

词汇 judge


  • judge
  • judges
  • judges
  • judging
  • judged
  • judged


  • ①[常作Judge]法官,推事
    • The judge sentenced him to three years in prison.法官判他三年徒刑。
    • Judge Smith史密斯推事[法官]
    • the chief judge首席推事,法院院长
    • a High Court judge=a judge of the High Court(英国的)高等法院法官
  • ② (竞赛、辩论会等的)裁判,评审员
    • He was a judge at the beauty contest.他是那次选美的一名评审。
  • ③ 内行人,鉴定家
    • She's no judge of art.她没有艺术眼光。
    • She's not a good judge of character.她不善于品评人格。
  • ④[the Judge]至上的审判者(即上帝、基督)
  • ⑤ 【圣】1士师2[Judges;当单数用]士师记(=the Book of Judges)(旧约圣经的一书;略作Judg.)


  • ① 审判,审理;裁决,判决
    • He will judge her case.他将审理她的案子。
    • God will judge all men.上帝将审判所有的人。
    • The court judged her guilty.法院判她有罪。
  • ② 批评,抨击
  • ③ 评审;审查,鉴定
    • Mr. Smith judges the dogs at the contest.史密斯先生在名犬选拔会中担任评审。
    • She was judged "Miss Universe."她被选为环球小姐。
  • ④ 认为,想;判断
    • It is difficult to judge people's characters.要判断人格是很难的。
    • Don't judge a person by his looks [appearance].不要以貌[外表]取人。
    • He judged it better to go at once.他认为立刻去较好。
    • I judged her (to be) about thirty.我猜她大约有三十岁。
    • I judged (that) he was correct.我认为他对。
    • I cannot judge how old she is.我无法判断她有多大年纪。
    • It is difficult for me to judge what to do.我很难判断该做什么。


  • ① 裁决;判决
    • judge candidly公正地裁决
  • ② 裁判;当裁判员
    • She will judge at the flower show.她将在花展中担任评审。
  • ③ 下判断,断定
    • How can I judge?我如何判断?
    • judge by [from] appearances根据[从]外表判断
    • Don't judge of a man by his clothes.不可以衣服判断一个人。
    • You must judge between the two candidates.你们必须在那两名候选人中选定一个。


judge: 是根据权限或专门知识、经验,以裁决纷争,或判定事物之价值的人;为最普通的用语

a judge of a contest

arbitrator, arbiter: 是特定事件的调停人,强调其判断有不容置疑的权威性; arbiter为稍文雅的用语

an arbiter of a dispute

referee, umpire: 为法律及运动用语,在运动方面指各项的裁判


  • judgmentn.裁判,判决


  • grave as a judge
    • ① 极庄严;像法官般严肃
  • judging from [by] ...
    • ① 由…观之
    • Judging from what you said, he must be an expert.由你的话看来,他一定是专家。
  • sober as a judge
    • ① 非常冷静[认真]


  • assumev.假定
  • believev.认为
  • censorn.检查员
  • conjecturev.推测
  • criticn.批评家
  • decidev.决定
  • deemv.认定
  • determinev.确定
  • distinguishv.分辨
  • findv.判定
  • hearv.听审
  • pass sentencev.判决
  • ratev.评定
  • regardv.认为
  • resolvev.决定
  • reviewv.覆查
  • rule onv.裁定
  • settlev.决定
  • size upv.评估
  • supposev.认为
  • tryv.审理
  • weighv.权衡
  • adjudge
  • adjudicate
  • appraise
  • arbiter
  • arbitrate
  • arbitrator
  • assay
  • assess
  • calculate
  • commentator
  • conclude
  • consider
  • decree
  • deduce
  • deduct
  • draw
  • estimate
  • evaluate
  • figure
  • gather
  • gauge
  • hold
  • infer
  • jurisprudent
  • jurist
  • justice
  • justice of the peace
  • magistrate
  • opine
  • ref
  • referee
  • reviewer
  • rule
  • think
  • ump
  • umpire
  • understand
  • valuate
  • value
  • approximate
  • evaluator
  • guess
  • label
  • pass judgment
  • pronounce


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • causal agent
  • cause
  • causal agency
  • person
  • individual
  • someone
  • somebody
  • mortal
  • soul
  • adjudicator
  • judge
  • justice
  • jurist


  • adjudicator
  • authority
  • functionary
  • official


  • Daniel
  • alcalde
  • appraiser
  • arbiter
  • arbitrator
  • chief justice
  • critic
  • doge
  • justiciar
  • justiciary
  • magistrate
  • ordinary
  • praetor
  • pretor
  • qadi
  • recorder
  • trial judge
  • trier
  • umpire
  • valuator




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