

词汇 bother


  • bother
  • bothers
  • bothers
  • bothering
  • bothered
  • bothered


  • ① 困扰,烦扰;搅扰;使困恼(★常用被动式,介词用by或with)
    • What's bothering you?什么事使你烦恼?
    • That's what bothers me most.那是最使我困扰的事。
    • Does the noise bother you much?那噪音使你深受困扰吗?
    • Don't bother him while he is working.他在工作的时候,不要打扰他。
    • May I bother you? I want to ask you a question.我可以打扰你吗?我想问你一个问题。
    • I am sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the time?抱歉打扰你,不过你可以告诉我现在的时刻吗?
    • The neighbors were bothered by [with] the noise of the party.邻居们被那聚会[派对]的噪音所困扰。
    • Don't bother me with the details.不要拿细节来烦扰我。
    • He bothered his father for a bicycle.他吵着向父亲要一辆自行车。
    • His son bothers him to buy him a motorcycle.他的儿子闹着求他买一辆机车给他。
    • I can't be bothered to cook for myself.我不要麻烦为自己弄饮食。
  • ② 【英口】(表示不耐烦或厌恶的轻微)诅咒
    • Bother the mosquitoes!讨厌的蚊子!
    • Bother you !讨厌你!
    • Oh, bother it!啊,讨厌!


  • ① 烦恼;苦恼;费事;烦心
    • I don't bother about it.我不为此烦恼。
    • "Shall I help you?" "Don't bother-I'll do it myself."「要我帮忙吗?」「不用麻烦——我会自己做。」
    • I have no time to bother with trifles.我无暇烦恼琐事。
    • Don't bother coming to see me.不必劳驾来看我。
    • Don't bother to call.不用打电话来。


  • ① 1麻烦;焦虑;烦心2[通常用单数形](引起)麻烦或困扰的事
    • I found the house without any bother.我毫不费事就找到那栋房子。
    • Did you have much bother finding the address?你找那地址费了很大的麻烦吗?
    • have a bother with a person about a thing为某事与某人有芥蒂
    • I didn't want to go to the bother of hiring a car.我不要麻烦去租一部车。
  • ② 引起麻烦或困扰的人
    • I don't want to be a bother to you, but could you tell me her address?我不想麻烦你,不过你可以告诉我她的地址吗?
    • What a bother you are!你真烦死人!


  • ① 讨厌!
    • Oh, bother!啊,讨厌!


annoy: 指一时的烦扰或恼怒

The noise annoyed the patient.

vex: 指令人感到比annoy更大的恼怒、烦恼

The teacher was much vexed by the answer.

bother: 指以较琐碎之事麻烦或困恼某人

He often bothers me with silly questions.

tease: 指以反复的言行不断地揶揄或逗恼某人

The boy teased the dog till it bit him.

worry: 指令人感到很大的烦恼、忧虑、困扰等

The sick child worried the mother.

harass: 指不断地加以攻击、提出要求、加重担于某人等而使之烦恼困扰

He is harassed by business troubles.


  • bothersomeadj.讨厌的,麻烦的,累赘的


  • bother one's head [oneself] about ...
    • ① 为…操心、困恼或焦虑
    • Stop bothering your head [yourself] about it.不要再为此焦虑[困恼]。
    • Don't bother yourself about it.别为它烦扰。


  • attemptv.试图
  • make an effortv.费心
  • troublev.烦恼
  • aggravate
  • aggravation
  • agitate
  • annoy
  • annoyance
  • besetment
  • botheration
  • bug
  • chafe
  • discompose
  • disquiet
  • distract
  • disturb
  • exasperate
  • exasperation
  • flurry
  • fluster
  • fret
  • fuss
  • gall
  • get
  • irk
  • irritant
  • irritate
  • irritation
  • nettle
  • nuisance
  • peeve
  • perturb
  • plague
  • pother
  • provoke
  • put out
  • rattle
  • rile
  • rock
  • ruffle
  • shake
  • torment
  • toss
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • vex
  • vexation
  • devil
  • discommode
  • disoblige
  • get at
  • get to
  • gravel
  • hassle
  • incommode
  • inconvenience
  • inconvenience oneself
  • infliction
  • nark
  • pain
  • pain in the ass
  • pain in the neck
  • rag
  • trouble oneself


  • calmv.使平静
  • comfortv.安慰
  • easev.使轻松
  • pacifyv.使镇定


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • perturbation
  • disturbance
  • fuss
  • trouble
  • bother
  • hassle


  • disturbance
  • negative stimulus
  • perturbation


  • irritant
  • nuisance
  • plague
  • thorn




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