

词汇 bump


  • bump
  • bumps
  • bumps
  • bumping
  • bumped
  • bumped


  • ① 冲击;碰撞;碰撞声
    • The two bicycles collided with a bump.那两辆自行车发出猛烈碰撞声地相撞。
  • ② (因碰撞所起的)肿块;(道路等的)隆起
    • He got a bump on the head.他头上肿了一块。
    • There are many bumps in this street.这条街上有许多隆起处。
  • ③ (使飞机颠簸的)恶气流
  • ④ 【美口】(尤指薪水或工资的)增加
    • She asked the boss for a 5% bump.她向老板要求加薪百分之五。
  • ⑤ 【美口】升[降]级
  • ⑥ 【俚】(脱衣舞等)突出腰部的动作


  • ① 碰;撞;冲击;使(头等)碰撞(床、墙等)
    • The truck bumped his car.那辆卡车撞上了他的车子。
    • He bumped his head against a tree.他的头撞到一棵树。
  • ② 撞落<off>
    • He bumped the vase off the table.他把花瓶从果上撞落。
  • ③ (利用地位等)把(某人)挤出<from>
    • He was bumped from a flight to Paris.他被人从飞往巴黎的班机中挤出(不让他搭乘)。


  • ① 碰撞
    • He bumped against the wall.他撞到了墙壁。
    • In the dark I bumped into someone.我在黑暗中与人撞了个满怀。
  • ② (车等)颠簸而行
    • The bus bumped along [down] (the rough road).那辆巴士(沿崎岖的道路)颠簸而行。


  • ① 猛然碰撞地


  • bump into ...
    • ① 碰撞
    • ② 【口】不期而遇,邂逅
    • I bumped into an old friend this morning.今天早上我意外地碰到了一位老友。
  • bump off
    • ① 【俚】杀掉(=kill);(尤指)谋杀(=murder)
    • They tried to bump off the leader.他们试图谋杀那名领导者。
    • They bumped him off last night.他们昨夜把他杀掉了。
  • bump up
    • ① 【口】逐渐提高(物价、租金等)
    • ② 【美】【口】将(军人等)升等<to>


  • bangn.碰撞声
  • blown.打击
  • bouncev.乱冲乱撞
  • collidev.相撞
  • collisionn.相撞
  • crackn.噼啪声;重击
  • crashv.撞上
  • crashn.撞击
  • crash intov.撞上
  • hitv.碰撞
  • hitn.
  • joltv.颠簸
  • knockv.撞上
  • knockn.撞击
  • lumpn.肿块
  • run intov.碰上
  • smash intov.撞毁
  • strikev.碰,撞
  • swellingn.肿块
  • alight on
  • boot
  • break
  • bunch
  • bust
  • chance on
  • chuck
  • come across
  • come on
  • concussion
  • degrade
  • demote
  • destroy
  • dismiss
  • do in
  • downgrade
  • eject
  • evict
  • expel
  • find
  • finish
  • happen on
  • hump
  • impact
  • jar
  • jerk
  • kick out
  • kill
  • knob
  • knock off
  • knot
  • light on
  • liquidate
  • murder
  • nub
  • off
  • oust
  • percussion
  • protuberance
  • put away
  • reduce
  • rub out
  • run across
  • shock
  • slay
  • smash
  • stumble on
  • throw out
  • tumble on
  • waste
  • wipe out
  • zap
  • bulge
  • chance
  • dislodge
  • encounter
  • excrescence
  • extrusion
  • gibbosity
  • gibbousness
  • happen
  • jut
  • kick downstairs
  • prominence
  • protrusion
  • relegate


  • promote


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • condition
  • status
  • physical condition
  • physiological state
  • physiological condition
  • pathological state
  • ill health
  • unhealthiness
  • health problem
  • injury
  • hurt
  • harm
  • trauma
  • bump


  • harm
  • hurt
  • impact
  • injury
  • projection
  • trauma


  • bang
  • bash
  • belly
  • belt
  • buffeting
  • caput
  • concussion
  • frontal eminence
  • jar
  • jolt
  • jounce
  • knock
  • mogul
  • nub
  • nubble
  • occipital protuberance
  • pounding
  • rap
  • shock
  • sideswipe
  • slap
  • smack
  • smash
  • snag
  • strike
  • tap
  • wart




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