

词汇 condition


  • condition
  • conditions
  • conditions
  • conditioning
  • conditioned
  • conditioned


  • ① 1[或作a condition]状态,情况,情形2[或作a condition]健康情形,(选手的)状况3【口】(身体的)异常,疾病
    • You can't go to school in that condition.你那样子不能去上学。
    • What condition is your car in?你的汽车情况如何?
    • The astronauts will soon get used to the condition of weightlessness.那些太空人不久就会习惯于无重力状态。
    • His financial condition is poor.他的财务状况不好。
    • She is in a certain [a delicate, an interesting] condition.【婉言】【古】她有喜了。
    • He has a heart condition.他心脏不好。
  • ② 身分,地位;境况
    • people of every condition社会各阶层的人
    • live according to one's condition过适合某人身分的生活
    • change one's condition改变生活况况(尤指结婚)
  • ③[用复数形]环境;情形,状况
    • appalling living conditions可怕的生活状况
    • road conditions道路状况,路况
    • under favorable [difficult] conditions在顺[逆]境
    • under [in] the existing conditions在现有的情形下
  • ④ 条件,必要条件;规定,约定;限制
    • the necessary and sufficient condition充分必要条件
    • the conditions of employment雇用条件
    • One of the conditions of the job is that you should be able to use a computer.那个工作的条件之一是你要会用电脑。
    • on this [that, what] condition在这[那种、什么]条件或情形下
    • I will let you go abroad only on one condition.只有在一种条件之下我才让你出国。
    • What are your conditions for accepting the job?你接受那个工作的条件是什么?
    • make it a condition that ...以…为条件
    • I'll give you this book on the condition that it should be read carefully.我将给你这本书,条件是要仔细阅读。
  • ⑤[用复数形]支付条件
    • the conditions for a loan贷款的支付条件
  • ⑥ 【美】(科目的)补考[补修]
    • work off conditions补考[补修]通过


  • ① 订下…条件;约定
    • It was conditioned between them that they should marry next April.他们两人约定明年四月要结婚。
  • ② 1以…为条件2使达到[适应、习惯于]所要求的情况
    • The gift to the boy was conditioned on his (obtaining) good results at school.送给那男孩的礼物是以他在学校获得好成绩为条件。
    • He conditioned his horse for the race.他为比赛调训他的马。
    • Poverty conditioned him to hardships.贫穷使他习惯于困苦。
    • You must condition yourself against hardship.你必须使自己耐得起困苦。
  • ③ (事物)支配;限制;决定
    • My expenditure is conditioned by my income.我的支出受我的收入所限制。
    • Environment conditioned the child to behave bravely.环境支配了那个小孩勇敢的行为。
  • ④ 1【商】检查(商品的品质)2使(牛、马等)肥壮;改善(情况)3调节(室内空气)
  • ⑤ 【美】需补考
    • Tom was conditioned in physics.汤姆需要补考物理。
  • ⑥ 【心理】制约,使产生条件反射


state: 指某时某人[某物]存在时的状态、情况、环境等;为意义最广最普通的字

the state of our country today

condition: 指被认为某具体的原因或环境所产生的state

The condition made flying impossible.

situation: 大致上和state及condition同义,但较重视各种情况,以及所牵涉到的人与人之间彼此的关系

We are in difficult situations.

status: 指由某人的年龄、性别、智能、学历、职业等各种因素所决定的状况、身分或地位;原为[法律]

his status as a lawyer


  • be in good [bad, poor] condition
    • ① 状况良好[不好];健康情形良好[不佳];(东西)完好无瑕疵[破损]
    • This car isn't in good condition.这部车状况不佳。
  • be in no condition to-V
    • ① 情况不适宜去…
    • He's in no condition to travel.他的健康情形不适宜去旅行。
  • be not in a condition to-V
    • ① 情况不适宜去…
  • in [out of] condition
    • ① 健康良好[不佳];情况良好[欠佳]
    • The men are exhausted and badly out of condition.那些人精疲力竭,健康状况极差。
  • on condition ...
    • ①[当连接词用]只有在…条件之下;假若(=if)
    • He said he would come on condition that there wouldn't be any publicity.他说他愿意来,条件是不要有任何宣传。
  • on no condition
    • ① 无论在任何条件[情形]下都不
    • You must on no condition tell her the secret.你千万不可告诉她这个秘密。


  • ailmentn.疾病
  • circumstancesn.境况
  • demandn.要求
  • fitv.使适合
  • preparev.使…做准备
  • qualifyv.使合格
  • situationn.情况
  • staten.状态
  • termn.条件
  • accustom
  • circumstance
  • environment
  • essential
  • fettle
  • fitness
  • form
  • habituate
  • inure
  • kilter
  • mode
  • must
  • necessity
  • need
  • order
  • precondition
  • prerequisite
  • provision
  • proviso
  • qualification
  • requirement
  • requisite
  • reservation
  • scene
  • shape
  • sine qua non
  • specification
  • status
  • stipulation
  • string
  • trim
  • wont
  • check
  • consideration
  • discipline
  • experimental condition
  • specify
  • stipulate
  • train


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • condition
  • status


  • assumption
  • good health
  • healthiness
  • illness
  • information
  • malady
  • premise
  • premiss
  • procedure
  • process
  • sickness
  • state
  • statement
  • unwellness


  • absolution
  • ambiance
  • ambience
  • amphidiploidy
  • amyotonia
  • anchorage
  • ascendance
  • ascendancy
  • ascendence
  • ascendency
  • astigmatism
  • astigmia
  • atmosphere
  • atonia
  • atonicity
  • atony
  • automation
  • boundary condition
  • brutalisation
  • brutalization
  • celibacy
  • circumstance
  • circumstances
  • climate
  • comfort
  • comfortableness
  • condemnation
  • control
  • curvature
  • danger
  • dark
  • darkness
  • declination
  • decline
  • deification
  • demand
  • depilation
  • deshabille
  • despair
  • desperation
  • destiny
  • difficulty
  • diploidy
  • discomfort
  • dishabille
  • disorder
  • disorderliness
  • diversification
  • diversity
  • dominance
  • dryness
  • ecological niche
  • economic condition
  • emptiness
  • encapsulation
  • ennoblement
  • environmental condition
  • exoneration
  • eye condition
  • facilitation
  • fate
  • financial condition
  • fitness
  • fortune
  • frizz
  • fruition
  • fullness
  • guilt
  • guiltiness
  • hairlessness
  • haploidy
  • health
  • heteroploidy
  • homelessness
  • hopefulness
  • hospitalization
  • hyalinisation
  • hyalinization
  • identification
  • illumination
  • immunity
  • impaction
  • impropriety
  • improvement
  • impureness
  • impurity
  • iniquity
  • innocence
  • introversion
  • invagination
  • involvement
  • ionisation
  • ionization
  • irradiation
  • justification
  • lactosuria
  • laxity
  • laxness
  • leakiness
  • light
  • lot
  • lubrication
  • luck
  • lysogenicity
  • lysogeny
  • malady
  • mechanisation
  • mechanization
  • melioration
  • mental condition
  • mental state
  • mitigating circumstance
  • mode
  • mood
  • mosaicism
  • motivation
  • mummification
  • muteness
  • mutism
  • nakedness
  • need
  • niche
  • noise conditions
  • nomination
  • normalcy
  • normality
  • nudeness
  • nudity
  • order
  • orderliness
  • ordinary
  • orphanage
  • orphanhood
  • participation
  • physical condition
  • physical fitness
  • physiological condition
  • physiological state
  • place
  • polarisation
  • polarization
  • polyploidy
  • portion
  • position
  • prepossession
  • preservation
  • prognathism
  • protuberance
  • provision
  • proviso
  • psychological condition
  • psychological state
  • pureness
  • purity
  • regularisation
  • regularization
  • reinstatement
  • repair
  • resistance
  • roots
  • rustication
  • rustiness
  • safety
  • sanitary condition
  • saturation
  • scandalisation
  • scandalization
  • serration
  • silence
  • sinlessness
  • situation
  • ski conditions
  • social stratification
  • soundness
  • standardisation
  • standardization
  • stigmatism
  • stratification
  • submission
  • subservience
  • susceptibility
  • susceptibleness
  • tautness
  • tenseness
  • tension
  • tensity
  • tilth
  • transsexualism
  • uncomfortableness
  • unsoundness
  • unsusceptibility
  • urbanisation
  • urbanization
  • vacuolation
  • vacuolisation
  • vacuolization
  • virginity
  • waterlessness
  • way
  • wetness
  • whiteness
  • wickedness
  • xerotes




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