

词汇 get off

get off


  • ① (从马、乘骑的东西上面)下来,下去,下车
    • It began to rain as we got off the train [bus].我们从火车[公共汽车]下来的时候开始下雨(★从轿车、出租车下来,通常用get out of a car [taxi]这种说法)。
    • I'm getting off at the next stop.我在下一站下车。
  • ② 不踏(草地等);避开
    • Get off the grass.请勿践踏草地。
    • Get your hands off!不要碰!
  • ③ 逃脱(契约等);避免(处罚[不幸、损失])
    • She got off with a small fine.她被科以小笔罚金后获释。
    • He has got off cheaply [easy, lightly].他没受什么苦[未受重罚]。
  • ④ 出发;动身
    • We got off immediately after breakfast.早餐之后我们立刻动身。
  • ⑤ 脱下(衣服、戒指等);除下
    • Mother told him to get his wet clothes off.妈妈叫他把湿衣服脱下来。
  • ⑥ 使免于受罚;使减轻刑罚
    • His lawyer got him off.他的律师使他脱罪。
  • ⑦ 送;寄出;送走
    • She managed to get her children off to school in time.她设法按时打发孩子们上学。
    • get a parcel [a letter] off寄出包裹[信件]
  • ⑧ 说(笑话等);演讲;背诵(诗行)
    • The speaker got off one or two very amusing jokes.演说者讲了一两则很有趣的笑话。
  • ⑨ 下班
    • What time do you get off (from work)?你什么时候下班?
  • ⑩ 入眠
    • That naughty boy at last got off (to sleep).那个顽皮的男孩终于睡着了。


  • get




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