

词汇 grade


  • grade
  • grades
  • grades
  • grading
  • graded
  • graded


  • ① 等级,阶段,品位;(熟练、智能、学校的)程度
    • people of every grade of society社会每一阶层的人
    • Which grade of gasoline do you need?你要哪一等级的汽油?
    • ordinary grade gasoline普通(级)汽油
    • a high grade of intelligence高度的智力
  • ② 【美】1(小学、中学的)年级(=【英】form)(★通常为8-4学年制,自一年级到十二年级(高中最高的年级))2[the grade;集合用法]同学年的全体学生3[the grades]小学
    • She's in the fifth grade.她念五年级。
    • The first grade was allowed to leave school at noon.一年级学生获准在中午放学。
    • She teaches in the grades.她教小学。
  • ③ 【美】(学生的)成绩,等第;分数(=mark)(A, B, C等)
    • She got good [poor] grades this semester [term].本学期她得到好[坏]成绩。
  • ④ 【美】倾斜;倾斜度(=【英】gradient);斜面
    • a grade of one in five五分之一的坡度
    • a steep grade陡坡


  • ① 分类,分等,分级
    • The potatoes are graded by [according to] size and quality.那些马铃薯是按大小与品质分等的。
  • ② 【美】评分,打成绩(=【英】mark)
    • The teacher is grading the papers.老师正在评阅考卷。
    • His report was graded A.他的报告被评为甲等。
  • ③ 减少坡度


  • ① 为(…)等级
    • This milk grades A.此牛奶为甲等。
  • ② 徐徐改变;逐渐移动<into>


  • at grade
    • ① 【美】(铁路与道路交叉)在同一平面上
    • A railroad crosses a highway at grade.铁路和公路在同一水平面上交叉。
  • make the grade
    • ① 达到标准;成功;及格
    • It takes hard study to make the grade in school.要在学校取得好成绩必须苦读。
  • on the down [up] grade
    • ① 下[上]坡;衰败[兴隆]
    • Our business is on the down [up] grade.我们的生意衰落[兴隆]。


  • classn.阶级
  • classifyv.分类
  • degreen.程度
  • leveln.程度
  • rankn.等级
  • rankv.分级
  • ratev.评价
  • bracket
  • caliber
  • cant
  • categorize
  • distribute
  • gradient
  • group
  • heel
  • inclination
  • incline
  • league
  • lean
  • list
  • mark
  • notch
  • order
  • peg
  • pigeonhole
  • place
  • point
  • quality
  • rake
  • range
  • rung
  • score
  • slant
  • slope
  • stage
  • step
  • tier
  • tilt
  • tip
  • course
  • form
  • grad
  • gradation
  • ground level


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • gathering
  • assemblage
  • class
  • form
  • grade
  • course


  • Bos taurus
  • ablaut
  • angular unit
  • assemblage
  • cattle
  • cows
  • elevation
  • evaluation
  • gathering
  • gradient
  • kine
  • oxen
  • property
  • rank
  • rating
  • slope
  • valuation


  • A level
  • GCSE
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education
  • O level
  • SPF
  • amplitude level
  • biosafety level
  • caliber
  • calibre
  • centile
  • college level
  • decile
  • depth
  • discussion section
  • downgrade
  • extreme
  • grade point
  • grind
  • high
  • highness
  • immoderateness
  • immoderation
  • intensity
  • intensiveness
  • low
  • lowness
  • master class
  • moderateness
  • moderation
  • percentile
  • quality
  • quartile
  • rise
  • rising slope
  • section
  • sun protection factor
  • upgrade




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