

词汇 offer


  • offer
  • offers
  • offers
  • offering
  • offered
  • offered


  • ① 提供,提出;提议;伸出(手等)
    • They offered three million dollars worth of aid.他们提供价值三百万美元的援助。
    • offer a suggestion提出建议
    • offer one's hand(为握手而)伸出手
    • The university offers a course in comparative literature.该大学开了一门比较文学的课程。
    • I offered to take her to the airport.我提议送她到机场。
    • He offered me no explanation for his behavior.他没有对他的行为给我提出解释。
    • We offered the position to Mr. White.我们把那个职位提供给怀特先生(★被动语态为: Mr. White was offered the position./The position was offered (to) Mr. White.)。
    • "We could lend you the money," offered Alice.爱丽丝提议说: 「我们可以借你那笔钱」。
  • ② 供奉,奉献
    • offer prayers (to God)(向上帝)祷告
    • offer (up) a sacrifice奉献牺牲,献祭
  • ③ 呈现;表示要(抵抗等)
    • till a good chance offers itself直到好机会出现
    • offer battle挑战
  • ④ 【古】企图,试图
    • He didn't offer to strike me.他未企图打我。
  • ⑤ 出价;出售<for>
    • He offered $1,000 for the painting.他为该画出价一千美元。
    • He offered the painting for $1,000.他开价一千美元出售该画。
    • I offered him $1,000 for the painting.我为该画向他出价一千美元。
    • I offered him the painting for $1,000.我开价一千美元向他兜售该画。


  • ① 呈现,发生
    • Whenever an opportunity offers, you should take it.机会出现时,你都要抓住。
  • ② 供奉,奉献


  • ① 1提供,提出,提议2【商】(商品的)供应
    • a job offer事求人
    • an offer of help提议帮助
    • an offer for sale求售
    • make a person an offer=make an offer to a person向某人提议;给某人提供
    • Thank you for your kind offer to help.谢谢你好意要提供帮助。
    • a special offer特价供应
  • ② 作价;出价(=bid)
    • He made an offer of $10,000 for the painting.他为该画出价一万美元。
  • ③ 求婚


offer: 是把某件事物提供给某人,至于对方是否接受,则悉听其便

offer help

proffer: 为



He was ready to proffer hospitality.

tender: 为正式的用语,指客气地提供服务等,但不用于实物

tender one's service

present: 比offer更含有形式的、仪礼的、外在表现之意

present a petition to Congress


  • offerern.提供者


  • on offer
    • ① (减价)出售
    • Onions are on offer this week at that supermarket.在那家超级市场,本周洋葱特价供应。
  • under offer
    • ① 【英】(待售房屋)已有出价者


  • extendv.提出
  • hold outv.提出
  • presentv.提出
  • proposev.建议
  • put forthv.提出
  • put on the marketv.出售
  • submitv.提出
  • suggestv.建议
  • advance
  • afford
  • assay
  • attempt
  • bid
  • crack
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • essay
  • go
  • pose
  • proffer
  • proposal
  • propound
  • provide
  • put forward
  • set forth
  • shot
  • stab
  • take
  • tender
  • trial
  • try
  • volunteer
  • declare oneself
  • fling
  • offer up
  • offering
  • pass
  • pop the question
  • put up
  • whirl


  • acceptv.接受
  • declinev.拒绝
  • denyv.否决
  • receivev.接受
  • refusev.拒绝
  • rejectv.拒绝
  • takev.接受
  • withdrawv.撤回
  • withholdv.收回


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • speech act
  • offer
  • offering


  • attempt
  • content
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • endeavour
  • message
  • speech act
  • subject matter
  • substance
  • try


  • bid
  • contract offer
  • counteroffer
  • marriage offer
  • marriage proposal
  • olive branch
  • peace offering
  • proposal
  • proposal of marriage
  • proposition
  • prospectus
  • reward
  • rights issue
  • rights offering
  • special
  • tender
  • tender offer
  • twofer


  • bargain
  • dicker




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