelanos
  • Pityrogramma calomelanos aureoflava
  • Pityrogramma chrysophylla
  • Polybotria cervina
  • Polybotrya cervina
  • Polypodium aureum
  • Polystichum acrostichoides
  • Polystichum aculeatum
  • Polystichum adiantiformis
  • Prince-of-Wales feather
  • Prince-of-Wales fern
  • Prince-of-Wales plume
  • Pteretis struthiopteris
  • Pteridium aquilinum
  • Pteridium esculentum
  • Pteris cretica
  • Pteris multifida
  • Pteris serrulata
  • Pyrrosia lingua
  • Rumohra adiantiformis
  • Schaffneria nigripes
  • Schizaea pusilla
  • Scolopendrium nigripes
  • Solanopteris bifrons
  • Sticherus flabellatus
  • Tectaria cicutaria
  • Tectaria macrodonta
  • Thelypteris dryopteris
  • Thelypteris palustris
  • Thelypteris simulata
  • Todea barbara
  • Todea superba
  • Vittaria lineata
  • adder's tongue
  • adder's tongue fern
  • annual fern
  • aquatic fern
  • bamboo fern
  • basket fern
  • bead fern
  • bear's-paw fern
  • beech fern
  • bird's nest fern
  • bladder fern
  • boulder fern
  • bracken
  • brake
  • bristle fern
  • buckler fern
  • button fern
  • canker brake
  • chain fern
  • christella
  • cliff-brake
  • cliff brake
  • climbing bird's nest fern
  • climbing fern
  • crape fern
  • crepe fern
  • curly grass
  • curly grass fern
  • dagger fern
  • davallia
  • doodia
  • evergreen wood fern
  • false bracken
  • fan fern
  • felt fern
  • fiddlehead
  • film fern
  • filmy fern
  • flowering fern
  • giant scrambling fern
  • glade fern
  • gold fern
  • golden fern
  • golden polypody
  • grape fern
  • grass fern
  • hand fern
  • hard fern
  • hart's-tongue
  • hart's-tongue fern
  • hay-scented
  • hay-scented fern
  • holly fern
  • king fern
  • lace fern
  • lady fern
  • leather fern
  • leatherleaf fern
  • lecanopteris
  • limestone fern
  • lip fern
  • lipfern
  • maidenhair
  • maidenhair fern
  • marsh fern
  • mountain fern
  • narrow-leaved spleenwort
  • northern oak fern
  • oak fern
  • oleander fern
  • osmund
  • ostrich fern
  • pasture brake
  • pecopteris
  • pine fern
  • polypody
  • potato fern
  • rabbit's-foot fern
  • rasp fern
  • ribbon fern
  • rock brake
  • scale fern
  • scaly fern
  • scented fern
  • scolopendrium
  • sensitive fern
  • serpent fern
  • shield fern
  • shuttlecock fern
  • silver fern
  • silvery spleenwort
  • snake polypody
  • spider brake
  • spider fern
  • spleenwort
  • staghorn fern
  • strap fern
  • sword fern
  • ten-day fern
  • tongue fern
  • tree fern
  • umbrella fern
  • water fern
  • wood-fern
  • wood fern
  • woodfern
  • woodsia




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