

词汇 authority


  • authority
  • authorities


  • ① 权威;权力;权势;威信
    • a [the] person in authority有权力者
    • He is a man of great authority.他是一个很有权威的人。
  • ② 权限;职权
    • Who gave you (the) authority to search this house?谁授权给你搜查这房子?
    • On whose authority did you use my computer?你凭谁的许可用我的电脑?
    • He has no authority for the decision.他无权做此决定。
    • Only she has authority to sign checks.只有她有权签发支票。
  • ③[常用复数形]掌权[当权]的人(们);当局;官府
    • the proper authorities=the authorities concerned有关当局
    • the civil [military] authorities政府的文职[军事]当局
  • ④ 权威;专家;可靠消息或证据,权威著作<on>
    • He is an authority on Chinese literature.他是中国文学权威。
  • ⑤ 公共事业机构
    • the Tennessee Valley Authority田纳西河流域管理局(TVA)



influence: 指人或物对他人或物所产生的影响(力)

authority: 指人的品格、专门学说等,能使别人信服的力量、权威

prestige: 指因辉煌的功绩或出众的性格而产生的令人尊敬或赞赏的声望

weight: 指多少有意义[重要性]的influence


power: 指支配、统治、决定等的力量或权限

the power of a governor

authority: 指地位或职业所赋与的支配或命令他人的权威

the authority of a judge

control: 指控制、管制、制止等的权限

government control over prices

command: 指使他人服从命令的力量

He was in command of a regiment.


  • be authority of ...
    • ① 得到…的授权
  • exercise [have] authority over ...
    • ① 有权力指挥…
    • I have no authority over them.我指挥不了他们[对他们不具权威]。
  • on good authority
    • ① 根据可靠的来源
    • I have it on good authority.我自可靠来源得此消息。
  • on one's own authority
    • ① 凭独断;据一己之意
  • on the authority of ...
    • ① 根据(某可靠来源)
  • under the authority of ...
    • ① 在…指挥[支配、权力]之下
    • I am acting under the authority of him. (=I am acting under his authority.)我在他的指挥下行动;我奉他的命令行事。
  • with authority
    • ① 以权威的身分;威严地
    • He gave them orders with authority.他以权威身分命令他们。
    • "It is true," he said with great authority.他非常威严地说:「这是真实的」。


  • commandn.命令
  • powern.力量
  • specialistn.专家
  • ace
  • adept
  • competence
  • competency
  • control
  • crackerjack
  • dab
  • dab hand
  • domination
  • dominion
  • expert
  • faculty
  • jurisdiction
  • mandate
  • master
  • mastery
  • might
  • official
  • past master
  • prerogative
  • professional
  • proficient
  • right
  • say-so
  • sovereignty
  • sway
  • whiz
  • wizard
  • agency
  • assurance
  • authorisation
  • authorization
  • bureau
  • confidence
  • dominance
  • federal agency
  • government agency
  • office
  • potency
  • sanction
  • self-assurance
  • self-confidence
  • sureness


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • quality
  • power
  • powerfulness
  • control
  • authority
  • authorization
  • authorisation
  • potency
  • dominance
  • say-so


  • administrative body
  • administrative unit
  • book
  • certainty
  • control
  • expert
  • individual
  • mortal
  • permission
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul


  • AI
  • ARDA
  • Advanced Research and Development Activity
  • Air Force
  • Air Force ISR
  • Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
  • Army
  • Army Intelligence
  • BJA
  • BJS
  • BMDO
  • Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
  • Bureau of Customs
  • Bureau of Diplomatic Security
  • Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  • Bureau of Intelligence and Research
  • Bureau of Justice Assistance
  • Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • Bureau of the Census
  • CCRC
  • CDC
  • CTC
  • Casualty Care Research Center
  • Census Bureau
  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Comptroller of the Currency
  • Counterterrorist Center
  • Customs Bureau
  • Customs Service
  • DISA
  • DOEI
  • DRMS
  • DS
  • DTIC
  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
  • Defense Information Systems Agency
  • Defense Logistics Agency
  • Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
  • Defense Technical Information Center
  • Department of Defense Laboratory System
  • Department of Energy Intelligence
  • FAA
  • FDA
  • FHA
  • FWS
  • Federal Aviation Agency
  • Federal Housing Administration
  • Financial Management Service
  • Food and Drug Administration
  • Foreign Service
  • GAO
  • GPO
  • Government Accounting Office
  • Government Printing Office
  • INR
  • INS
  • IRS
  • Immigration and Naturalization Service
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • MCIA
  • Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
  • NCDC
  • NGA
  • NGB
  • NIH
  • NIST
  • NOAA
  • NPC
  • NSW
  • NSWC
  • NTIS
  • NUWC
  • National Climatic Data Center
  • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • National Guard Bureau
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • National Institutes of Health
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • National Park Service
  • National Technical Information Service
  • National Weather Service
  • Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
  • Naval Special Warfare
  • Naval Surface Warfare Center
  • Naval Underwater Warfare Center
  • Navy
  • Nonproliferation Center
  • OIS
  • ONI
  • OSHA
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Office of Intelligence Support
  • Office of Naval Intelligence
  • PHS
  • Patent Office
  • Patent and Trademark Office Database
  • TSA
  • Technology Administration
  • Transportation Security Administration
  • U. S. Air Force
  • U. S. Army
  • U. S. Coast Guard
  • USA
  • USAF
  • USCB
  • USN
  • US Air Force
  • US Army
  • US Border Patrol
  • US Coast Guard
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • US Government Printing Office
  • US Navy
  • United States Air Force
  • United States Army
  • United States Border Patrol
  • United States Coast Guard
  • United States Fish and Wildlife Service
  • United States Government Accounting Office
  • United States Government Printing Office
  • United States Navy
  • United States Public Health Service
  • abrogator
  • adviser
  • advisor
  • allocator
  • approver
  • authoriser
  • authority figure
  • authorizer
  • carte blanche
  • civil authority
  • civil officer
  • cognoscente
  • command
  • connoisseur
  • consultant
  • distributor
  • evaluator
  • executive agency
  • high priest
  • imperium
  • independent agency
  • judge
  • last word
  • law enforcement agency
  • liturgist
  • local authority
  • lordship
  • mandator
  • master
  • muscle
  • organ
  • pacha
  • pasha
  • power of appointment
  • professional
  • rebuker
  • reproacher
  • reprover
  • sovereignty
  • upbraider
  • withdrawer




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