

词汇 hope


  • hope
  • hopes
  • hopes
  • hoping
  • hoped
  • hoped


  • ① 希望,期待
    • I'm hoping for an increase in salary this year.我希望今年会加薪。
    • There's nothing to be hoped for.没有任何东西可以指望了。
    • We're still hoping.我们仍抱着希望。


  • ① 期望;希望
    • I hope to see her again soon.我希望不久能再见到她。
    • I had hoped to get a job.=I hoped to have got a job.我原希望找到一份工作。
    • I hope you'll be able to come tomorrow.我希望你明天能够来。
    • I hope you (will) like it.我希望你会喜欢它。
    • I hope she will recover [she recovers] soon.我希望她早日康复。
    • "Will he succeed?"-"I hope so."「他会成功吗?」「我希望如此。」
    • "Will he fail?"-"I hope not."「他会失败吗?」「我希望不会。」
    • It will rain today, I hope.希望今天会下雨。


  • ①[或用复数形]希望(←→despair)
    • Don't give up hope.别放弃希望。
    • my one and only hope我唯一无二的希望
    • a naive hope天真的希望
    • Their hopes were dashed.他们的希望破灭了。
    • Don't get [build] your hopes up.不要希望过高;别高兴得太早;不要过分乐观。
    • There's a ray of hope.有一线希望。
    • These hopes were too sanguine.这些希望太乐观了。
    • All hope is gone.希望全落空了。
    • While there is life, there is hope.【谚】有生命即有希望。
  • ②[或用复数形]期望;(成功的)可能性
    • be in great hope大大地期待
    • raise a person's hopes(在可能性不大时)使某人期望成功
    • The doctor expressed high [great, strong] hopes of his recovery.医生对他的康复深表信心。
    • I have no hopes for him.我对他不抱任何期望。
    • There was no [little, not much] hope of his recovery [hope of his getting well].他完全没有「没有多大」复原的机会。
    • I have good hope that she will come back.我坚信她会回来。
    • I just live in hope that one day she will love me.我只是希望有朝一日她会爱我(可能性不大)。
  • ③[通常用单数形]所希望的事物;寄托
    • He is the hope of his country [school, parents].他是国家[学校、父母]所寄望的人。
    • The new medicine [She] is my last hope.这新药[她]是我最后的寄望。


expect: 指对于某事的发生怀着确信加以期待,多半用于好的事情,但也可以用于坏的事情

I expect him at five.

anticipate: 指对于某事以喜悦或痛苦的心情加以预期,并考虑对策

I hope for trouble.

hope: 尤指期望所愿见的事情

I hope for his success.

look forward to: 是高兴地期待,为客气的说法

I'm looking forward to seeing you.


think: 为表「我想…」的说法时的最普通用语

I think he'll come to our party.

suppose: 指推测而想

I suppose he will come.

guess: 为与suppose大致同义的口语,亦可作谦虚语

I guess you're right.

imagine: 指将某种状况在心里明确描绘而想

I can't imagine how it happened.

hope: 从原来的「希望…」之意转来,用于话的内容指好事时

I hope it will be fine tomorrow.

fear: 由原来的「担心…」之意而来,用于话的内容指坏事时

I fear it will rain tomorrow.


  • be past hope
    • ① (全)无希望
    • It is past all hope.这件事毫无希望。
    • She is past hope of recovery.她已经没有康复的希望。
  • hold out hope
    • ① (给某人)抱有希望<to>
    • They held out (to her) the hope that her son might have survived.他们(给她)抱着儿子可能生还的希望。
  • hope against hope
    • ① 存着万一的希望(★出自圣经「罗马人书」)
    • They are hoping against hope for some favorable turn in affairs.他们抱着万一的希望但愿事情好转。
  • hope for the best
    • ① (虽然目前情况欠佳仍)抱持乐观态度,冀望情况好转
    • There's nothing you can do but hope for the best.除了希望情况好转,你别无办法。
  • in hope
    • ① 希望<of, that>
  • in hope of ...
    • ① 抱着…的希望,期待
    • They went to the airport in hope(s) of catching a glimpse of Madonna.他们到机场去,希望一睹玛丹娜。


  • anticipatev.预期
  • beliefn.信念
  • confidencen.信心
  • desirev.期望
  • expectv.期望
  • foreseev.预见
  • wishn.愿望
  • Bob Hope
  • Hope
  • Leslie Townes Hope
  • go for
  • promise
  • trust


  • despairn.绝望
  • dreadn.害怕


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • feeling
  • expectation
  • anticipation
  • expectancy
  • hope


  • anticipation
  • expectancy
  • expectation
  • feeling
  • individual
  • mortal
  • outlook
  • person
  • prospect
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • supernatural virtue
  • theological virtue


  • encouragement
  • great white hope
  • hopefulness
  • optimism
  • rainbow
  • white hope




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