

词汇 for


/fə(r)], strong form [fɔː(r)//fər/


  • ①[表代理、代替]替,代
    • She went to the meeting for her husband.她替丈夫去开会。
    • Will you do something for me?你肯替我做点事吗?
    • Say hello for me.替我问好。
    • Shall I open the window for you?要我替你开窗吗?
  • ②[表拥护、赞成、支持]为,主张(←→against)
    • Who did you vote for?你投票给谁?
    • Are you for or against abortion?你是赞成还是反对堕胎?
    • She's all for going to the movies.她非常赞成去看电影。
    • I'm for calling it a day.我赞成今天(的工作)到此为止。
    • Three cheers for the winner!为胜利者欢呼三次!
  • ③[表利益、恩惠、适合]给;适于
    • All these presents are for you.所有这些礼物都是给你的。
    • She gave me a watch for my birthday.我生日她送给我一只手表。
    • Save a piece of cake for Alice.留一块蛋糕给爱丽丝。
    • a book for children适合儿童的书
    • a time for action行动的时刻
    • That room is for visitors.那个房间是给访客用的。
    • "What's a thermometer for?"-"It's for measuring temperature."「温度计是做什么用的?」「它是用来量温度的。」
  • ④[表等价、交换、报偿]以;换
    • two points for each correct answer答对一题给二分
    • give blow for blow一击还一击
    • I thanked him for his help.我感谢他的帮助。
    • He was fined for speeding.他因超速被罚款。
    • He exchanged his car for a new one.他将他的汽车换了一部新的。
    • I paid $80 for the radio.我为那台收音机付了八十美元。
    • I bought it for $80.我以八十美元把它买来。
    • These apples are $15 for 10 [10 for $15].这些苹果十个卖十五美元。
  • ⑤[表目的、对象、意向、期待、愿望]为;求
    • an eye for beauty审美的眼光
    • Let's go out for a drink.我们出去喝一杯吧。
    • Let's go for a walk.我们去散步吧。
    • What did you do that for? (=Why did you do that?)你为什么做了那件事?
    • an order for coffee订购咖啡
    • send for a doctor请医生来,延医
    • She asked him for advice.她向他求教。
    • Everyone wishes for success.人人都希望成功。
    • She has a longing for happiness.她盼望幸福。
  • ⑥[表方向、目的地]往,向,到
    • He set out for home.他动身回家。
    • She left for France.她前往法国。
    • The next train for Paris leaves at 5 o'clock.往巴黎的下一班火车五点开。
  • ⑦[表原因、理由]为了,由于
    • He couldn't speak for laughing.他笑得说不出话来。
    • She was arrested for theft.她因偷窃被捕。
    • I fear [am afraid] for him [his safety].我为他[他的安全]担忧。
    • She could hardly sleep last night for thinking of her husband.因为思念丈夫,她昨夜几乎不能入眠。
    • She was angry with him for coming home late.她因他晚回家而生他的气。
    • He was rewarded for his loyalty.他由于忠诚而得到奖赏。
  • ⑧[表敬意]为
    • We are going to hold a farewell party for him.我们将为他饯别。
  • ⑨[表时间、距离]在…期间;…之久(★作此义解时,【口】常略去for)
    • for hours [days, weeks, years]经过几小时[天、周、年]
    • for the last twenty years过去二十年来
    • for all time永久地
    • It rained for days (and days) on end.雨一连下了好几天。
    • He walked (for) about eight miles.他走了大约八英里。
    • The rainy weather lasted (for) the whole time they were on vacation.他们在渡假时,下雨的天气一直持续。
    • I haven't seen her for three months.我有三个月没见到她。
    • The railroad went on for miles and miles.那条铁路延伸好多英里。
    • He didn't stay for a long time [for (very) long].他没有停留很久。
    • The radio station stopped broadcasting for the day.该电台结束当日的播出。
    • That's all for today.今天到此为止。
  • ⑩[表关连]关于
    • for that matter说到那件事,关于那一点
    • So much for his story.他的故事说到此为止。
  • ⑪ 就…而论,鉴于
    • It is cold for September.就九月天而言,这种天气算是冷的。
    • He's tall for his age.就他的年纪来说,他算高了。
  • ⑫ 当作
    • He mistook my brother for me.他把我哥哥[弟弟]错当作我。
    • I know this for a fact.我知道这是事实。
    • He was given up for lost [dead].他被当作失踪[死亡]而被放弃。
  • ⑬[在for one to-V的句型表示不词的主词]要;给,供
    • There's no need for you to go.你不必去。
    • It's necessary for you to continue.你必须继续下去。(★可改写为: It's necessary that you (should) continue.)
    • His idea is for us to go at once.他的主意是要我们马上去。(★可改写为: His idea is that we (should) go at once.)
    • It's time for me to go home.是我该回家的时候了。(★可改写为: It's time I went home.)
    • I stood aside for him to pass.我站开好让他通过。(★可改写为: I stood aside so that he might pass.)
    • Here is some money for you to spend.这里有些钱要给你花。
    • For a boy to talk to his father like that!一个男孩竟那样子跟他父亲说话!


  • ① 因为
    • This was where she spent her vacation, for she had nowhere else to go.这是她度假的地方,因为她没别的地方可去。




He did not come to school on account of illness.


We could not go out because of the bad weather.




的用法,口语通常用because, as等。

ii)for conj.为对等连接词,其所引导的句子可置于句子的后半,有时亦可独立,自成一句:

He stayed at home, for it was raining hard.

=He stayed at home. For it was raining hard.



  • be for it
    • ① 要受处罚;就要挨骂
    • You are for it.你要挨骂了。
  • for all ...
    • ① 尽管
    • for all that尽管如此
    • For all his shortcomings, I respect him.尽管他有缺点,我还是尊敬他。
  • for all I care
    • ① 我才不管
    • It may go to the devil for all I care.我才不管它死活。
  • for all I know
    • ① 或许;就我所知
    • He may be a good man for all I know.他或许人是个好人。
  • for ever
    • ① 永久地,永远(参照forever)
    • ② 一直,老是,不断地(★在【美】拼成forever一个字)
    • She's for ever losing her keys.她老是遗失钥匙。
  • for it
    • ① 应付的手段[方法](★it指笼统的事情)
    • There was nothing for it but to give up.除了放弃以外别无办法。


  • againstprep.反对




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