

词汇 drag


  • drag
  • drags
  • drags
  • dragging
  • dragged
  • dragged


  • ① 拖曳(重物);拖拉;拖着(脚、尾巴等)
    • I had to drag the box because it was too heavy.因为那个箱子太重了,我不得不用拖的。
    • They dragged him away.他们把他拖走。
    • I couldn't drag my feet another step.我无法再拖行一步,我再也走不动了。
    • An elephant was dragging a log out of the forest.一头象把一根木头从森林里拖出来。
    • He dragged out a bag from under the desk.他从桌子下拖出一个袋子。
    • He dragged his chair toward the table.他把他的椅子向那张桌子拖过去。
  • ② 以网捞取;用捞锚探寻;打捞
    • The police dragged the lake (looking) for the missing boy.警察打捞那个湖,寻找那个失踪的男孩。
  • ③ 把(话题)勉强插进(会话或文章)
    • He always drags his Ph.D. into a discussion.他在讨论中老是扯到自己的博士学位。
    • Don't drag my name in.不要把我的名字扯进去。
  • ④ 耙掘(土地),耙耕
  • ⑤ 【棒球】拖曳球棒触击


  • ① 拖拉;(船锚)拖动;拖行
    • The door drags.门不好开,门重。
    • His belt dragged along behind him.他的皮带一路拖着。
    • He walked with dragging feet.他拖着脚走路。
    • The ship's anchor is dragging in the storm.在暴风雨中,那艘船的锚正在拖动。
  • ② (时间、工作、期待的事物等)缓慢地进行,拖拖拉拉
    • The civil war dragged on.内战拖下去。
    • Afternoon dragged on into evening.(无聊的)下午缓缓进入黄昏。
  • ③ (用拖网等)捞取


  • ① 1拖曳2被拖曳的东西;拖网;重耙;粗笨的橇
  • ② 1(车轮的)制动器2拖累物,累赘<on, upon>
    • a drag on a person对于某人的拖累
    • Her family were a drag on her career.她的家人对她的事业是一项累赘。
  • ③ 1迟缓的进行;慢吞吞的动作2[或作a drag](阻碍飞机前进的空气的)阻力;由于阻力的速度减慢
  • ④[或作a drag]【美俚】影响力;势力;恩宠
    • have a drag with one's master得到主人的恩宠
  • ⑤ 【俚】(香烟的)一吸
    • take a drag at [on] a cigarette吸一口香烟
  • ⑥[a drag]【俚】无聊[乏味]的东西[人]
    • What a drag !好无聊!
  • ⑦ 【美俚】街道,道路
    • the main drag主要街道,大街
  • ⑧ (尤指男子所穿的)女装
    • He appeared in drag.他着女装出现。
  • ⑨ 【猎】兽的臭迹;循臭迹的游猎(★亦称drag hunt)


pull: 指向自己这一边或某一个固定方向拉,为最普通的用语

draw: 比pull的拉的动作,有更平滑、更均匀的感觉

draw a net

drag: 指沉重地、缓慢地拖过地面或某一个表面

He dragged the table across the room.

tug: 指费力地、长时间地拉曳,但不一定能把对方拉动

The child tugged at his mother's hand.

haul: 指用力地,往往以机械的力量,拉重物

haul a piano upstairs

tow: 指以绳索等拖动

tow a boat


  • drag in
    • ① 勉强提出(多余的事);勉强插进(讨论中)
    • Whatever we talk about, you drag in stamp collecting.不管我们谈什么,你总是扯到集邮。
  • drag on
    • ① 拖延;拉长;拖得太长
  • drag one's feet [heels]
    • ① 拖着脚走;(故意)拖延,敷衍
    • It's quite clear that the government have been dragging their feet over this bill.很明显的,政府对这个议案是在拖延敷衍。
  • drag out
    • ① 拖出来;(议论、时间等)拉长;把(话)拖长
    • drag out a meeting拖延会议
    • They dragged the discussion out for three hours.他们将讨论拖长到三个小时。
  • drag up
    • ① 提出(话题)
    • ② 【英口】粗心大意地抚养(孩子)
    • These children seem to have been dragged up.这些小孩似乎是胡乱拉拔大的。


  • drawv.
  • haulv.拖曳
  • pullv.拉,拖
  • tugv.用力拉
  • crawl
  • creep
  • dally
  • dawdle
  • delay
  • dilly-dally
  • draft
  • draggle
  • hit
  • inch
  • lag
  • linger
  • loiter
  • poke
  • procrastinate
  • puff
  • tarry
  • tow
  • traction
  • trail
  • train
  • cart
  • drag in
  • drag on
  • drag out
  • dredge
  • drop back
  • drop behind
  • embroil
  • get behind
  • hale
  • hang back
  • retarding force
  • scuff
  • sweep
  • sweep up
  • tangle


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • process
  • physical process
  • phenomenon
  • natural phenomenon
  • physical phenomenon
  • mechanical phenomenon
  • resistance
  • drag
  • retarding force


  • article of clothing
  • aspiration
  • balk
  • baulk
  • breathing in
  • check
  • clothing
  • deterrent
  • habiliment
  • handicap
  • hinderance
  • hindrance
  • impediment
  • inhalation
  • inspiration
  • intake
  • pull
  • pulling
  • resistance
  • tediousness
  • tedium
  • tiresomeness
  • vesture
  • wear
  • wearable


  • sonic barrier
  • sound barrier
  • toke
  • windage


  • smoke




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