

词汇 been


/biːn], [bɪn//bɪn/
  • is
  • being
  • was/were
  • been


  • ① be的过去分词
  • ②[have been, has been为现在完成式]1[表示一直持续到现在的状态]2[表示曾经到过某处的经验]3[表示刚去过某处回来(即往还动作的完成)]<to>4[表示来过、来访过(即来访动作的完成)]5[表示聚会等完了]
    • He has been a reporter since 1980.他从1980年起当记者直到现在。
    • Where have you been all this while?你直到现在到哪儿去了?(你这一阵子都在哪儿?)
    • I have been abroad.我一直都在国外。
    • I have been living in Tainan since 1940.我从1940年起就一直住在台南(现在完成进行式;强调动作的连续性)。
    • Has she ever been at [in, to] Tainan?她曾去过台南吗?
    • I have been to the airport to see my friend off.我刚去机场为朋友送行。
    • I haven't been to India.我没有去过印度。
    • I have often been to America.我常去美国。
    • Has the milkman been yet?【英】送牛奶的来过没有?
    • My mother has never been abroad.家母不曾出过国。
    • The postman hasn't been yet.【英】邮差还没来过。
    • The meeting has already been.【英】会议已经结束。
  • ③[had been为过去完成式]1[表示继续到过去的某时]2[表至过去某时的经验]去过,来过3[表完毕](在过去某时)刚去过某处回来4[表过去的愿望]
    • I had been in the army until that year.一直到那年,我都在当兵。
    • I had once been in France before that time.在那时以前,我到过法国一次。
    • I had just been to the airport when you telephoned me.你来电话时,我刚去过机场。
    • I wish I had been there.但愿我到过那里。
  • ④[having been表发生在主要子句的时态之前]1[构成完成式分词词组](★【口】不常用)2[构成完成式动名词]
    • Having been a mother myself, I know how difficult it is to raise children.因为自己当过母亲,我知道养儿育女有多难。
    • I regret having been so selfish.我真后悔曾经那么自私过。


  • have been and p.p.
    • ①[表示不满或惊异]【口】竟然…;居然…
    • Helen has been and married a movie star!海伦居然嫁了一个电影明星!
    • You've been and gone and done it!你竟然做了那件事!


  • be
  • comprise
  • constitute
  • cost
  • embody
  • equal
  • exist
  • follow
  • live
  • make up
  • personify
  • represent


  • differ




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