

词汇 hook


  • hook
  • hooks
  • hooks
  • hooking
  • hooked
  • hooked


  • ① 钩;挂钩
    • Put your coat on the hook.把你的上装挂在钩上。
    • a hat hook挂帽子的钩
  • ② 1钓鱼钩→fishhook2陷阱,圈套(=snare)
    • a naked hook没有饵的鱼钩
    • take the hook上钩
    • bait a hook把饵挂在钩上
    • a hook and line有钓钩的钓线
  • ③[通常用于复合语]镰刀,弯刀
  • ④ 引号('');(音符的)符钩(等旗形的部分);(河川)弯曲的部分;伸入海中的陆地
  • ⑤ 【拳击】钩击, 钩拳;[【高球】【棒球】等]左曲球(←→slice)
  • ⑥[用复数形]【俚】指;手
    • Get your hooks off that cake.把你的手从那糕饼上拿开。


  • ① 曲成钩形;弯曲
    • hook one's finger曲指
  • ② 挂于钩上;用钩钩住
    • hook a dress up把衣服挂在钩上
    • He hooked his hat on [over] a nail.他把帽子挂在钉子上。
    • This skirt is hooked (up) at the side.这件裙子由侧面以钩扣住。
  • ③ 1用钩钓2谋得(结婚的对象),钓(金龟婿)
    • hook a fish钓鱼
    • She tried to hook a rich husband.她试图钓取有钱的丈夫。
  • ④ 【拳击】用钩拳打
  • ⑤[高球等]打成左曲球;【棒球】投成钩球


  • ① 弯曲如钩
    • The creek hooks past the barn.小溪拐了个弯绕过牛舍。
  • ② 挂在钩上
    • The dress hooks (up) at the back.这衣服由背面以钩扣住。


  • by hook or crook
    • ① 不论用任何手段,不择手段地,用各种办法
    • get to the top of a mountain by hook or (by) crook想尽办法到达山顶
    • I'll get the job done by hook or by crook.我要竭尽所能把工作完成。
  • get the hook
    • ① 【俚】被开除
  • hook on
    • ① 【美】以钩固定;钩住;抓住(人的手腕)
  • hook up
    • ① 用钩钩住;安装(收音机、电话等);接通电源<to>
    • hook up a radio to a power supply将收音机接通电源
  • hook, line, and sinker
    • ①[当副词用]【口】(由钓鱼用语演变而来)完全地(相信)
    • Don't swallow his story hook, line and sinker.不要完全相信他的故事。
  • off the hook
    • ① 【口】脱离困境
    • They let [got] me off the hook.他们将我从困厄中拯救出来。
  • on one's own hook
    • ① 【口】独立,独自
    • I'll do it on my own hook.我将独自干这件事。
  • on the hook
    • ① 陷入困境
    • ② 落入圈套
    • ③ 等待
    • We have had him on the hook for two weeks.我们已经使他等了两个星期。
  • sling [take] one's hook
    • ① 【英俚】逃走


  • fishv.用钩钓
  • catch
  • clasp
  • cop
  • fastener
  • filch
  • heist
  • lift
  • nip
  • pilfer
  • pinch
  • purloin
  • rip off
  • snatch
  • snitch
  • steal
  • swipe
  • thieve
  • abstract
  • accost
  • addict
  • bait
  • cabbage
  • claw
  • come-on
  • crochet
  • crotchet
  • draw
  • fleece
  • gazump
  • glom
  • hook shot
  • hooking
  • knock off
  • lure
  • nobble
  • overcharge
  • pluck
  • plume
  • rob
  • snare
  • snarf
  • sneak
  • soak
  • solicit
  • surcharge
  • sweetener


  • slicen.斜击球;曲球
  • undercharge
  • unhook


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • instrumentality
  • instrumentation
  • device
  • restraint
  • constraint
  • fastener
  • fastening
  • holdfast
  • fixing
  • catch
  • hook


  • basketball shot
  • biff
  • catch
  • clout
  • curve
  • curved shape
  • enticement
  • golf shot
  • golf stroke
  • implement
  • lick
  • mechanical device
  • poke
  • punch
  • slug
  • swing
  • temptation


  • anchor
  • boat hook
  • buttonhook
  • crotchet
  • cup hook
  • fishhook
  • gaff
  • gig
  • ground tackle
  • meat hook
  • pothook
  • roundhouse
  • skyhook
  • tenterhook
  • uncus


  • bill
  • charge
  • habituate
  • use




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