

词汇 field


  • field
  • fields
  • fields
  • fielding
  • fielded
  • fielded


  • ①[通常用复数形]1原野2(都市周围的)旷野
    • He went for a walk in the fields.他到原野去散步。
  • ② 田地;田野
    • a wheat field小麦田
    • a field of wheat=a field of turnip芜菁田
    • plow the field犁田,耕地
    • work in the fields在田里工作(参照work on the farm)
  • ③[通常用于复合语](雪、冰等)茫茫的一片→oil field; coalfield; gold field
  • ④ (跑道以内的)运动场;(棒球、足球等的)球场;【棒球】(广义)内、外野;(狭义)外野
    • left [right] field左[右]外野
  • ⑤[通常用于复合语]1(作某种用途的)场地2(矿物的)产地,矿田
    • a circus field马戏场
    • a natural gas field天然气田
  • ⑥ 1战场;竞争场2战役
    • a field of honor战场;决斗场
    • a hard-fought field激战
  • ⑦ (画、旗、货币等的)底;【徽】纹地
  • ⑧ 1范围,领域,界2[the field]实地的活动范围,现场,实地
    • the political field政界
    • He's an expert in the field of psychology.他在心理学的领域是一位专家。
    • He's very well known in his field.在他的领域,他非常有名。
  • ⑨ 1【物理】场2【电】界磁3【电算】栏(发送数据的最小限的字集)
    • a magnetic field磁场
    • the field of force力场
  • ⑩ 【光】(照相机、显微镜、望远镜等的)视界,视域;【视】场
  • ⑪[the field;集合用法]全体比赛者;【赛马】(热门马以外的)所有竞赛马;【猎】参加游猎者;【板球】【棒球】守方;内外野手;(尤指)外野手


  • ① 原野的;野外的
    • field flowers原野的花
  • ② 实地的,现场的
    • a field survey实地勘察[调查]
    • a field study野外研究,实地调查
  • ③ 野战的
    • field soldiers野战兵
  • ④ 【运动】(与径赛相对的)田赛的


  • ① 【板球】【棒球】担任外野手;守备


  • ① 【板球】【棒球】守(外野);接(球)掷回


  • hold the field
    • ① 坚守阵地<against>
  • in the field
    • ① 出征当中,已从军;在战场
    • ② 在参加比赛
    • ③ (不在研究室等而)在实地
    • Ecologists often work in the field.生态学家常在实地工作。
  • keep the field
    • ① 维持阵地;继续作战;继续活动
    • They kept the field under heavy fire.他们在密集的砲火下坚守阵地。
  • lose the field
    • ① 失去阵地;战败
  • play the field
    • ① (赛马时)买所有的冷门马
    • ② 【口】与许多异性交往
  • take the field
    • ① 开始战斗或比赛;出阵


  • battlefieldn.战场
  • coursen.场地
  • courtn.场地
  • departmentn.领域
  • domainn.领域
  • extentn.范围
  • farmlandn.农地
  • meadown.草地
  • pasturen.牧场
  • rangen.范围
  • realmn.领域
  • scopen.范围
  • territoryn.领域
  • area
  • arena
  • bag
  • bailiwick
  • circle
  • orbit
  • province
  • scene
  • subject
  • terrain
  • world
  • airfield
  • athletic field
  • battleground
  • champaign
  • discipline
  • field of battle
  • field of force
  • field of honor
  • field of operation
  • field of operations
  • field of study
  • field of view
  • flying field
  • force field
  • landing field
  • line of business
  • plain
  • playing area
  • playing field
  • sphere
  • study
  • subject area
  • subject field
  • theater
  • theater of operations
  • theatre
  • theatre of operations


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • location
  • region
  • geographical area
  • geographic area
  • geographical region
  • geographic region
  • tract
  • piece of land
  • piece of ground
  • parcel of land
  • parcel
  • field


  • business
  • business enterprise
  • commercial enterprise
  • domain
  • dry land
  • earth
  • environment
  • facility
  • geographic area
  • geographic region
  • geographical area
  • geographical region
  • ground
  • installation
  • knowledge base
  • knowledge domain
  • land
  • parcel
  • parcel of land
  • physical phenomenon
  • piece of ground
  • piece of land
  • region
  • set
  • solid ground
  • terra firma
  • tract
  • visual image
  • visual percept


  • aerodrome
  • airdrome
  • airport
  • airstrip
  • allometry
  • applied science
  • architecture
  • arena
  • arts
  • auxiliary airfield
  • ball field
  • baseball field
  • bibliotics
  • bit field
  • bowling green
  • campus
  • coalfield
  • communication theory
  • communications
  • court
  • curtilage
  • diamond
  • distaff
  • divinity
  • drome
  • electric field
  • engineering
  • engineering science
  • escapology
  • firebreak
  • fireguard
  • flat
  • flight strip
  • flood plain
  • floodplain
  • flux
  • football field
  • front
  • frontier
  • futuristics
  • futurology
  • gasfield
  • genealogy
  • grain field
  • grainfield
  • graphology
  • gravitational field
  • gridiron
  • grounds
  • humanistic discipline
  • humanities
  • kingdom
  • land
  • landing strip
  • lap
  • lawn
  • liberal arts
  • llano
  • magnetic field
  • magnetic flux
  • major
  • microscopic field
  • military science
  • moor
  • moorland
  • numerology
  • occultism
  • oilfield
  • ology
  • operative field
  • paddy
  • paddy field
  • palaestra
  • palestra
  • peneplain
  • peneplane
  • political arena
  • political sphere
  • preserve
  • protology
  • province
  • radiation field
  • realm
  • responsibility
  • rice paddy
  • scalar field
  • scene of action
  • science
  • scientific discipline
  • snowfield
  • steppe
  • strip
  • technology
  • theogony
  • theology
  • tundra
  • yard




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