

词汇 book


  • book
  • books
  • books
  • booking
  • booked
  • booked


  • ① 书,书籍;著作;著述
    • I enjoy reading books.我喜欢读书。
    • He is writing a new book.他正在写一本新书。
    • He published a book about [on] Goethe.他出版了一本有关[讨论]歌德的书。
  • ②[the (Good) Book]圣经(=the Bible)
  • ③ 卷;篇
    • Book I第一卷(读作book one)(★book以内容分, volume以外形分)
  • ④ (歌剧的)唱词脚本(=libretto);(戏剧的)脚本(=script)
  • ⑤ 1簿册;小本车票或邮票;支票簿2[用复数形]名册3[用复数形]帐簿4[the book]【英】电话簿( telephone directory)
    • a book of matches一本火柴
    • a book of stamps一本邮票册
    • a book of tickets一本回数票
    • Her name is no longer on our books.她的名字已不在我们的名册上。
    • They have taken his name off the books.他们已将他除名。
    • do the books查帐
    • keep books记帐
    • Our company's books are audited every year.本公司的帐簿每年都要稽核。
    • shut the books停止(生意)往来<on>
    • Are you in the book?你的电话号码有没有登在电话簿?
  • ⑥[the book]1【口】规则,基准,规范2(使用)说明书
    • according to the book根据规则
  • ⑦ 【赛马】记载赌注的帐册


  • ① 1登记(名字、订单等)2载于警察的记录
    • He was booked for speeding.他因超速被记载在警察的记录。
  • ② 1预定(座位等),预购(船票等)2接受(预定、预定者);约定(人)3托运(行李、货物)
    • We have booked a table at a Chinese restaurant.我们已在一家中国餐厅订了一桌。
    • I'd like to book two seats for tonight's concert.我要订今晚音乐会的两个座位。
    • I booked him a room at a hotel.=I booked a room for him at a hotel.我在一家旅馆替他订了一个房间。
    • I booked myself (on a flight) to Paris.我订了到巴黎的(机)票。
  • ③ 与(某人)预约;约定(某人)上场等
    • The pianist is booked for every night of the week.这名钢琴家本周每晚都已有邀约。
    • I've booked him for dinner.我已约他吃晚饭。
    • I am booked to fly on Monday.我预购了星期一起飞的飞机。


  • ① (旅客等)预约;订票;订座
    • Can I book through to Naples?我可以买(一张)直达那不勒斯的票吗?


  • at one's books
    • ① 在研读中
    • She's always at her books.她总是在研读。
  • be booked
    • ① (旅馆等)房间都被订完;(人)繁忙
    • We couldn't get a room at the hotel; they are all booked up.在那家旅社我们找不到房间;所有的房间都被订光了。
    • They are all booked up for the weekend.这个周末他们都有约会。
  • be in a person's good [bad, black] books
    • ① 为[不为]某人所喜;得[失]某人之宠
    • He is in the teacher's bad books.他不受老师的喜爱。
  • bring [call] a person to book
    • ① 要求某人解释其行为<for>
    • ② 斥责某人<for, over, about>
  • by the book
    • ① 根据常规,以惯常的做法
    • ② 正式地
  • close the books
    • ① (暂停记帐以便)结帐;结束或截止(募捐等)<on>;中止
    • The department store closes the books on the 25th of each month.那家百货公司每月二十五日结帐。
  • hit the [one's] books
    • ① 勤奋地钻读或研习
    • I have to go home and hit the books.我必须回家用心读书。
  • in my book
    • ① 依我的意见
    • In my book, they are not to be trusted.依我的看法,他们是不可信赖的。
  • kiss the book
    • ① 吻圣经宣誓(=kiss the Bible)
  • like a book
    • ① 完全地;十分地;彻底地;流利而详尽地
    • I know the area like a book.我对该地区十分熟悉。
    • I can read you like a book.我能看透你的心思。
    • speak [talk] like a book说[谈]得详尽;咬文嚼字
  • make book
    • ① (赛马等)(庄家)收赌注
    • ② 打赌(=wager; bet)
    • You can make book on it that he won't succeed.你可以打赌他不会成功。
  • on the books
    • ① 已登记[注册];名簿上有记载;有案可查
  • one for the book
    • ① 值得注意的事件;非凡[惊人]的事物
    • The exploration was one for the book.那次探险是一件了不起的事情。
  • speak by the book
    • ① 引经据典而言
    • I can't speak by the book, but I know this is wrong.虽然我无法引经据典,但我知道这是错的。
  • suit one's book
    • ①[常用于否定句]合乎某人的目的、希望或计划
  • take a leaf out of another's book
    • ① 模仿他人的行动
    • I took a leaf out of Edison's book and began inventing useful little things.我模仿爱迪生,开始发明些有用的小东西。
  • take kindly to one's books
    • ① 勤勉好学
  • the Book of Books
    • ① 书中之书,圣经
  • the book of life
    • ① 【圣】(列载获得永生者之名的)生命之书
  • throw the book at ...
    • ① 严厉处罚…
    • ② 举出…的一切罪状
    • They threw the book at Rocko-he got 180 years.他们举出了罗可的一切罪状——他被判一百八十年的徒刑。
  • without book
    • ① 单凭记忆地
    • ② 无权地;无根据地
    • He punished her without book.他擅自处罚她。
  • write the book
    • ① 为创始者[领导者、典范(等)]
    • So far as genetic engineering is concerned, they wrote the book.就遗传工程学而言,他们是开创者。


  • jailv.收押
  • ordervt./vi.预订
  • reservevt.预订
  • bespeak
  • catalog
  • engage
  • enroll
  • inscribe
  • list
  • set down
  • tome
  • volume
  • write down
  • Bible
  • Book
  • Christian Bible
  • Good Book
  • Holy Scripture
  • Holy Writ
  • Koran
  • Quran
  • Scripture
  • Word
  • Word of God
  • account book
  • al-Qur'an
  • book of account
  • hold
  • ledger
  • leger
  • playscript
  • record
  • record book
  • rule book
  • script


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • creation
  • product
  • production
  • work
  • piece of work
  • publication
  • book


  • accumulation
  • aggregation
  • assemblage
  • collection
  • dramatic composition
  • dramatic work
  • fact
  • product
  • production
  • publication
  • record
  • religious text
  • religious writing
  • sacred text
  • sacred writing
  • section
  • subdivision


  • Epistle
  • album
  • appointment book
  • appointment calendar
  • authority
  • bestiary
  • book of facts
  • booklet
  • brochure
  • card
  • catalog
  • catalogue
  • catechism
  • coffee-table book
  • continuity
  • copybook
  • cost ledger
  • curiosa
  • daybook
  • dialog
  • dialogue
  • family Bible
  • folder
  • folio
  • formulary
  • general ledger
  • hardback
  • hardcover
  • journal
  • leaflet
  • libretto
  • logbook
  • notebook
  • novel
  • order book
  • pamphlet
  • paper-back book
  • paperback
  • paperback book
  • pharmacopeia
  • phrase book
  • picture book
  • playbook
  • pop-up
  • pop-up book
  • prayer book
  • prayerbook
  • prompt copy
  • promptbook
  • reference
  • reference book
  • reference work
  • review copy
  • scenario
  • school text
  • schoolbook
  • scorecard
  • screenplay
  • shooting script
  • sketch block
  • sketch pad
  • sketchbook
  • soft-cover
  • soft-cover book
  • softback
  • softback book
  • songbook
  • storybook
  • subsidiary ledger
  • text
  • text edition
  • textbook
  • tome
  • trade book
  • trade edition
  • won-lost record
  • workbook
  • yearbook


  • procure
  • secure




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