

词汇 catch


  • catch
  • catches
  • catches
  • catching
  • caught
  • caught


  • ① 捕捉;捉住;捕获;攫取;拦截
    • The police caught a thief.警察抓到一名小偷。
    • Cats like to catch mice.猫喜欢捉老鼠。
    • He has been caught many times for stealing.他因偷窃而被捕已有多次。
    • The mouse was caught in a trap.老鼠被陷阱[捕鼠器]捕住了。
    • I caught him by the collar.我抓住他的衣领。
  • ② 撞见(某人正在做坏事);觑破;发觉
    • I caught the boy stealing apples from the garden.我撞见那男孩在偷花园里的苹果。
    • He was caught in the act.他被当场捉住。
    • (You'll never) catch me doing that!【美口】我才不会做那种事!
    • He caught me just as I was leaving the building.我正要离开那栋建筑物时,他撞见了我。
  • ③ 1着(火)2染患(疾病);感染(热情、癖好)
    • Paper catches fire easily.纸容易着火。
    • She caught pneumonia and died.她罹患肺炎而死亡。
    • You'll catch cold if you don't put a coat on.如果你不穿上一件外套,你会感冒。
  • ④ 1(暴风雨等)拦袭(★通常用被动式,介词用in或by)2突袭,急袭
    • They were caught in a shower.他们为骤雨所困;他们遇到了骤雨。
    • We caught the enemy unawares.我们冷不防突袭敌人。
  • ⑤ 及时赶上,赶上(←→miss)
    • He caught a train to Paris.他赶上一班开往巴黎的火车。
    • catch the mail [post]及时赶上邮局的收信
  • ⑥ 【板球】接住(球)使不得进球得分;【棒球】接杀<out>
  • ⑦ 打;击
    • The stone caught him on the forehead.那块石头打到他的额头。
    • The bullet caught him in the throat.子弹击中了他的喉头。
    • I caught him a blow on the chin.我在他下巴上打了一下。
  • ⑧ 使绊住;使缠住;钩住;挂住
    • The closing door caught her skirt.正在关闭的门夹住了她的裙子。
    • She caught her dress on a nail.她的衣服被钉子钩住了。
    • He caught his thumb in the door.他的拇指被门夹住了。
  • ⑨ 引起(注意),吸引(视线)
    • Her new dress caught his attention.她的新衣引起了他的注意。
    • He tried to catch the waiter's eye.他试图吸引侍者的视线。
  • ⑩ 懂得,了解;听见
    • Mary failed to catch his meaning.玛丽不了解他的意思。
    • She could not catch what he said.她听不到他所说的话。
  • ⑪ (感官)感觉到
    • She caught the smell of something burning.她闻到东西烧焦的味道。
    • I caught a glimpse of her.我瞥见她。


  • ① 抓;握;抢
    • A drowning man will catch at a straw.【谚】溺水者连一根稻草也想抓住。
  • ② (东西)着火,起燃
    • The fire has caught.火烧起来了。
    • Tinder catches easily.火绒易着火。
  • ③ 挂住;钩住;绊住;缠住
    • This lock won't catch.这个锁锁不住。
    • Her sleeve has caught on a nail [in the net].她的衣袖被钉子钩住[被网夹住]。
  • ④ 【棒球】充当捕手
    • He caught for the Giants.他为巨人队当捕手。


  • ① 1捕捉;【板球】【棒球】接球2接球游戏
    • make a fine [nice] catch接球接得漂亮
    • miss a catch漏接球
    • Let's play catch.我们玩接球游戏吧。
  • ② 所捕获或值得捕获之物
    • The fishermen got a good [fine, large] catch (of fish).那些渔夫渔获甚丰。
  • ③ 【口】为众所乐于物色[网罗]的人物
    • a good catch一个好的对象
    • a great catch一位大受欢迎的人物
    • It's no catch [not much of a catch].(所得之物)算不了什么;不合算的东西。
  • ④ (使锁、门等牢固的)搭扣,锁环,挂钩,弹簧锁
    • The catch on that door is broken.那扇门上的搭扣断了。
  • ⑤ 短暂的停顿(如呼吸或说话声)
    • a sudden catch in his voice他的声音的忽然哽住
  • ⑥ 【乐】轮唱曲;轮唱的片断
    • catches of a song一首歌轮唱的片断部分
  • ⑦ 【口】引人上当的事物;诡计;使人容易答错的问题
    • There's a catch to this question.这问题有诈(容易诱人答错)。


  • ① (问题等)容易使人上当的
  • ② 引人注意的;有趣的
    • a catch line引人注意的宣传文句


catch: 为一般用语,指出其不意或机智地捕捉或抓住人、物等

capture: 是用较大力量、技巧或手段克服阻碍或抵抗而捕获

capture an outlaw




trap, snare: 是设好陷阱或圈套以诱捕,且暗示一旦捕获后即难以逃脱


  • catch at ...
    • ① 设法抓住
    • ② 把握住(机会);乐意接纳(他人的意见等)
    • He caught at the offer.他欣然接受那项提议。
  • catch hold of ...
    • ① 抓住(话柄等),握住;控制;把握;获得
    • catch hold of a dog by its collar抓住一条狗的项圈
    • The monkey caught hold of a twig.那只猴子抓住一根树枝。
    • She caught hold of my sleeve.她抓住我的袖子。
  • catch it
    • ①[通常用未来式]【口】受叱责[处罚]
    • You will catch it from your father.你会受到父亲的叱责。
  • catch on
    • ① 【口】风行,受欢迎;理解,了解
    • This song will catch on well.这首歌将大为风行。
    • He explained, but I could not catch on.他解释了,但我无法了解。
    • She did not catch on to the joke.她不了解那笑话的含意。
  • catch oneself
    • ① 发觉自己的错误
    • The third time he made the slip he caught himself and corrected it.当他第三次说错话的时候,他发觉了就改正过来。
  • catch out
    • ① 【板球】【棒球】接杀出局
    • ② 觉察出(别人的)错误;识破骗局
    • He was caught out.他被觉察出有误[有诈]。
    • She caught him out in a lie.她识破他的谎言。
  • catch up
    • ① 遽烈攫取[抓住]
    • ② 赶上
    • ③ 使(人)卷入(事情等)<in>(★通常用被动式)
    • ④ 吸引注意;使失去理智;受感染(★通常用被动式)
    • ⑤ 赶上(工作进度等)<on>
    • She caught up on mathematics during the vacation.她在假期中赶上数学的进度。


  • apprehendvt.捉拿
  • entanglevt.抓住
  • graspv.抓住
  • hauln.收获量
  • interceptvt.抓住
  • netv.抓住
  • snatchv.抓住
  • trapv.捕捉
  • accept
  • anchor
  • arrest
  • bag
  • bash
  • belt
  • biff
  • board
  • bop
  • brass ring
  • capture
  • clasp
  • clip
  • clout
  • clutch
  • compass
  • comprehend
  • conceive
  • conk
  • contract
  • descry
  • detect
  • develop
  • dig
  • discern
  • embrangle
  • embroil
  • enmesh
  • ensnare
  • ensnarl
  • enthrall
  • entrap
  • espy
  • fascinate
  • fasten
  • fastener
  • fathom
  • fix
  • follow
  • get
  • glimpse
  • grab
  • grip
  • hit
  • hit on
  • hold
  • hook
  • implicate
  • involve
  • ken
  • knock
  • lodge
  • make out
  • mesmerize
  • mix up
  • moor
  • nab
  • nail
  • nip
  • overtake
  • paste
  • plum
  • pop
  • prize
  • read
  • rivet
  • rub
  • savvy
  • secure
  • see
  • seize
  • seizure
  • sense
  • sicken
  • slam
  • slog
  • slug
  • smash
  • smite
  • snag
  • snap
  • snare
  • sock
  • spellbind
  • spot
  • spy
  • stick
  • strike
  • suck
  • surprise
  • swat
  • take
  • take in
  • tangle
  • thwack
  • trammel
  • transfix
  • twig
  • understand
  • wallop
  • web
  • whack
  • wham
  • whop
  • apprehension
  • becharm
  • beguile
  • bewitch
  • captivate
  • catch up with
  • charm
  • collar
  • enamor
  • enamour
  • enchant
  • entrance
  • gimmick
  • hitch
  • match
  • overhear
  • pick up
  • pinch
  • stop
  • take hold of
  • taking into custody
  • trance
  • trip up
  • view
  • watch


  • missvt.错过
  • unhitch


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • quality
  • bad
  • badness
  • liability
  • disadvantage
  • drawback
  • catch
  • gimmick


  • adult
  • capture
  • constraint
  • delivery
  • drawback
  • fastener
  • fastening
  • fixing
  • gaining control
  • game
  • grownup
  • holdfast
  • indefinite quantity
  • manner of speaking
  • object
  • physical object
  • restraint
  • seizure
  • speech
  • touch
  • touching


  • bench hook
  • click
  • detent
  • dog
  • doorstop
  • doorstopper
  • fair catch
  • hasp
  • hood latch
  • hook
  • interception
  • interlock
  • interlocking
  • latch
  • mesh
  • meshing
  • pawl
  • rebound
  • reception
  • shoestring catch
  • trip
  • tripper


  • compete
  • contend
  • listen
  • vie




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