

词汇 commit


  • commits
  • committing
  • committed
  • committed


  • ① 1委托;交付;移交(保管或处理)(★常用被动式)2发交(议案)于委员
    • The child was committed to the care of his aunt.那个孩子被委交给他的姑妈照顾。
    • He was committed to prison [to a mental hospital].他被监禁了[被精神病院收容]。
    • He committed the whole book to memory.他把整本书背起来。
    • He committed his ideas to writing.他把他的观念写下来。
    • His body was committed to the flames.他的尸体被火化。
  • ② 犯(罪、错等)
    • He has committed a crime [a criminal offence].他犯了罪。
    • commit murder犯杀人罪
    • commit suicide自杀
    • commit an error犯错
  • ③[commit oneself]1承担;承诺;担保;使自己负责任或受约束或受牵连2表明意见或态度3专心倾力以赴
    • I really don't want to commit myself in that affair.我实在不想牵连到那件事。
    • I have committed myself to sitting on the three committees.我已承诺担任三个委员会的委员。
    • She has committed herself to support me.她已答应支持我。
    • I asked him what he thought, but he refused to commit himself.我问他有什么想法,但他拒绝表明。
    • He refused to commit himself on the issue.他拒绝对该问题表明态度。
    • He committed himself to tax reform.他致力于税制改革。
  • ④ 将金钱[资源]专用(于…)<to>
    • The company has committed its entire resources to the project.该公司已将其全部资源用于那项计划。
  • ⑤ 将(军队)投入战斗
    • The commander has committed all his troops to the front.该指挥官已将他所有的部队投入第一线。


commit: 是将某人或某物交给他人妥为保管或照顾

The patient was committed to a state hospital.

entrust: 强调信任对方而将工作或事情委托办理

He entrusted the detective with the investigation of the case.

consign: 为正式用语,指正式委托某人管理或掌管

The governor is consigned with the ownership of the building.

confide: 指信赖亲戚朋友等而将人或事物交托其照料

The family confided their property to their solicitor.


  • carry outvt.运行
  • give overvt.移交
  • performvt.运行
  • put in the custody ofvt.移交…管束
  • bind
  • charge
  • commend
  • confide
  • consign
  • entrust
  • give
  • hand over
  • institutionalize
  • obligate
  • perpetrate
  • pledge
  • pull off
  • relegate
  • send up
  • trust
  • turn over
  • consecrate
  • dedicate
  • devote
  • institutionalise
  • intrust
  • invest
  • place
  • practice
  • pull
  • put
  • send


  • divest




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