

词汇 bit


  • bit
  • bits


  • ① 小块;小片
    • a bit of dirt一小块污垢
    • a bit of paper一小张纸
    • bits of broken glass玻璃破片[碎片]
    • The building was blown to bits by a bomb.那栋建筑物被一颗爆炸炸碎了。
    • She cut [tore] the letter to bits.她把那封信剪[撕]碎。
  • ② 一点点;少许<of>;【口】片刻
    • Wait a bit.稍等片刻,等一会儿。
  • ③ (风景画的)小作品
  • ④ 1[附有修饰词]小钱币2【美口】一角二分半
    • a threepenny [sixpenny] bit(旧制的)三[六]辨士的钱币
    • two bits二角五分(=a quarter)


  • a bit
    • ①[当副词用]稍微;有点儿(=a little)
    • She was a bit deaf.她有点儿聋。
    • I don't feel a bit sorry for them.我一点儿也不为他们感到难过。
    • I wish I were a bit younger.但愿我更年轻些。
  • a bit at a time
    • ① 逐渐地(=bit by bit)
  • a bit of ...
    • ① 少许的;一小块的
    • a bit of land一小块土地
    • a bit of help [luck, encouragement, patience]一点儿帮助[运气、鼓励、耐心](★跟 a piece of 一样,通常用于 uncountable noun 之前,但更强调少量、些微之意,且更属口语用法)
  • a bit of a ...
    • ① 【口】稍微;颇有几分(=rather a)
    • He is a bit of a scholar.他颇像一位学者(颇有几分学者的才气或名气)。
  • a good bit
    • ① 【口】相当地(指时间或程度)
    • He's a good bit older than I.他的年纪比我大得多。
  • a little bit
    • ① 一点点
  • a nice bit
    • ① 【口】相当多的;颇多的
    • He has a nice bit of money.他很有钱。
  • bit by bit
    • ① 【口】逐渐地;徐徐地(=by bits)
    • We eased the lid off, bit by bit.我们轻轻地将盖子逐渐掀开。
  • bits and pieces
    • ① 【口】零碎东西;小对象类
    • We put all the bits and pieces back into the box.我们将所有零碎东西放回箱子里。
  • by bits
    • ① 【口】逐渐地;徐徐地
  • do one's bit
    • ① 尽一己的本分
    • Everybody should do his own bit.每个人都应该尽自己的本分。
  • every bit
    • ① 不论从哪一观点;完全,全然
    • He is every bit a gentleman.他全然是个绅士。
    • He is every bit as clever (as they are).他(跟他们)一样聪明。
  • give a person a bit [piece] of one's mind
    • ① 对某人直言;斥责某人
  • not a [one little] bit
    • ① 毫不;全然不;一点没有
    • I'm not a bit angry.我一点也不生气。
    • I don't like his idea one little bit.我一点儿也不喜欢他的主意。
  • quite a bit
    • ① 【美口】不少,很多;相当(=quite a little)
    • She knew quite a bit about it.她对那件事知道得相当多。
  • take a bit of V-ing
    • ① 【口】颇费事;颇费力气


  • chipn.碎片
  • short whilen.片刻


  • bites
  • biting
  • bit
  • bitten/bit


  • ① bite的过去式及过去分词


  • bit
  • bits
  • bits
  • bitting
  • bitted
  • bitted


  • ① 马衔,马勒
  • ② 拘束物;控制物
  • ③ 器具中能卡住轧紧的部分;钻锥等的螺旋钻头;铇子的刃;钥匙的齿(能插入而启转的部分)


  • ① 给(马)上马衔;使(马)惯于钉勒
  • ② 制驭;拘束


  • a brace and bit
    • ① 曲柄钻子
  • draw bit
    • ① 勒马停住;缓行
  • on the bit
    • ① 快马驰骋
  • take [have, get] the bit between [in] its [one's] teeth
    • ① 拒不从命;难以制驭;脱出羁绊
    • She took the bit in her teeth and behaved against her parents' wishes.她不听管束,行为有悖父母的愿望。
  • take the bits
    • ① (马)衔住勒口具,上马勒


  • bit
  • bits


  • ① 【电算】比特(信息的最小单位)[binary digit之略]




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