

词汇 common


  • common
  • commons
  • common
  • commoner/more common
  • commonest/most common


  • ①[无比较级]共同的;共有的;公用的;共为的;【数】公有的
    • We share a common language.我们有共同的语言。
    • common interests共同利益
    • common ownership共有,共有权
    • Love of money is common to all people.爱钱是人人相同的。
  • ②[无比较级]一般的;公有的,公共[公众]的
    • a common lodging house【英】包住不包吃的公寓
  • ③ 普通的,常见的
    • the common man常人,普通人
    • common honesty普通的诚实
    • a common cold普通的感冒
    • common salt普通盐(食盐)
    • common courtesy普通的礼节
    • an error common among Chinese students中国学生常犯的一个错误
  • ④ 平凡的;粗俗的;粗鄙的,低级的
    • common manners粗鄙的举止
    • She was common and rude.她低俗而粗野。
    • a girl who looks common看起来粗俗的女子
    • a girl with common clothes衣着粗劣的女子
    • a common person鄙俗的人(★「普通的人」为an ordinary person)


  • ①[偶用复数形]1(乡村等的)公用地2共有的牧草地[荒地]
    • They often play cricket on the village common.他们常在乡村的公地上玩板球戏。
  • ② (牧场等的)共同使用权
    • (the) right of common共有权
  • ③[the commons]【古】平民,庶民
  • ④[the Commons]1【英】【加】下议院,下院(=the House of Commons)2[集合用法]下院议员
  • ⑤[用复数形;当单数用]1(大学、修道院等的)客饭,定餐;食物2同餐桌(的伙伴);(大学的)餐厅
    • be put on small commons给予不充足的食物


common: 是(几乎)所有的人或事物为共同的、常见的、普通的;指品质时,则为低劣的

a common saying [singing]

general: 指关连到同类中之全部、广泛的

general welfare

ordinary: 表示与一般事物的标准、品质、习俗相同,平凡而不特殊的

an ordinary tea

universal: 乃是没有例外地适合于普遍广泛的各种场合或个体的

a universal practice among native people


mutual: 指(二者)互相持有某种感情、关心、见解或义务等

mutual esteem [respect] for each other

reciprocal: 指为了回报或酬谢[报复]对方所提供之物、所做的行为、所表明的感情等而给予的

Though I gave him many presents, I had no reciprocal gifts from him.

common: 单指二者或二者以上所共有的

our common goal of mastering English


  • common as muck [dirt]
    • ① (女子等)粗俗的,无教养的
  • in common
    • ① 共有的;共同的
    • We have nothing in common.我们没有任何共同之点。
  • in common with ...
    • ① 与…相同
    • In common with many other companies, we advertise in newspapers and on television.与许多其他公司相同的是,我们在报纸及电视上做广告。
  • out of common
    • ① 不平常的[地];非凡的[地]
    • He is a poet quite out of (the) common.他是个非比寻常的诗人。


  • coarseadj.粗俗的
  • commonplaceadj.普通的
  • frequentadj.常见的
  • normaladj.正常的
  • plainadj.单纯的
  • popularadj.大众的
  • publicadj.公共的
  • simpleadj.单纯的
  • OK
  • acceptable
  • adequate
  • all right
  • average
  • base
  • baseborn
  • commonality
  • commonalty
  • commoner
  • communal
  • conjoint
  • crowd
  • cut-and-dried
  • dclass
  • decent
  • declassed
  • everyday
  • fair
  • fairish
  • familiar
  • formulaic
  • garden
  • garden-variety
  • general
  • generic
  • goodish
  • green
  • hoi polloi
  • humble
  • ignoble
  • indifferent
  • infamous
  • inferior
  • joint
  • low-grade
  • low-quality
  • lowly
  • mass
  • mean
  • mediocre
  • mob
  • moderate
  • mutual
  • notorious
  • ordinary
  • passable
  • pleb
  • plebeian
  • populace
  • regular
  • respectable
  • routine
  • ruck
  • run-of-the-mill
  • satisfactory
  • second-class
  • second-rate
  • shabby
  • standard
  • stock
  • substandard
  • sufficient
  • third estate
  • tidy
  • tolerable
  • typical
  • undistinguished
  • unexceptional
  • universal
  • unremarkable
  • unwashed
  • usual
  • vulgar
  • widespread
  • commons
  • park
  • rough-cut
  • uncouth
  • vernacular


  • exceptionaladj.不平凡的
  • individualadj.个人的
  • outstandingadj.杰出的
  • personaladj.个人的
  • privateadj.私人的
  • rareadj.稀罕的
  • refinedadj.优雅的
  • superioradj.卓绝的
  • uncommonadj.不常见的
  • unusualadj.不平常的


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • location
  • region
  • geographical area
  • geographic area
  • geographical region
  • geographic region
  • tract
  • piece of land
  • piece of ground
  • parcel of land
  • parcel
  • park
  • commons
  • common
  • green


  • parcel
  • parcel of land
  • piece of ground
  • piece of land
  • tract


  • amusement park
  • funfair
  • pleasure ground
  • village green




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