

词汇 exchange


  • exchange
  • exchanges
  • exchanges
  • exchanging
  • exchanged
  • exchanged


  • ① 交换;交易<of, for, with>
    • exchange of jewels for money以珠宝交换金钱
    • exchange of ambassadors(二国之间的)交换大使
    • the exchange of prisoners囚犯[俘虏]的交换
    • an exchange of words交谈
    • make an exchange交换
    • Exchange is no robbery.【谑】交换不是强夺(往往当强迫作不公平交换时的辩解)。
  • ② 交换物
    • The car was a fair exchange.那部车是个公平的交换物[买卖]。
  • ③ 兑换;汇兑;汇率
    • foreign exchange外汇
    • a bill of exchange汇票
    • par of exchange汇兑平价
    • at the exchange of 52 pence to the dollar以五十二辨士换一美元的汇率
    • the rate of exchange for American dollars对美元的汇率
  • ④[常作Exchange]交易所
    • the grain exchange【美】=【英】the corn exchange榖物交易所
    • the stock exchange股票交易所;证券交易所
  • ⑤ (电话的)交换台[局]
    • a telephone exchange电话交换台[句]


  • ① 1交换;调换2兑换<for>
    • They exchanged addresses before they parted.在离别之前,他们交换了地址。
    • The two boys exchanged stamps.那两个男孩交换邮票。
    • The salesgirl refused to exchange the shirt.那女售货员拒绝退换那件衬衫。
    • I'd like to exchange this sweater for one a size larger.我想把这件毛线衣换一件大一号的。
    • Will you exchange seats with me?你愿意跟我交换座位吗?(★【口】一般用 change)
    • exchange dollars for francs将美元兑换为法朗
  • ② 相互,互换(★受词通常用复数形)
    • Tom and Alice exchanged glances.汤姆与爱丽丝互相瞥视。
    • exchange views互相交换意见
    • The two men exchanged blows [greetings].那两个人互殴[互相问候]。
    • Pasteur often exchanged letters with his little friends.巴斯德常常跟他的小朋友们通信。


  • ① 【美】(货币)可兑换(若干额)
    • A dollar exchanges for N.T. $32.一美元可兑换新台币三十二元。


  • in exchange
    • ① 交换
    • Would you send me some American stamps? I'll let you have some Chinese ones in exchange.请你寄给我一些美国邮票好吗?我会给你一些中国邮票作为交换。
    • The terrorists demanded a ransom in exchange for the hostages.那些恐怖分子要求以赎金交换那些人质。


  • give and takevt.交换
  • tradevt.交换
  • bandy
  • change
  • commutation
  • commute
  • interchange
  • shift
  • substitute
  • substitution
  • swap
  • switch
  • transposition
  • central
  • convert
  • rally
  • replace
  • switch over
  • telephone exchange


  • hold on tovt.保留
  • keepvt.保留


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • process
  • physical process
  • phenomenon
  • natural phenomenon
  • chemical phenomenon
  • exchange


  • capture
  • change
  • chemical phenomenon
  • commerce
  • commercialism
  • conversation
  • dealing
  • dealings
  • group action
  • mercantilism
  • transaction
  • work
  • workplace


  • ablactation
  • barter
  • centrex
  • commodities exchange
  • commodities market
  • commodity exchange
  • conversion
  • corn exchange
  • foreign exchange
  • logrolling
  • patchboard
  • photochemical exchange
  • plugboard
  • replacement
  • replacing
  • securities market
  • stock exchange
  • stock market
  • subrogation
  • swap
  • switchboard
  • swop
  • trade
  • trade-off
  • tradeoff
  • weaning




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