

词汇 head


  • head
  • heads
  • heads
  • heading
  • headed
  • headed


  • ① 头,首,头部
    • He shook his head.他摇头。
    • Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.【谚】宁为鸡首,勿为牛后。
    • He hit [struck] me on the head.他打我的头。
    • My head aches.我头痛。
    • She is a head taller than me [I am].她比我高出一个头。
  • ② 1[通常用复数形;当单数用](掷硬币时)硬币的正面(有人头像的一面)2(雕像等的)头部,头像
  • ③ (复数形作head)1(动物的)头数2一人,一位
    • He has fifty head of cattle.他有五十头牛。
    • $5 a head每人五元
  • ④ 顶端,上部,上;源泉,水源;落差;压力;(树的)顶梢;(草木的)头;穗;(包心菜等的)结球,颗;(书页等的)上部,头;笔头;海角;岬;先端;前端;船首;(床铺等的)头;(酒樽的)盖;(钥匙、针等的)头;(手杖的)头;(电唱机的)唱头
    • You should clean the heads on your tape recorder regularly.你应该定期清洁你的录音机的磁头。
  • ⑤[或[C]]1(啤酒等的)泡沫2【英】牛奶表面的乳脂
    • the head on (a glass of) beer浮在啤酒(杯)上的泡沫
    • There's too little head on this beer.这啤酒上面的泡沫太少了。
    • I like my beer with a good head on it.我喜欢啤酒上面有很多泡沫。
  • ⑥ 项目,题目;(尤指报纸顶端的)(大)标题
  • ⑦ 脑力,头脑,智力,智能,推理力,理智
    • Use your head!用你的头脑!
    • head and heart理智和感情
    • He has a (good) head for figures.他有数学头脑。
    • Two heads are better than one.【谚】三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮。
    • The old man has a wise head.那老人足智多谋。
  • ⑧ 首席,上位;主席;头目;主管;首领;支配者,指挥者;长官;主任;会长;社长;[the Head]【英口】校长
    • Who is the head of this department?谁是这个部门的首长?
  • ⑨ 【口】(宿醉引起的)头痛
    • I have a (morning) head.我宿醉未消。
  • ⑩ 【建】楣石,台石
  • ⑪ 【俚】有毒瘾者
  • ⑫ 【文法】主要词(形容词所修饰的名词等)
  • ⑬ (尤指船上的)厕所


  • ① 在…的前,率先
    • Her name heads the roster.她的名字列在名册的前头。
    • He headed the procession.他走在行列的前头。
    • head a new government领导新政府
  • ② 使(船)朝向;使(向…方)前进
    • He headed the boat south [for the shore].他将小船驶向南方[岸边]。
  • ③ 作(钉、别针等)的头;附以头
  • ④ 附以标题[信件的地址与日期等]
    • He headed the article "An Open Letter to the Prime Minister."他给那篇文章附上「给总理的一封公开信」为标题。
  • ⑤ 【足球】用头顶(球)
    • He headed the ball into the goal.他用头将球顶进球门。


  • ① 朝…方向进行;向前
    • They're heading south.他们向南行。
    • Now we'd better head toward town.现在我们最好往镇上走。
    • Where are you heading?你往哪里去?
  • ② (植物)结成球,长出头<out>
  • ③ (河川)发源<from, in>


  • ① 首席的,首要的(=chief)
    • a head coach首席教练
    • a head cook主厨


  • above a person's head
    • ① 超过某人的理解能力
    • Your lecture was a bit above my head.你的演讲比较奥,我不太了解。
  • above the head of a person
    • ① 超过某人的理解能力
  • at the head of ...
    • ① 居…首位;占…上位;做…首席
    • He stood at the head of his class in English.他的英语为全班之冠。
  • bang [beat, knock, run] one's head against a wall
    • ① 【口】尝试做不可能之事
  • beat a person's head off
    • ① 大败某人
  • bring ... to a head
    • ① 使(事态等)濒临危机,使(事情)到达紧要关头
    • His resignation has brought matters to a head.他的辞职已使事情到达紧要关头。
  • by a head
    • ① 以一头之差
    • The horse won [lost] by a head.那匹马仅以一头之差一险胜[落败]。
  • can make neither head nor tail of ...
    • ① 对…茫无头绪;完全不解…
  • cannot make head or tail of ...
    • ① 对…茫无头绪;完全不解…
    • I can't make head or tail of what he is saying.我完全不懂他所说的话。
  • come to a head
    • ① (脓?)化脓
    • ② (时机)成熟;(事态)濒临危机,陷入危险
  • come under the head of ...
    • ① 归类于…
  • count heads
    • ① 计数(出席者、赞成或反对者等的)头数,清点人数
  • draw to a head
    • ① (时机)成熟;(事态)濒临危机,陷入危险
  • eat one's head off
    • ① 【口】大吃,猛吃;一直吃
  • from head to foot [toe]
    • ① 从头到脚,全身;彻底,完全
    • He was covered with dust from head to foot.他浑身沾满了灰尘。
  • gather head
    • ① (暴风雨等)威力增强
  • get ... out of one's head
    • ① 不再想[相信]…
    • I wish I could get the picture of that awful accident out of my head.但愿我能把那意外事故的可怕情景忘掉。
  • get in into one's head that ...
    • ① 【口】相信;想起,忆起
    • ② 【口】意欲,想要,决心
  • get one's head down
    • ① 【英口】(躺下来)睡一觉
    • ② 【英口】重新坐下来工作
    • I'll have to get my head down in order to finish all this work.为了把所有这些工作做完,我得坐下来好好干。
  • give a horse [person] his head
    • ① 听任马[某人]之自由,让马[某人]随意而为
  • go to a person's head
    • ① (酒)使某人醉;使某人兴奋,使某人激动
  • have ... hanging over one's head
    • ① (讨厌的事)即将临头
    • He has a test hanging over his head.他有一项测验即将临头。
  • have a head on one's shoulders
    • ① 【美】有实际才能和常识
  • have an old head on young shoulders
    • ① 少年老成;年轻而有智能
  • head and shoulders above ...
    • ① 远超过…
    • She is head and shoulders above everyone else at speech-making.她在演说方面远胜他人。
  • head down
    • ① 头部低垂,垂着头
  • head first [foremost]
    • ① 头朝下;不顾前后,冒冒失失
    • He dived into the water head first.他一头潜入水中。
    • He threw himself head first into the battle.他莽撞地加入战斗。
    • Don't rush head first into a decision.不要太匆促地做决定。
  • head of hair
    • ①[a head;通常附有修饰语]一头浓密的头发
    • Alice has a lovely head of hair.爱丽丝有一头美丽的头发。
  • head off
    • ① 使往不同的方向走
    • ② 阻止;防止
    • ③ 向前走
    • ④ 出发
    • It's high time we headed off.正是我们出发的时候了。
  • head on
    • ① 船首(等)向前;直向;迎面
    • The two cars collided head on.那两部车子正面相撞。
  • head over ears in ...
    • ① 深陷于…;沈湎于…
  • head over heels
    • ① 颠倒地,倒栽身子地;慌慌张张地;完全地
    • He fell head over heels into the gully.他一觔斗跌进沟里。
    • The children all tried to come into the door at once, head over heels.孩子们你推我挤想一下涌进屋里。
  • head to head
    • ① 船首(等)向前;直向;迎面
  • heads or tails
    • ① 掷硬币猜正、反面的游戏
    • ② 以此方法解决问题
    • ③ 正面或反面(掷钱币时的用语)
    • play at heads or tails猜正面或反面
  • Heads up!
    • ① 【口】注意!小心!
  • heels over head
    • ① 颠倒地,倒栽身子地;慌慌张张地;完全地
  • hold one's head high
    • ① 趾高气扬;傲慢
  • keep a civil tongue in one's head
    • ① 言语谦恭有礼
  • keep one's head
    • ① 镇定,不慌不忙
    • I managed to keep my head despite the panic all around.尽管四处一片慌乱,我仍力持镇定。
  • keep one's head above ground
    • ① 活着
  • keep one's head above water
    • ① 免于破产;免于负债;保持浮起;避免失败[损害、打击、死亡等]
  • knock a person's head off
    • ① 【俚】轻松地胜过某人
  • lay our [your, their] heads together
    • ① 聚首商洽,交头接耳地商量[密议]
  • lie on the head of ...
    • ① 承担…责任;使…负责
  • lose one's head
    • ① 慌张;迷惑;被斩首;沈迷,热衷<over>
    • She completely lost her head and started crying.她十分慌张,开始哭起来。
    • Don't lose your head in an emergency.遇到紧急情况不要慌乱。
  • make head
    • ① 前进,推进
    • The boat couldn't make head against the current.那条船无法逆流前进。
  • make head against ...
    • ① 成功地抵制;迎面抵抗;向…奋进
  • off [out of] one's head
    • ① 精神错乱
    • go off one's head发疯,发狂
  • on [upon] one's head
    • ① 倒立
    • ② 自己承担责任;落在某人身上[头上]
    • Let it be on my (own) head.这件事由我负责。
  • over a person's head
    • ① 超过某人所能了解的;超过…
    • He talked over the heads of his audience.他的话不能为听众所了解。
    • She was promoted over my head [over the heads of her colleagues].她被升到我[她的同事]之上。
  • over head and ears in ...
    • ① 深陷于…;沈湎于…
    • He's over head and ears in debt.他深陷于债务之中。
    • He was over head and ears in love (with his new girlfriend).他(跟他的女朋友)深深陷入情网。
  • over the head of a person
    • ① 超过某人所能了解的;超过…
  • put ... into [out of] a person's head
    • ① 使某人想起[忘记]某事
  • put our [your, their] heads together
    • ① 聚首商洽,交头接耳地商量[密议]
  • Shut your head!
    • ① 【俚】闭嘴!别作声!
  • take it into one's head that [to-V] ...
    • ① 【口】相信;想起,忆起
    • ② 【口】意欲,想要,决心
    • She took it into her head to study painting.她想要学绘画。
  • take the head
    • ① 先导,领先,领头
  • talk a person's [one's] head off
    • ① 谈得使某人生厌;喋喋不休
    • Why does John always talk his head off? Doesn't he know he bores people?为什么约翰老是喋喋不休?他不知道他令人讨厌吗?
  • the head and front
    • ① 重要点,紧要部分<of>
  • turn a person's head
    • ① (成功等)影响某人的思想;使某人激动,使某人兴;使某人自负
    • Success did not turn his head.成功并没有使他得意忘形。


  • aimv.朝…前进
  • beginv.开始
  • directv.指导
  • go firstv.在前头
  • make forv.走向
  • managev.管理
  • startv.开始
  • steerv.循…前进
  • administer
  • administrate
  • aptitude
  • aptness
  • bean
  • bear
  • bent
  • block
  • boss
  • brain
  • cast
  • chief
  • chieftain
  • climacteric
  • conk
  • crisis
  • crossroad
  • cut off
  • director
  • dome
  • exigence
  • exigency
  • faculty
  • flair
  • foam
  • foreman
  • foreperson
  • forewoman
  • froth
  • genius
  • gift
  • go
  • govern
  • gray matter
  • heading
  • headline
  • headman
  • hierarch
  • honcho
  • instinct
  • intercept
  • juncture
  • knack
  • lather
  • lay
  • leader
  • level
  • make
  • manager
  • master
  • mind
  • noddle
  • noggin
  • noodle
  • nut
  • overseer
  • pass
  • pate
  • point
  • poll
  • principal
  • run
  • set
  • set out
  • spume
  • straw boss
  • strike out
  • suds
  • superintend
  • superintendent
  • supervise
  • supervisor
  • talent
  • taskmaster
  • taskmistress
  • train
  • turn
  • turning point
  • yeast
  • zero hour
  • zero in
  • capitulum
  • caput
  • channelise
  • channelize
  • drumhead
  • forefront
  • foreland
  • fountainhead
  • guide
  • head teacher
  • head up
  • head word
  • header
  • headland
  • headspring
  • headway
  • lead
  • maneuver
  • manoeuver
  • manoeuvre
  • nous
  • oral sex
  • promontory
  • psyche
  • question
  • read/write head
  • school principal
  • straits
  • top dog


  • bottomn.底部
  • endn.
  • footn.
  • tailn.
  • rear


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • thing
  • part
  • piece
  • body part
  • external body part
  • head
  • caput


  • advance
  • anatomical structure
  • bathroom
  • beginning
  • bodily structure
  • body structure
  • can
  • cognition
  • coil
  • complex body part
  • domestic animal
  • domesticated animal
  • drug user
  • educator
  • elevation
  • external body part
  • foam
  • force per unit area
  • forepart
  • formation
  • front
  • front end
  • froth
  • individual
  • john
  • juncture
  • knowledge
  • lav
  • lavatory
  • leader
  • line
  • linear measure
  • linear unit
  • mark
  • membrane
  • natural elevation
  • noesis
  • object
  • obverse
  • occasion
  • origin
  • peak
  • pedagog
  • pedagogue
  • perversion
  • physical object
  • plant organ
  • point
  • pressure
  • pressure level
  • privy
  • progress
  • progression
  • projection
  • root
  • rootage
  • sexual perversion
  • source
  • striker
  • structure
  • subject
  • substance abuser
  • theme
  • tip
  • toilet
  • top
  • topic
  • user
  • word


  • acid head
  • administrator
  • capo
  • chancellor
  • club-head
  • club head
  • clubhead
  • crosshead
  • crossheading
  • cunnilinctus
  • cunnilingus
  • decision maker
  • department head
  • don
  • ego
  • executive
  • father
  • fellatio
  • fellation
  • general
  • general manager
  • golf-club head
  • grand dragon
  • hammerhead
  • hash head
  • head of household
  • headline
  • headmaster
  • headmistress
  • human head
  • lemma
  • master
  • matter of fact
  • matter of law
  • mull
  • newspaper headline
  • noddle
  • pill head
  • pinhead
  • point
  • pothead
  • problem
  • question of fact
  • question of law
  • rubric
  • running head
  • running headline
  • schoolmaster
  • secretary
  • sixty-nine
  • soixante-neuf
  • statute title
  • subconscious
  • subconscious mind
  • subhead
  • subheading
  • superior general
  • tabula rasa
  • title
  • unconscious
  • unconscious mind




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