

词汇 offense


  • offense
  • offenses


  • ① (对于义务、习俗等的)违反,违背
    • commit an offense against decency失礼,没规距
  • ② 犯罪
    • a capital offense可判死刑的罪
    • a criminal offense犯罪
    • a first offense初犯
    • a minor offense轻罪
    • a serious offense重罪
  • ③ 1冒犯,无礼,侮辱;不悦,触怒2讨厌[不愉快]的事物
    • The play will give [cause] offense to many people.那出戏会得罪很多人。
    • No offense.并没有触犯的意思;没有恶意。
    • That ugly building is an offense to the eye.那栋丑陋的建筑物很刺目。
    • an offense to the ear刺耳之物
  • ④ 1攻击(←→defense)2[the offense;集合用法]【竞赛】攻方
    • The best defense is offense.最好的防御是攻击。
    • play offense[竞]比赛时为攻方


offense: 指以轻蔑、侮辱等,对某人的感情所加的强烈伤害

He took offense at their insult.

resentment: 比offense更为愤慨、耿耿于怀更为长久,而往往对于对方的怨恨也更为强烈

He cherished a resentment against his master for years.

displeasure: 指小自不满意、不承认,而大至盛怒等的不愉快的情绪


crime: 指杀人、窃盗等违反人类为保障公共安全与福利所订立之法律的行为,违反者应受法律的严惩

sin: 是宗教上、道德上所指的罪恶;某些行为宗教或道德上认为是sin,但未必就是法律上的crime

offense: 所指的虽未必如crime之严重,却是违反一般道德规范、公共利益、社会规约或法律的行为;其含义较广

vice: 是不道德的习惯行为,如酗酒说谎等


  • take offense
    • ① (对…)动怒
    • She is quick to take offense.她易于动怒。


  • assaultn.攻击
  • breach of conductn.违规
  • chargen.进攻
  • crimen.
  • disrespectn.不礼貌
  • impudencen.无礼
  • insultn.侮辱
  • lapsen.过失
  • misdeedn.不当行为
  • sinn.罪过
  • affront
  • aggression
  • assailment
  • attack
  • attempt
  • contumely
  • despite
  • deviltry
  • diablerie
  • dudgeon
  • evil
  • evildoing
  • felony
  • huff
  • illegality
  • immorality
  • indignity
  • iniquity
  • miff
  • offensive
  • onrush
  • onset
  • onslaught
  • outrage
  • peccancy
  • pique
  • resentment
  • ruffled feathers
  • slight
  • strike
  • umbrage
  • wickedness
  • wrong
  • wrongdoing
  • criminal offence
  • criminal offense
  • discourtesy
  • law-breaking
  • offence
  • offensive activity


  • defensen.防守
  • delightn.乐趣
  • guardn.防卫
  • innocencen.无罪
  • pleasuren.乐趣
  • satisfactionn.满意
  • defence


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • behavior
  • behaviour
  • conduct
  • doings
  • discourtesy
  • offense
  • offence
  • offensive activity


  • anger
  • behavior
  • behaviour
  • choler
  • conduct
  • doings
  • evildoing
  • ire
  • military operation
  • operation
  • squad
  • team
  • transgression


  • Had crime
  • Tazir crime
  • affront
  • attack
  • attempt
  • barratry
  • capital offense
  • commission
  • committal
  • counteroffensive
  • cybercrime
  • derision
  • dirty war
  • felony
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • high treason
  • highjack
  • hijack
  • indelicacy
  • infraction
  • infringement
  • insolence
  • insult
  • lese majesty
  • mayhem
  • misdemeanor
  • misdemeanour
  • perpetration
  • presumption
  • push back
  • rebuff
  • regulatory offence
  • regulatory offense
  • ridicule
  • rollback
  • slight
  • statutory offence
  • statutory offense
  • thuggery
  • treason
  • vice crime
  • victimless crime
  • violation
  • war crime




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