

词汇 expect


  • expects
  • expecting
  • expected
  • expected


  • ① 预期,期待;盼望
    • Don't expect any sympathy from him.不要期待他同情。
    • We expected the worst.我们本来预期最坏的情形。
    • She was expecting a letter from her boyfriend this morning but it didn't come.她期盼今天早上会收到男朋友寄来的一封信,但却没有来。
    • They are all expecting you.他们都在期待你。
    • The school was not so good as we expected [【文】as was expected].那所学校没有我们所期待的那么好。
    • You expect too much of him –he's only eight years old.你对他期望太多了—他才八岁呢。
    • What more can you expect of [from] her?你对她还能期望什么?
    • As might be expected of a gentleman, he kept his word.像一名绅士应该做的,他遵守了诺言。
    • What time do you expect her home?你预期她何时到家?
    • I expect him back at seven.我期待他七点回来。
    • I didn't expect you back so soon.我没有料到你回来得这么快。
    • We are expecting you in Taipei tomorrow.我们明天在台北期待你来。
    • I expect to be there this evening.我预定今晚到那里。
    • We expect to arrive at the airport at eight.我们预定八点到机场。
    • I'm expecting her to come any minute [moment].我期待她随时会来。
    • You cannot expect him to help you.你不能期望他帮助你。
    • I expect that you will agree.我期望你同意。
  • ② 【口】认为;想
    • I expect (that) you have been to the States.我以为你到过美国。
    • I expect (that) it will rain.我认为会下雨。
    • "Will she agree?"-"I expect so [I don't expect so=I expect not]."「她会同意吗?」「我想是的[我不以为然]。」
  • ③[用进行式]【口】(女人)怀(胎)
    • She's expecting a baby [her second child].她怀孕[第二胎]了。


  • ① 【口】怀孕
    • My wife is expecting again.我太太又有喜了。


expect: 指对于某事的发生怀着确信加以期待,多半用于好的事情,但也可以用于坏的事情

I expect him at five.

anticipate: 指对于某事以喜悦或痛苦的心情加以预期,并考虑对策

I hope for trouble.

hope: 尤指期望所愿见的事情

I hope for his success.

look forward to: 是高兴地期待,为客气的说法

I'm looking forward to seeing you.


作「期待;预期」解时, expect较常用; expect可用【+受+to-V】的句型, anticipate则不可:

Trouble is anticipated.


Trouble is anticipated to occur.



  • expectancyn.[文]期待,预期,期望
  • expectantadj.期待的,盼望的
  • expectationn.预期,期待


  • anticipatevt.预期
  • awaitvt.等待
  • forecastv.预期
  • hopev.期望
  • trustv.期望
  • bargain for
  • count on
  • depend on
  • figure on
  • look for
  • require
  • suppose
  • wait
  • ask
  • bear
  • carry
  • gestate
  • have a bun in the oven
  • look


  • conceive




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