

词汇 cap


  • cap
  • caps
  • caps
  • capping
  • capped
  • capped


  • ① (无边有遮檐的)软帽,便帽,运动帽;(表示阶级或职业的)帽子(参照hat)
    • a baseball cap棒球帽
    • a nurse's cap护士帽(白色)
    • a shower cap(淋浴时用的)浴帽
    • a work cap工作帽
    • a school (boy's) cap学生帽
    • Some schoolboys wear caps.有些学童戴制帽。
    • Where is your cap?(提醒小孩)你忘记敬礼了吗?
  • ② 帽状物;盖子(如金属的瓶盖);蕈类的伞状顶部;【建】柱头;雷管;【口】轮胎触地部分有花纹的表面(=tread)
    • He tightened [twisted off] the cap of the bottle [canister].他把那个瓶子[铁罐]的盖子扭紧[扭开]。
  • ③ (价钱、薪资、耗费的)最大极限
    • a 9 percent cap on pay increases for this year今年加薪的9%的最高极限


  • ① 加帽于;授与队员帽(认可为队员或运动选手);给(某人)戴上(象征名誉、地位或职业的)帽子;【苏格】授与(某人)学位
    • cap a nurse【美】给(护士学校的毕业生)戴护士帽(nurse's cap)(即授予护士资格)
  • ② 加盖[顶]于(器具等)
  • ③ 说(笑话、格言等)比前面的更好,胜过
    • His performance capped the others.他的表演胜过他人。
  • ④ 覆于…之顶
    • The rock capped a high cliff.那块岩石覆于高耸的绝壁之顶。
    • mountains capped with clouds [snow]覆盖着云[雪]的群山
  • ⑤ 完成(事物)
    • Bob capped his performance by telling the funniest joke we've ever heard.巴布以说了我们所听过的最滑稽的笑话,来结束他的表演。


  • cap and bells
    • ① (丑角或从前弄臣所戴的)饰有小铃的帽子(参照fools cap)
  • cap and gown
    • ① (学术界或法律界所用的)正式服装
  • cap in hand
    • ① 【口】手拿着帽子;谦卑地
    • She went to her mother cap in hand and begged her forgiveness.她谦恭地走到母亲面前请求宽恕。
    • It's bad enough having to go cap in hand to ask for a raise.必须要卑躬屈膝以求加薪,那真够糟糕。
  • get one's cap
    • ① 【英】成为选手[队员]
  • If the cap fits.
    • ① 如果觉得此话适用于你(,就请采用吧);你自己心里有数。
    • I won't say who, but some employees are always late. If the cap fits, wear it.我不愿指名道姓是谁,但有些员工总是迟到,你们自己心里有数。
  • put on one's thinking cap
    • ① 【口】深思熟虑
    • She told her pupils to put on their thinking caps before answering the question.她告诉学生们,在回答那个问题之前,先仔细想想。
  • send [pass, take] the cap round
    • ① 倒翻帽子四处募捐
  • set one's cap at [for] ...
    • ① 【口】(女子)试图捕捉(某男子)的心
  • to cap it all
    • ① 【口】到了最后;最糟糕的是
    • Last week he lost his watch, then he lost his car and now to cap it all he has lost his job!上星期他丢了手表,然后丢了汽车,而现在最糟糕的是,他丢掉了工作!


  • tipn.顶端
  • topvt.加帽于
  • apex
  • blanket
  • climax
  • cover
  • crest
  • crown
  • culminate
  • height
  • overlay
  • peak
  • roof
  • spread
  • summit
  • top off
  • vertex
  • capital
  • ceiling
  • chapiter
  • crownwork
  • detonating device
  • detonator
  • hood
  • jacket
  • jacket crown
  • pileus


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • commodity
  • trade good
  • good
  • consumer goods
  • clothing
  • article of clothing
  • vesture
  • wear
  • wearable
  • habiliment
  • headdress
  • headgear
  • cap


  • control
  • cover
  • covering
  • dental appliance
  • explosive device
  • headdress
  • headgear
  • natural covering
  • plant part
  • plant structure
  • protection
  • protective cover
  • protective covering
  • top


  • Balmoral
  • Glengarry
  • balaclava
  • balaclava helmet
  • baseball cap
  • bathing cap
  • beret
  • berretta
  • biggin
  • biretta
  • birretta
  • blasting cap
  • bluebonnet
  • bottlecap
  • calpac
  • calpack
  • cloth cap
  • cockscomb
  • collet
  • coonskin
  • coonskin cap
  • coxcomb
  • distributor cap
  • ferrule
  • fez
  • flat cap
  • garrison cap
  • glass ceiling
  • golf cap
  • hubcap
  • jockey cap
  • kalansuwa
  • kalpac
  • kepi
  • lens cap
  • lens cover
  • liberty cap
  • mobcap
  • mortarboard
  • nightcap
  • nipple
  • overseas cap
  • peaked cap
  • percussion cap
  • pinner
  • radiator cap
  • sailor cap
  • service cap
  • shower cap
  • ski cap
  • skullcap
  • stocking cap
  • swimming cap
  • tam
  • tam-o'-shanter
  • tammy
  • tarboosh
  • thimble
  • toboggan cap
  • watch cap
  • wishing cap
  • yachting cap




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