

词汇 commission


  • commission
  • commissions
  • commissions
  • commissioning
  • commissioned
  • commissioned


  • ① 任官令,委任状;【军】军官任命状
    • get [resign] one's commission受任[辞卸]军官职
    • receive a commission受任军官职
  • ② (职权、任务的)委任;委托;请托,委办
  • ③ 委托代办的事;职权;命令,训令
    • go beyond one's commission越权行事
    • give a painter a commission委托画家(作画)
    • He had [received] a commission to design an office building.他接受委托去设计一栋办公大楼。
  • ④[常作Commission][集合用法]委员会;调查团;考察团
    • a commission of inquiry调查委员会
    • the Atomic Energy Commission原子能委员会
  • ⑤ 1【商】代理(权),代办2佣金;酬劳金
    • He gets commission on top of his basic salary.除了基本薪资之外,他还获得佣金。
    • allow a commission of 6 percent [(a) 6 percent commission] on sales给予所获贷款百分之六的佣金
  • ⑥ 犯(罪);【法律】作为,行为(参照omission)
    • He was charged with the commission of murder.他被控犯杀人罪。


  • ① 委托,授权代办;请托(美术家)制作
    • He was commissioned to do the biography.他受委托去写传记。
    • He commissioned a painter to paint his wife for him.他请画家为他画张他太太的肖像。
    • He commissioned a portrait of himself.他请人替他画像。
  • ② 任命(军官);使(船舰)服役
    • He was commissioned a colonel.他被任命为上校。


authorize: 指授与法律上的权力以便依法处理某事或独自判断妥为行事

The governor is authorized to allow the construction of a new road.

commission: 指为履行某种责任或运行任务而授与必要的权力或地位

The chairman is commissioned to appoint a new member.

license: 是给与某人或某事业合法的许可、执照或资格

The shop is licensed to sell tobacco.


  • in commission
    • ① (人员或官职)受委任的;(军官)现役的;(军舰)服役中,随时待命运行任务的;【口】随时可使用的
    • put a submarine in commission使潜艇服现役
  • on commission
    • ① 【商】受委托;代理
    • have [sell] goods on commission受委托贩卖[代销]商品
  • out of commission
    • ① 退役的;后备的;【口】(坏了)不能使用的
    • When the war was over, many warships were placed out of commission.战争过后,很多战舰即予退役。
    • My watch is out of commission and is running slowly.我的表坏了,走得慢。


  • appointv.指派
  • appointmentn.指派
  • assignv.指派
  • authorizev.授权
  • percentagen.佣金
  • accredit
  • empower
  • enable
  • entitle
  • errand
  • license
  • mission
  • qualify
  • charge
  • commissioning
  • committal
  • committee
  • delegacy
  • delegation
  • deputation
  • direction
  • military commission
  • perpetration


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • organization
  • organisation
  • unit
  • social unit
  • administrative unit
  • administrative body
  • committee
  • commission


  • administrative body
  • administrative unit
  • assignment
  • authorisation
  • authorization
  • bid
  • bidding
  • certificate
  • certification
  • command
  • credential
  • credentials
  • crime
  • criminal offence
  • criminal offense
  • dictation
  • duty assignment
  • empowerment
  • fee
  • law-breaking
  • offence
  • offense
  • operation
  • organisation
  • organization


  • ECOSOC commission
  • Economic and Social Council commission
  • PAC
  • blue ribbon commission
  • blue ribbon committee
  • board
  • conservancy
  • diplomatic mission
  • election commission
  • embassy
  • ethics committee
  • ethics panel
  • fairness commission
  • finance committee
  • fool's errand
  • jury
  • mandate
  • martyr operation
  • misdirection
  • mission impossible
  • panel
  • planning commission
  • politburo
  • political action committee
  • praesidium
  • presidium
  • sacrifice operation
  • select committee
  • standing committee
  • steering committee
  • subcommittee
  • suicide mission
  • vestry
  • zoning commission




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