

词汇 crowd


  • crowd
  • crowds
  • crowds
  • crowding
  • crowded
  • crowded


  • ①[集合用法]群;人群;群众
    • A large crowd had gathered [collected] in the park.一大群人已聚集在公园。
    • A crowd of angry people attacked him.一群愤怒的人攻击他。
    • The crowd was silent.那群人默不作声。
    • That may [might, would] pass in a crowd.【口】那还算过得去(还不坏)。
  • ②[the crowd]民众,大众(=the masses)
    • Do you think you are superior to the crowd?你以为你优于大众吗?
    • follow [move with, go with] the crowd跟着大众走
    • raise oneself [rise] above the crowd出类拔萃
  • ③[a crowd of ...或crowds of ...]大量(通常指杂乱的东西);许多;大堆
    • a crowd of books一大堆书
    • Crowds of people were doing their Christmas shopping.成群的人们在购买耶诞节的应景物品。
  • ④[通常附有修饰语]【口】一伙,一帮,伙伴
    • a good [the wrong] crowd好[坏]伙伴
    • Don't associate with that crowd.不要跟那一伙来往。


  • ① 挤满;使充塞(★常以过去分词当形容词用)
    • Shoppers crowded the stores.购物者挤满那些商店。
    • He crowded his room with furniture.他把他的房间挤满了家具。
    • crowd people into a train将人们挤进火车中
    • Sixty people were crowded into the bus.六十人挤到公车里。
    • He crowded them in.他把他们塞进去。
  • ② 【美口】执拗地央求(某人),催逼<for>
    • Don't crowd me.不要催我。
    • The creditor is crowding him for payment.债主正在催他付款。


  • ① 群聚;拥挤
    • The boys crowded round [around] their teacher.那些男孩聚在他们老师的周围。
    • The tourists crowded into the train [through the gate].那些观光客挤进那列火车[挤过大门]。
    • They crowded in to see the performance.他们挤进去看表演。


crowd: 是一大群人的聚集,往往杂乱无章而不易分辨出个体来

A crowd was waiting for the President before the White House.

throng: 指更大更多的一群人挤在一起,并含有向前推挤之意

There are throngs in the streets after the accident.

swarm: 指为数极多的群众,并不断蠕动或移动

A swarm of demonstrators gathered.

mob: 为不守秩序的暴乱群众

The mob set fire to the building.


  • crowd ... out of ...
    • ① 由…将…挤出去(★常用被动式)
    • Many passengers were crowded out of the train.很多旅客被挤出火车。
  • crowd in on [upon] ...
    • ① (思想等)涌现在…的脑中
    • Childhood memories crowded in on [upon] him.童年的回忆涌现在他心中。
  • crowd out
    • ① 将(某人或某物)挤出(★常用被动式)
    • His article was crowded out.他的文章因稿挤而未被利登。


  • clusterv.聚集
  • flockv.群集
  • gatherv.集合
  • jamv.塞入
  • pushv.
  • army
  • assemblage
  • assembly
  • body
  • bunch
  • circle
  • clique
  • cloud
  • common
  • commonality
  • commonalty
  • commoner
  • company
  • conclave
  • conference
  • congregation
  • congress
  • convention
  • convocation
  • coterie
  • cram
  • crush
  • drove
  • gang
  • gathering
  • get-together
  • group
  • hoi polloi
  • horde
  • host
  • jam-pack
  • legion
  • load
  • mass
  • meeting
  • mob
  • multitude
  • muster
  • pack
  • pleb
  • plebeian
  • populace
  • press
  • public
  • ruck
  • score
  • set
  • stuff
  • swarm
  • third estate
  • throng
  • troop
  • crew
  • crowd together
  • herd


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • gathering
  • assemblage
  • crowd


  • assemblage
  • gathering


  • army
  • crush
  • drove
  • flock
  • horde
  • huddle
  • jam
  • mob
  • phalanx
  • press
  • rabble
  • rout
  • swarm
  • troop




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